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Possible valuesDescriptionAvailable from
as variable name in the config fileas  environment variable with 
namespace "planta__server__" as prefix{planta_plain, planta_ssl}Connect with or without TLS encryption{true / false}If defaults are not enforced, a client can specify a protocol, host, and port via the route attribute.
ssl.protocolsecure__ssl__protocolTLSv1.2Protocol for Planta backend SSL connection.
ssl.keystore.filesecure__ssl__keystore__fileconfig/keystore.jksKeystore file in jks format. Must contain the client certificates for the servlet. Used for ssl backend connection.
Password to access keystore
ssl.truststore.filesecure__ssl__truststore__fileconfig/truststore.jksTruststore file in jks format. Must contain the public keys of the trust chain up to the CA that issued the certificates in keystore.jks
Password to access truststore
servlet.enforce_request_vectorsecure__servlet__enforce_request_vector{false / true}Default settings for the SSL/TLS enabled connector
servlet.transport_schemesecure__servlet__transport_scheme{http / https}If set to https, an SSL connection is used.


Makes entrypoint for planta secure configurable. 

This setting must match that of the ClientAdapter (secure_server_endpoint parameter).

Default: \PlantaServerAdapter\

S 39.5.35
servlet.connectionsecure__servlet__connectionString : IntegerCombines interface and port, separated by a ':', e.g. your_interface:your_portS 39.5.34
reverse_proxy.authsecure__reverse_proxy__auth{true / false}To allow login using either LDAP or OIDC, this has to be set to true.
reverse_proxy.user_formatsecure__reverse_proxy__user_formatplainThe format of the user header. At the moment the header is transmitted plain.
reverse_proxy.user_headersecure__reverse_proxy__user_header{X-Authenticated-User / X-Forwarded-User}X-Authenticated-User is used for LDAP method and X-Forwarded-User is used for OIDC as header attribute for the user name.
If it is left blank, neither LDAP nor OIDC is activated as login method.



Is used for OIDC as header attribute for the user token.S 39.5.34
bosh.session.min_waitsecure__session__min_waitIntegerDefines how long a polling request may wait. Longer intervals reduce overhead, shorter intervals reduce the time until connection failure will be noticed.
bosh.session.max_waitsecure__session__max_waitIntegerA potential reverse proxy requires a read timeout >= max_wait in order to avoid 504 gateway timeout errors on the client adapter side.

planta.session.keepalivesecure__a__session__keepaliveIntegerShould be the same value for both keepalive and the client
bosh.session.max_inactivitysecure__session__max_inactivityIntegerDefines how long a session remains alive in the absence of web requests.
service.ldap_enabledservice__ldap_enabled{true / false}Enables ldap service to synchronize user of a directory serviceS 39.5.34
service.ldap_useSSLservice__ldap_useSSL{true / false}Enables ssl usage of the ldap service S 39.5.34
ldap_configurationconfig__ldappath to LDAP configuration file
S 39.5.34
S 39.5.34
S 39.5.34
S 39.5.34
Integer 8080

Up to

S 39.5.31

{true / false}Enables authentication using a DirectoryService. A separate configuration is required

Up to

S 39.5.31

{true / false}Enables SSL Protocol for the DirectoryService

Up to

S 39.5.31

path to LDAP configuration file

Up to

S 39.5.31

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