

  • In this module you can
    • create (synchronize) PLANTA project users in PLANTA pulse if they are not yet available in PLANTA pulse or
    • link PLANTA project users to those in PLANTA pulse.


  • In user synchronization, PLANTA project plays the leading role.
  • User synchronization is one of the requirements for the operation of PLANTA Hybrid. However, for the users synchronization itself, settings must be made in the PLANTA project system on the part of the server (in the web.conf). Go to the web.conf and configure the following server parameters for the PLANTA project system which is to communicate with PLANTA pulse :
    • generic_service - must be activated (true)
    • generic_service_interface - must be configured if necessary
    • generic_service_port - must be configured
    • ssl_generic_enable - must be activated (true) if you want to run PLANTA pulse on HTTPS.
    • apikey_auth_filter_generic - must be deactivated (false) because PLANTA pulse does not autenticate itself to web interfaces.
    • After you have configured the parameter you have to restart the server.


  • Activate the Synchronize with PLANTA pulse checkbox in front of the ID for the users which are to be synchronized.
    • Tip: If the checkbox is to be activated for all users, mark all records with CTRL+A, press CTRL+2, activate a checkbox and copy them to all records by pressing CTRL+dragging with the mouse.
  • Save. As a rsult, all marked users are automatically synchronized. 


  • For the users the synchronization of which has run succesfully, the Synchronized checkbox is activated and the corresponding pulse ID is entered in the field of the same name. For users the synchronization of which could not be carried out successfully, the checkbox remains deactivated and the Pulse ID field remains blank. The communication between project and pulse can be viewed by clicking on the Show protocol button, e.g. to identify the reason of incorrect synchronization.
  • If a user is synchronized, the flag cannot be deactivated again. The linkage must first be deleted in the Synchronized Objects module.
  • If a user is created in PLANTA pulse in the course of user synchronization, he/she receives an invitation e-mail by PLANTA pulse in which he/she is asked to define a password.
  • New users are created with "Admin = No" setting in PLANTA pulse.
    • For existing users, the admin setting from PLANTA pulse is retained.


  • Now, only users which contain a verified person are synchronized with PLANTA pulse systems.
  • Users are synchronized/linked initially via their e-mail addresses. Later changes are synchronized via the ID.
    • When linking the existing user, you have to make sure that the e-mail addresses in PLANTA project are written in lower case since in PLANTA pulse the e-mail addresses are written in lower case. 
  • Users the e-mail address of whom is not unique are ignored by the user interface.
  • Users left are not synchronized with PLANTA pulse.
  • If the names or e-mail addresses of synchronized users in PLANTA project change, the data is also adjusted automatically in PLANTA pulse.
  • If you import the user data from your Active Directory, you cannot activate or deactivate the Synchronize with PLANTA pulse checkbox manually.

Module Variants

Only FaultyOnly users the synchronization of which was faulty are displayed.
Only Non-Transferred Only users who have not been synchronized/linked are displayed.
Only TransferredOnly users who have already been synchronized/linked are displayed.