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PLANTA customizer 39.5.20


Version 39.5.20 contains: Database 39.5.20, Server 39.5.33, Client 39.5.32

released on: 09/29/2023

  • Below, release notes on PLANTA project customizing functions are listed. For release notes for the user and interface functions, please refer to the PLANTA project/portfolio and PLANTA link help areas.

  • The functions and bugfixes listed here are mainly contained in the database software component. Functions which stem from the server or client component are explicitly indicated in the column on the right-hand side.

  • Under Releases and Downloads in the Technology/Installation help area, you are provided with a comprehensive overview of the PLANTA project releases with links to their corresponding pages as well as with information on software installation and update for the release you use.

  • Here you can find known and fixed issues.

Press CTRL+B in the program or select the ? → System Information menu item to learn which component versions you use.



DescriptionFrom Server/Client



Adaptive Card Customizer has been implemented. The Adaptive Cards Designer has been embedded here.

RemoveOptimizeJsonColumn migraton packet

S 39.5.33

C 39.5.32


Implementation of a parameterizable call of the PLANTA project native client from other applications via the PLANTA URL protocol. PLANTA currently uses this function, e.g., to call particular functions from the web client.

26698Chart configuration modules can now be found in the Charts panel in the Layout Objects work area.
26606A new DateTimeCategory axis type for aligning the date values with the axis values has been implemented in the Customize Charts.
26637The Customize Charts has been extended by the new "Opportunities" chart type.


In chart tooltips, percentage values can now be displayed using ${point.percentage}%.

C 39.5.32


Trend lines can now be configured in charts.

C 39.5.32


The font size in legends can now be configured in charts.

C 39.5.32



A new axis parameter for charts has been implemented:

  • ShowTodayLine: It serves to determine whether a today line is to be displayed.
  • IsIversed: It determines whether the axis is inverted.


In the Data Points chart customizer module, you can now configure the individual data points of a chart individually.



The font size of the labels in pie charts can now be defined via the new Label size parameter.

C 39.5.32
26669New "Image" column type has been implemented which can be used to, e.g., have avatars displayed.S 39.5.33
26814All time-controlled events are deactivated by default and must be activated if required. Some events are automatically activated if the underlying function is activated. The events must contain the user with which the client session is started in the Parameter field. In PLANTA standard it is PLSYSTEM. 
26739An option for manual execution of time-controlled events via the corresponding buttons in the Time-Controlled Events module has been implemented. 



In the Time Controlled Events module, the events are now sorted by activation status (1st sorting) and by relationship (2nd sorting). Furthermore, the performance of this module with huge amounts of history data has been improved.
26581In the Time-Controlled Events module, a traffic light was implemented which indicates successful or faulty execution.
26580The global Standard date format parameter, which is used to define the required date format in case skins with different date formats or date formats which deviate from the PLANTA standard are used, has been implemented in the Global Settings
26898The 009DSE customizing module for editing the conflicts of the event table 312 has been implemented.


In data fields with column type "Alpha, E-Mail", you can now select all DF behaviors except cc, b, hk, mi, mo.


In the Use module variant of the Modules module you can now assign a module directly to a work area via the Insert context menu command. There is no need to call the special assignment module here.


SetDefaultProjectPicture migration packet for the introduction of default project images in update to DB 39.5.20


MigratePortfolioPictureToImage migration packet for updating the default portfolio images in update to DB 39.5.20

Bug Fixes


DescriptionFrom Server/Client
26619The value range on the DF behavior data field now works correctly again.
26618Since the Python functions are not supported in time-controlled events, the value "Python" can no longer be selected for time-controlled events from the Function type listbox.
26419The module customizing for post-refresher has been removed since the function has been deactivated from DB 39.5.19.
26766Project creation directly after the update now works correctly again. The responsible FixProjectStructureTable migration packet has been made executable.



The RemoveGlobalResRequestSetting and AddUUIDtoProjectStructure migration packets no longer fail in updates from versions < DB 39.5.17.
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