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PLANTA link 39.5.17


Version 39.5.17 contains: Database 39.5.17, Server 39.5.30, Client 39.5.29 

released on: 03/03/2022


  • Below you will find a list of release notes for PLANTA link functions. For release notes for user and and customizing functions, please refer to the PLANTA project/portfolio and PLANTA customizer help areas.
  • The functions and bugfixes listed here are mainly contained in the database software component. Functions which stem from the server or client component are explicitly indicated in the column on the right-hand side.
  • Under Releases and Downloads in the Technology/Installation help area, you are provided with a comprehensive overview of the PLANTA project releases. You will find links there to the corresponding release notes as well as information on how to install and update the software depending on which release you use.

Press CTRL+B in the program or select the ? → System Information menu item to learn which component versions you use.



DescriptionFrom Server/Client

The context sensitive help was adapted to the new PLANTA Online Help.


Web Interfaces which are based on the Standard DELETE Implementation now trigger events when data is deleted.


The Standard return values of the Web interfaces has been changed.


Attributes of a web entity can now be marked as read-only. They can then only be read but not be written.


I-text fields can now be used in web interfaces in read-only mode. The format issued will be a Dictionary with Language code: text, e.g.: {"DE": "Deutscher Text", "EN": "English Text"}


The Create log file & Delete records functions have been moved in the Logging module from the context menu to the header area of the module.


A new web interface in PLANTA link enables read-only access to listbox values.


The customizing version and the active license of the system are now displayed in the web interface via the new /api/version end point.


Error treatment of web interfaces has been improved.

  • If a web interface is deactivated (Active = @N), PLANTA project behaves as if the end point did not exist instead of showing an error message.
  • Web interfaces now have a new request_headers attribute in which the headers of the request are saved as a Dictionary.
  • In web interfaces which are tested in PLANTA project via the Test Web Interface module, the response is now formatted in a more readable manner while answers to other systems are optimized.
  • The Web Entities module cannot be closed as long as it is running as a submodule of Web Configuration.
  • Web interfaces have a generic error treatment function which allows to treat errors which occur in the processing of a request are handled consistently.
  • If the transformation of attributes has failed in a PUT/POST request, an error message which shows the fields that could not be processed will be displayed.
  • If mandatory fields are missing in a PUT/POST request or redundant fields are sent an error message which shows the fields in question will be displayed.


The new ListboxValueToCategoryTransformer transformer for web attributes has been added. Further information

  • The AttendanceTypeToString transformer which has been added in DB 39.5.16 will be removed in this release since it can be replaced by the new transformer.


If one of the interface configurations used for transfer to pulse/Jira has been deleted in hybrid use, a respective error message will now be displayed when the corresponding action is triggered.


In license check, the configurations for fast creation of employee data will no longer be counted for the PLANTA link component.



Changes and improvements have been made to logging:

  • New log-level "Deactivated" for classic and web interfaces has been implemented. In "Deactivated” mode, no log will be written.
  • In the user menu, the Logging Module for Web Interfaces has been replaced by the Requests module which provides an overview of all logged requests. You can open the new Logging module by clicking on the link on the time display in order to have logging records for the request displayed.
  • For the time being, the webservice.log will no longer be written.
  • The Pending Configurations, Completed Configurations PLANTA link administration modules as well as the Requests module in web interfaces filter for the runs of the current month when they are opened for the first time, unlike before when they filtered for runs of the current year.
  • In the Web Interfaces module there is a new  Requests field which shows the number of requests of the corresponding web interface, and a button via which you can consult the logging for this very web interface.



The request records have been extended by new parameters: Remote host and Status code.


The PLANTA pulse and PLANTA-Hybrid Parameters and Jira Parameters modules have been supplemented by the Client URL parameter. This parameter can be configured for storing a particular URL via which PLANTA pulse or Jira can be opened from PLANTA project .


In the Deleted objects modules of the PLANTA pulse and Jira interface, an existing link to the external system can now be removed from project.

25503It is now possible to individualize the Jython class used for web entity processing. In the new Implementation data item, the path to a Jython class is specified which inherits from customizing.weblink.WebEntity. 
It can be used to restrict the data to be retrieved (e.g. a load entity which only shows flagged loads) or establish meta data like relations which do not exist in customizing.


The  Global Settings (link) module has been added, in which global settings can be configured which are relevant for PLANTA link.

The PLANTA pulse and PLANTA-Hybrid Parameters and Jira Parameters modules have been supplemented by the Client URL parameter.


The global link_allow_self_signed_certificates setting has been replaced by the link_enable_ssl_validation setting.

25737The absence import now also imports the first day of the interval.
25306For access to end points in the PLANTA link /api/* namespace, the server now writes into an access Log (LinkWebService.log) in common log format. See also 39.5.30

Olingo library has been included in server binaries to make ODATA services available in PLANTA weblink. See also 39.5.30
22212The interface validators have been complemented by one more (IsInCalender) for checking whether the periods of the resources to be imported lie within the defined calendar.

Bug Fixes


From Server/Client


Data items with "id", "class", "enum", or "const" Python ID can now be used as a URL filter in PLANTA link web interfaces.


The performance of web interfaces has been improved.


An error which caused PLANTA link logging records to be hidden on the last day of the month for which filtering was carried out has been fixed.


Authentication problems in Jira interfaces are now logged correctly.


A problem with special characters in web interface testing has been resolved.


An error in the import of employee master data with leaving date has been fixed.

25225Migration packets no longer fail now if the installed SSL version does not comply with the system requirements. A new TestSSLImport migration packet which runs after migration checks whether the SSL version is compatible.
25769PLANTA link interfaces now check whether the pool tables have a UUID data item.

The Configuration in Read Mode module (MOD009COIS) has been removed. Instead, a completed configuration for viewing will be opened in the Configuration module.

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