Global Settings (Link) MOD009DJ7
- PLANTA link role → Special Functions → Settings
- In the Settings module, global settings can be configured which are relevant for the PLANTA link area.
- Information on the editing and creation of global settings, please refer to the description of the Global Settings module in the PLANTA customizer help area. The module itself provides a general overview of all global settings of the system.
- If "0" is offered for selection as a parameter value and no value is defined for a particular parameter, it behaves as if it was set to "0".
Parameter - name | Parameter - ID | Meaning and values | Default |
Activate SSL validation |
| Configures whether SSL certificates are validated by PLANTA link. Values | 1 |
Hostname for web interfaces | planta_link_hostname | This parameter serves to configure the host name which is to be used by PLANTA link in web interfaces. If the field is not filled, the default host name of the computer is used. |
General Settings (Jira link)
Parameter name | Parameter ID | Meaning and values |
API token |
| API token which is to be used for authentication to Jira. If no API token is configured, you can use your user name and password. For further information on API token creation, please contact the Jira manufacturer Atlassian. |
API URL | jira_api_url | Synchronization between PLANTA project and Jira takes place via the address in the API URL parameter. Must be set in order to be able to use PLANTA project and Jira together. |
Client URL | jira_client_url | The address in the Client URL parameter is used to open Jira from the PLANTA project client. The configuration of the client URL is optional. If the parameter remains empty, the API URL will be used instead. |
Jira Platform | jira_platform | Jira Platform: Jira Server or Jira Cloud. In the parameter, "server" or "cloud" is entered. |
Jira Password | jira_password | For Jira Server, both the user name and the password must be entered For Jira Cloud, only the user name ( The user must possess the following rights in Jira:
Jira user name | jira_username | |
Jira user group | jira_group_name | Name of the Jira user group to which the linked user is to be assigned. By default, users are assigned to jira-software-users. In Jira Cloud, the default group is named jira-software-users-<name of the Jira instance>. You must complete the name in the parameter. |
User Synchronization (Jira link)
- In the User synchronization (Jira link) area you have to specify the UUIDs of the interfaces which are required for using PLANTA project with Jira on the corresponding parameters.
- PLANTA standard interfaces are already specified here by default.
Hybrid Interfaces (Jira link)
- In the Hybrid interfaces (Jira link) area you have to specify the UUIDs of the interfaces which are required for using PLANTA project on the corresponding parameters.
- PLANTA standard interfaces are already specified here by default.
General Settings (pulse)
Parameter - name | Parameter - ID | Meaning and values |
API token |
| API token which is to be used for authentication to PLANTA pulse. If no API token is configured, you can use your user name and password. The API token must be created in PLANTA pulse via API user. |
API URL | pulse_api_url | Synchronization between PLANTA project and PLANTA pulse takes place via the address in the API URL parameter. This address must be set in order to be able to use PLANTA Hybrid. |
Client URL | pulse_client_url | The address in the Client URL parameter is used if PLANTA pulse is opened from the PLANTA project client. The configuration of the client URL is optional. If the parameter remains empty, the API URL will be used instead. |
pulse Password | pulse_password | Login data of the user for PLANTA pulse |
pulse User Name | pulse_username |
Hybrid Interface (pulse)
- In the PLANTA Hybrid (pulse) area you have to specify the UUIDs of the interfaces required for the functioning of this hybrid variant on the corresponding parameters.
- The standard interfaces by PLANTA are stored by default.