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Send Forecast MOD009D2B



  • In case an employee notices upon completion of a task planned for him/her that the effort is higher than planned, he/she has the option to report them to the project manager responsible in the form of a remaining effort forecast.


  • Click on the Send forecast
    button in the header area of the Time Recording module.
  • The Send Forecast module will be opened.
  • Enter the estimated remaining effort in the Forecast field in the line of the required task and save.
  • Click the Send forecast
    button in the project line.
  • The Send Info module is opened, containing an automatically created message.
  • The message contains the following data: sender, actual values of the current week, remaining and forecast values as well as the expected completion date, in case it is filled.
    • The project manager of the project is automatically entered as the recipient.
  • Click on the Send button. The message is automatically sent to the recipient via e-mail.
    • Please take note of the requirements for e-mail dispatch in PLANTA project described in the topic of the Send Info module.

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