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Process Model Templates MOD0099TY



  • PLANTA provides its customers with an option for process model-based project management.
  • Depending on company requirements, different process models can be used and assigned to the planning objects (projects, ideas, proposals, requests).
  • You can use the Process Model Templates module to create and edit process model templates.
    • If a model is changed, this does not affect projects for which the model has already been activated. If you want to use the adjusted process model for a project, you have to reset the model that has been used before and copy the new model.
  • A process model contains several phases, each of which contains process steps.

Module Variants

Object type: Projects, Proposals, IdeasOnly templates for projects, ideas, and proposals are displayed
Object type: RequestsOnly templates for requests are displayed.


  • Several demo process models related to the DIN 69901/1-5 standard are included in the scope of supply of the PLANTA software.
  • The process model data stored in the templates (process model, process phase, process step) is displayed in accordance with the user language. To use the data in different languages, particular customizing adjustments are necessary. In this case, please contact your PLANTA consultant.

Create Process Models


  • Click on the Insert button (if no process model has been created yet) or right-click on the already created process model and select the Insert → Process model context menu command.
  • A blank record will be inserted.
  • Allocate a name for the model in the Process model field.
  • In the Object type field, define for which planning objects the model is to be applied.
  • Here, a comment on the process model can be written.
  • Save.

Assign and Define Phases


  • Right-click on the newly created model and select the Insert → Phase context menu command.
  • Enter the phase name in the field of the same name.
  • In the Comment field, a comment regarding the phase can be entered.
  • Assign further phases.
  • Save.


  • The sequence of phases in this module is defined on the basis of the values in the Sequence field.
  • For each phase you can specify a process rule that is executed when changing to the next phase. You can define process rules in the Process Rules module.
  • Phases of process models which can already be used in projects cannot be deleted. Upon the attempt, a respective message will be displayed which indicates this.

Assign and Define Process Steps


  • There are two types of process steps:
    • Project-specific process steps: These are certain project activities.
    • Submission/Approval process steps: Using these process steps, you can check and approve process steps of each phase.
  • Each phase must contain at least a submission and an approval process step.
  • If a phase contains project specific steps, the Submission and Approval process steps must be the last in this phase.
  • Between these two steps, no project-specific process step should be defined.


  • Right-click on the phase and select the Insert → Process Step context menu command.
  • A blank record is inserted.
  • Fill the Process step name field and possibly the Comment field.
    • Project-specific process steps have to be created first.
    • Submission and approval process steps have to be created last.
    • The sequence of phases in this module is defined on the basis of the values in the Sequence field.
  • For the submission and approval process steps, select the corresponding entry from the listbox in the Class field. These entries are obligatory.
  • Save.


  • Phases which only consist of submission/approval process steps are not permitted!


  • For each process step, you can define what action is to be performed when the Focus task context menu command is selected or when the arrow button next to the process step name in the Process Status module is clicked on. To do so, you have the following options. As the Python IDs of the modules, data areas or data fields must be stored for this task, you must have customising rights and the corresponding modules as well as customising knowledge.
    • Focus the module.
      • For this, enter the Python ID of the required module in the Module field.
    • Focus the module and scroll to a data area.
      • For this, enter the Python ID of the required module in the Module field.
      • Additionally, enter the Python ID of the required data area in the Data area field.
    • Focus the module and set the focus on a certain data field
      • For this, enter the Python ID of the required module in the Module field.
      • Additionally, enter the Python ID of the required data field in the Data field field.
  • If you want a check to be performed for every process step you have to enter the corresponding process rule in the Process rule name field and a rule parameter in the Rule parameters field. You can define process rules in the Process Rules module.
    • The check procedure is not required for process steps that are not performed via the software.
  • In the Process action name field it can be defined what process step actions should be executed when selecting the Execute process step action context menu on the process step in the Process Status module.

Define authorization to delete or insert process steps


  • For each process model, phase, or process step you can define whether a particular process step can be deleted. Here, deletion is only possible if the parameter has been set on all levels.
  • For each process model or phase you can define whether a new individual process step is to be inserted. Here, deletion is only possible if the parameter has been set on both levels.

Define authorization to delete

Define authorization to insert


  • The following table demonstrates four possible settings for the Deletion allowed checkbox.
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
Case 4
Process step 1
Process step 2
Process step 3
  • In case 1, only the deletion of process step 1 is possible.
  • In case 2, deletion is not possible on any level.
  • In case 3, deletion is not possible on any level either.
  • In case 4, however, deletion is possible on all levels.

Approve Process Model


  • A process model can only be used for planning if it has been approved.


  • For the required process model activate the checkbox in the Approved field.
  • Save.
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