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Project Management Administrator


  • Below you will find an explanation of what project management administrator means in the context of PLANTA project and which modules are available for the PM administration role.

Role Function and Tasks


  • Project management administrators are responsible for administrative data collection and maintenance in the project management system.
  • They manage employee data, system-wide project management settings, and templates for project planning.
  • Their tasks include the verification of hours worked recorded by employees and the posting of costs and revenues.

Role Modules


  • Project management administrators have access to all master data editing modules, special project editing modules and monitoring options.
  • The PM administration modules can be accessed using the R41, R60, and R90 demo users.


  • The modules of the planning object can be opened by clicking on a planning object ID.
  • Whether the current user is authorized to change or to only look at planning object data in this module, depends on his/her user rights

Module Tree

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