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Resource Data Sheet MOD0099DT


  • PM Administration → Master Data → Users, Roles, Resources → Resources → Click on the link on the name of the required resource or on the New button to create a new resource → Resource Data Sheet
  • PM Administration → Master Data → Users, Roles, Resources → Persons → Click on the All button if you want all persons to be displayed or click on the respective letter button in case you are looking for a person with a particular name → Expand the tree structure in the period record → Click on the link on the person resource name
  • PM Administration → Master Data → Users, Roles, Resources → Resource Structure → Click on the link on the name of the required resource
  • Resource ManagementInfo and Status ModulesResource Structure (Display) → Click on the name on the link on the name of the required resource


  • In the Resource Data Sheet module, resource data is defined and managed in the form of a data sheet.
  • The resources created here can be scheduled for projects in the Schedule module.


Create Resources


  • Enter the resource ID (e.g. his/her initials) in the Resource ID field in the blank resource data sheet.
  • Enter the resource name in the Resource field.
  • Define further mandatory data:
    • Resource Type
      • A person has to be assigned to resources of the = 1I or 1E resource type (Internal employee and External employee). To do this, select a person from the Person listbox. If you do not fill this field, you will not be able to save.
    • Default cost type
  • Enter a Default cost center so that the access rights for planning objects can be defined.
  • Include the resource in the structure by making a selection in the Parent resource field and allocate a resource structure code which is required for resource access rights control. For further information, please refer to the "Edit Resource Structure" chapter.
  • When you open the module, Start and End period will automatically be preset with today’s date and must be adjusted according to the definition of the resource planning horizon. However, you should only do this at the end of your master data entry. For this purpose, see the following "Resource Periods and Availability" chapter.
  • Save.


  • Additional resource parameters can be added at a later point in time if required.
    • Here you will find a list and description of all resource fields/parameters.
  • Some parameters are already preset with default values which can be changed as desired.
See also: Create and Manage Master Data, Cost and Budget Planning

Resource Periods and Availability


  • In order to enable planning for a resource in PLANTA project, one record per day must be created for it (period record, or simply called period), in which different planning parameters are defined.
  • In PLANTA, period records are automatically generated by defining a planning period (planning horizon) in the Start and End period fields and subsequently saving. You can consult them by clicking on the Show availability button in the Availability module and edit them if you want different settings than those defined in the resource record to apply to individual periods.

Create Periods


  • Fill the Start and End period fields and save.
    • When saving, individual period records of the resource are created for the entire period according to the date specifications which can be viewed and edited via the Availability button in the Availability module.
    • The resource master data values predefined in the Resource Data Sheet module (e.g. Available capacity for periods) are used as default values for the newly created individual period records.


  • PLANTA recommends that you only fill the Start and End period fields once you have defined all resource parameters. Reason: As mentioned above, during the generation of period records some of the default values defined in the Resource Data Sheet are transferred to the individual periods. If you change them after you have already generated the periods, you have to delete the perioods again and create them anew. Alternatively you can apply the Refresh periods function for the entire period you have defined before since changes are not applied to already existing periods.


  • The calendar stored in the Calendar data field is used as a basis for the creation of periods. I.e., days that are defined as non-working days are created in the respective period record with Work = .
  • After period records have been created for the defined period, individual records can be edited/changed in the Availability module if necessary; e.g. if a setting is to apply to individual period records which deviates from the settings in the Resource Data Sheet (e.g. defining bridging days as non-working days, etc.).


  • If a new resource is created but no periods are defined for it at first, a period record with the date of creation of the resource is created in accordance with the entries in the Start period/End period fields which are automatically filled with today’s date when a new resource is created.
  • The Start and End period fields of the resource cannot be changed or filled if no resource calendar has been selected. If you try to change them anyway, a message indicating this will be displayed.
  • If a date which is later than the last date of the selected calendar is entered in the Start period or End period field, the following message is displayed: End period is later than the end of the selected calendar or Start period is earlier than the start of the selected calendar.
  • If the available capacity of the child resource is summarized to the parent resource (Summarize periods parameter), the available capacity of the parent resource is adjusted automatically if changes are made to the periods of the child resource.
  • Outside the planning horizon, resources are calculated based default values from the Resource Data Sheet.
  • The planning horizon range influences the computing time and the space required by the database.

Edit/Refresh Periods


  • After period records have been created for the defined period, individual records can be edited/changed in the Availability module if necessary; e.g. if a setting is to apply to individual period records which deviates from the settings in the Resource Data Sheet (e.g. defining bridging days as non-working days, etc.).
  • If changes are made to resource master data in the Resource Data Sheet afterwards (e.g. Available capacity for periods) or to the calendar assigned to the resource, they are not automatically copied to the existing period records but are only applied to the newly created ones. In order for the changes to have an effect on existing periods as well, the period records must be updated for the required period. For this purpose, see the procedure below.
    • This procedure also applies to the definition of several periods (also initially, not only retroactively) with different planning parameters within a planning horizon of a resource and therefore represents a time saving alternative to the manual change of parameters in the individual period records in the Availability module.

Refresh periods for a particular period

  • Do the following in the Resource Data Sheet module:
    • Change the values of the required parameters.
    • Define the required period in the from and to fields.,
    • Click on the Refresh periods button.
      • As a result, the new parameter values are copied to all period records of the defined period (to be checked by clicking on the Show availability button in the Availability module).
    • Decide whether you want the changed parameter values to apply to all newly created periods, or whether new periods are to be reset to the initial value..


  • A person has a planning horizon from 01/01/2017 to 12/31/2018 and an availability of 8h per day. Periods for the entire planning horizon already exist. The person will work a reduced amount of hours from 07/01/2017 with an availability of 4h a day.
    • Enter 07/01/17 in the from field and 12/31/18 in the to field and save.
    • Click on the Refresh periods button.
      • In doing so, the availability in the (Unit/period) field in the period records from 07/01/17 to 12/31/18 is changed from 8 to 4.


  • When you change the parameter for particular periods, you have to note that there is currently no option for tracking changes.

Delete Periods

Procedure 1: Delete periods for a particular period

  • Adjust the Start period and End period fields or only one of them.
    • As a result, all period records outside the defined period are deleted. See notes under Caution
      • If Start period and/or End period have been changed so that they lie outside the previously defined period, new period records are created when saving.
      • If changes have been made to the resource parameters before, they are applied to the new period records.

Procedure 2: Delete periods completely

  • In order to delete the created periods completely, click on the Delete periods button in the Resource Data Sheet module.


  • Vacation and absence
    • Vacation or/and absence data of the resources which are saved in individual period records are also deleted when the periods are deleted and must be created anew for newly created periods. If you want vacation and absence data to be retained, you have to update periods instead of deleting them and creating them anew. For this purpose, see the Edit periods section
  • Resource planning
    • If there is actual data when the resource periods are deleted, these hours are not deleted.
    • The remaining data is not deleted either, however, this is due to missing periods,
      • for resources with CAP load profile this is done on a day which equates to the calculated start date of the respective task.
      • resources with BLD load profile or without load profile, it is allocated evenly throughout the entire duration of the task.


  • If at the time of deletion, the resource is already planned, and if new periods are created for him/her after deletion, a Replanning must be carried out in order for the planning data to be written from the projects to the period records (DT468) again.

Edit Resource / Change Resource Parameters


  • You can edit the todo item data by entering or changing the relevant todo item parameters in individual fields in the Resource Data Sheet.

Here you will find a list and description of all resource fields/parameters.


  • If particular period relevant resource parameters are changed after period records have already been created, the changes will not be applied automatically to the existing period records. They must therefore be updated. An info message will be displayed upon saving which explicitly points this out to the user. For further information, please refer to the "Resource Periods and Availability” chapter.

Edit Resource Structure

Generate (Change) Resource Structure


  • In the Resource Data Sheet module you can define a parent resource for the required resource (which creates a resource structure), or, if a parent resource already exists, you can change it.

Include resource in the structure

  • Select a required parent resource from the listbox in the Parent resource field.
  • Confirm the displayed message.
  • Save.
  • Set the Resource structure code in accordance with the created structure.
  • The structure or the changes in the structure become visible in the Resource Structure module.

Change resource position

  • If you want to change the structure position of a resource which is already included in the structure, select a new parent resource and confirm the message.
  • Adjust the resource structure code afterwards.


  • When "putting on" child resources
      • the available capacity of the parent resource(s) is adjusted automatically.
      • the utilization of the immediate parent resource is adjusted automatically, that of the upper level parent resource will not be adjusted. In order to ensure an update on all structure levels, you have to unload and subsequently replan all projects in the Replanning (Calculation of all Projects) module.


    • Since in PLANTA project resource structure codes are used to control resource access, access settings for users must be checked and possibly be adjusted when changes are made to resource structure codes.

    Remove Resources from the Structure


    • If the required resource has already been structured, a parent resource is displayed in the Parent resource field.
    • Remove the parent resource from the field.
    • Confirm the displayed message.
    • Save.
    • Adjust the resource structure code afterwards.
    • The changes made to the structure now become visible in the Resource Structure module.


    • When removing a resource from the structure
        • the available capacity of the parent resource(s) is adjusted automatically.
        • the utilization of the immediate parent resource is adjusted automatically, that of the upper level parent resource will not be adjusted. In order to ensure an update on all structure levels, you have to unload and subsequently replan all projects in the Replanning (Calculation of all Projects) module.


      • Since in PLANTA project resource structure codes are used to control resource access, access settings for users must be checked and possibly be adjusted when changes are made to resource structure codes.

      Insert Resource Notes


      • Insert a new note record in the Resource Data Sheet module by using the right mouse button and selecting Insert → Resource note.
      • Enter a note text in the Note field.
      • Create a link to a file in the Linked file field if necessary.
      • Save.


      • The program does not include any word processing facilities comparable to standard programs such as Microsoft Word. However, for certain objects (e.g. project notes, task notes, resource notes), it is possible to enter and manage a text in the continuous text fields.

      Assign Skills


      • Insert a new skill record in the Resource Data Sheet module by using the right mouse button and selecting Insert → Assign skills.
      • Select a skill from the listbox.
      • Enter an evaluation.
      • Save.


      • Skills are created and edited in the Skills module.
      • At an early project stage you often only want to plan skills rather than specific resources or main resources (e.g. 200 hours of consultancy). In such a case, a resource of the same name (e.g. Consultancy) should be created and assigned to the skill of that name. This resource itself should have no availability of its own.



      • Click on the Show absence button in the Resource Data Sheet module. In doing so, you switch to the Absence module in which vacation and absence data of the required resource is displayed.

      Cost and Revenue Resources


      • Cost and revenue resources are resources which are not used for capacity planning but exclusively for cost to task assignments. They can be used to post and assign costs, e.g. material costs, rents, externally supplied items. In the resource assignment, the costs or revenues are entered in the Planned costs/Remaining costs/Actual costs fields and summarized to the respective cost fields of the tasks and of the project.

      The following entries are made in the data fields in the resource data sheet:

      • Conversion factor = 1. The effect of this conversion factor is that the effort entered is multiplied by 1, i.e. it is equal to the costs/revenues. Conversion factor 1 must have been created in the Conversion Factors module.
      • Sum of effort = . The resource effort is not to be summarized to the project They have a different unit (e.g. € instead of h). However, the costs will still be summarized to the project.
      • Empty Start period and End period by clicking on the Delete periods button, so that no period records will be created.
      • Summarize periods and Adjustment by effort =
      • Default load profile, e.g. "S" or "E". They make sure that loading is only carried out at the start or end of the task duration.


      • A separate cost resource (e.g. material, CON contracting out, manufacturing contracting out) can be created for each cost type. It is, however, sufficient to only create one cost resource to which different cost types are assigned upon assignment to tasks.

      Example: one own cost resource per cost type

      MATERIALKC5000 (Material)
      CON-FRKC1200 (Construction other)
      MAN-FRKC3200 (Manufacturing other)

      Example: Several cost types per resource

      FIXCOSTKC5000 (Material)

      KC1200 (Construction other)

      KC3200 (Manufacturing other)

      Delete Resources


      • Resources cannot be deleted in the Resource Data Sheet module. You can find the function for resource deletion in the Resources and Resource Structure modules.

      See also: Create Master Data, Adjust Master Data
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