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Availability MOD009AE5



  • In the Availability module, different planning factors of the resources, like e.g. availability, utilization, absence, are displayed per day (period) and can be viewed or edited depending on the respective factor.
  • All period records from the planning horizon of the resource are displayed, i.e. those which lie between the start and end period.


  • Since the values displayed here stem from the resource planning and the resources can possibly be planned in different projects, PLANTA expressly recommends that you carry out a replanning of all projects in this module before reviewing the planning values to ensure that the values are up-to-date.

Edit values of the planning factors per day (period)


  • If the hours to be worked function is activated (the global Hours to be worked and presence parameter = 3), the Presence column will be displayed, in which the hours to be worked for the selected resource can be defined per period. This planned value is compared to the hours reported by the resource. For more information on the hours to be worked function, see here.
  • When using the Clock-in/Clock-outfunction (global Hours to be worked and presence parameter = 4), the presence of the employee will be saved in the Presence column as soon as he/she has recorded the presence in the course of time recording.

How can I filter by weekdays in the Availability module?

Open the Filter Criteria module via the Extras → Filter Criteria menu items. Expand area 4 Period and enter the required weekday value from 1 to 7 for the Day parameter in the Filter from field, whereas 1 = Monday and 7 = Sunday. Click on the Filter button.

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