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Users MOD003689



  • In this module you can

    • edit the data of already created users, e.g. language, skin, etc.,

    • assign roles to users,

    • define user rights,

    • reset user passwords. 


  • You can create and edit users in the Persons module in the course of the creation of person attributes.

    • To prevent possible data inconsistency, users should not be created independently of persons in the Users module.

  • If PLANTA project is installed with PLANTA demo data, several demo users with standard roles are already available in the program.

In order for employees of a company to be able to work with PLANTA project, they must have been created as persons in the PLANTA system. Three attributes will subsequently be recorded for each person: 

  • User: is required for the login of the respective person to the PLANTA program. Furthermore, all parameters which the respective person requires for program operation are stored on the user (e.g. login data, authorizations, language, etc. as well as user-specific menus with modules and menu items).
  • Stakeholder: is required to compile project teams
  • Person resource: is required for planning the respective person as a resource in projects

Module Variants


Users the corresponding persons of whom have not left the company, i.e. who have no entry in the Leaving date field or the leaving date of whom lies in the future, are displayed.

Users left

Only users the persons of whom have left the company and have an entry in the Leaving date field which does not lie in the future are displayed.

Search Users

  • Using the Search user field you can filter for users the user name or user ID of whom contains the entered search string.

  • You can search for a complete name, a complete user ID, or for parts of a name or user ID.

    • Asterisks (*) in the search string serve as placeholders:

      • An asterisk at the end of a search string finds users the name or user ID of whom starts with the search string: Johan* finds Johanna, Johannes, Johannsen, Johansson, etc.

      • An asterisk at the beginning of a search string finds users the name or user ID of whom end in the search string: *ller finds Müller, Mueller, Miller, etc.

      • An asterisk at the beginning and end of a search string finds users the name or user ID of whom contains the search string: *ndre* finds Andrea, Andreas, Ondrej, etc.

    • A search string without asterisk is treated like a search string with asterisk at the beginning and at the end.


  • By clicking on the All button you will get an overview of all existing users.

Edit Users


  • The core data of the user, e.g. User ID, Name, Start date, etc., is created in the course of the input of person properties in the Persons module. 

  • Further user data or attributes are edited in the Users module by entering or changing the default values in the required fields.

Here you will find a list and description of all user fields/parameters.

Assign Roles to Users

In PLANTA projectroles are grouping units which are used for rights management. A role gives the users to whom it is assigned access to one or more groups of modules and menu items. Such groups are called work areas.

A work area consists of at least one module or menu item, however, usually they are composed of several modules or module panels and/or menu items. There are pure module work areas and pure menu item work areas.  


  • In order for users to be able to work with the PLANTA software, roles must be assigned to them which contain particular modules and menu items in which (or with the help of which) users can record, edit, and delete data. In other words: Role assignment serves to define a working environment for the user.

  • Each user must have at least two roles: One of them controls access to menu items and the other(s) control(s) access to modules.

  • Several roles defined by PLANTA are included in the scope of supply of the PLANTA software. You can modify or adjust them according to individual company requirements, or you can create individual roles in the Roles module.


  • Right-click on the user record of the employee to whom the roles are to be assigned and select Insert → Role.

  • A role record is inserted.

    • Select the required role from the listbox in the Role field and save.

    • Insert another role record and select one of the standard roles for menu items, e.g. 01100192 R39 All MI, from the listbox.

      • The assignment of a menu item role to each user is mandatory. Without such a role, the user cannot start the program. When attempting to log on with a user who has no access to menu items, the following message is displayed: IEmenu_send(): menu items couldn't be fetched. Closing application. (See log file for further information)

  • Save.


  • Certain PLANTA standard roles and menu item roles (currently the management role 01100056 and the menu item role 01100059) are only intended for use with the web client since the modules they contain are adapted to the particularities of the web client. They are marked with the web client parameter. Both regular roles, i.e. roles for use with the desktop client and roles for the web client, can be assigned to a user. Depending on the client via which the user logs on, the respective roles and menu items are loaded in the user menu. 

Define User Rights


  • In addition to the access rights to modules and menu items which are made available to the users via the assignment of roles, further rights which control read, edit, and delete must be defined for users, e.g. projects, portfolios, resources, etc. For this purpose, several parameters are made available in the Users module: Can delete actual postings, Object rights, Customizer, Object access, Resource access

(39.5.18-en) Rights ManagementHere you can find a complete overview of rights control in PLANTA project.

User Passwords


  • If a new user is created, an empty password is automatically created for him/her. For security reasons, the administrator should immediately replace the empty password by a temporary password which the user should then change upon his/her first login. For more information on this subject, see the following chapter. However, PLANTA recommends that you use one of the secure login concepts like single sign-on. 

Create Temporary Password (Reset Password)


  • In PLANTA project, each user can change his/her password via the Extras → Change password menu items at any time.

  • For the first login of the newly created users, or in case that an existing user has forgotten his/her password, a PLANTA project administrator can create temporary passwords using the Reset password function.


  • Click on the Reset password button for the required user in the left window in the Users module.

  • Confirm the Are you really sure? message with Yes

    • If no e-mail address is stored in the module,

      • the newly created temporary password will automatically be sent to this e-mail address.

    • If no e-mail address is stored for the user, 

      • the following query will be displayed: E-mail cannot be sent, reset password anyway?

        • If you want to generate the password without e-mail dispatch, confirm the message with OK.

          • A dialog box with the newly created password is displayed. Write down the password and make it available to the respective user.

          • If you have closed the dialog box by mistake before writing down the password, you have to repeat the entire (reset password) procedure.

        • If you do not want the password to be created without e-mail dispatch, click on the Cancel button.

  • The user receives the temporary password via e-mail or from the administrator and enters it upon his/her next login. He/she must then change the temporary password.


  • If you want passwords be sent via e-mail, you have to make sure that

    • the e-mail addresses of the sending and receiving users are specified on the respective persons in the Persons module.

    • the specified e-mail address is correct. E-mail addresses are not validated in PLANTA project, so if you enter a wrong address, the respective recipient will not receive the e-mail containing the password. The password, however, will be changed regardless.

    • the correct IP address of the smtp server is specified in the SMTP server address parameter in the Global Settings module. In case you use a different port than standard server port 25, you have to specify the port in the SMTP port parameter.

      • If no or no valid IP address is entered, the following message is displayed when trying to reset the password: E-mail cannot be sent, reset password anyway? If the query is confirmed, the new password is created but cannot be sent automatically via e-mail.

Define Startup for Users


  • The administrator can specify for each user which module(s) is/are automatically opened from the assigned roles when this user starts the program or clicks on the Extras → Home menu item.

  • There are two different startup variants:

    • Startup without modification option for the user:

      • The administrator defines a macro for the required user which contains a particular startup module.

    • Startup with modification option for the user:

      • The administrator defines a startup module for each role of the required user and activates it. Subsequently, the user can specify him/herself which of the defined startup modules will be loaded and which not by making particular settings in the Load Startup Module module.

Startup without Modification Option for the User


  • Select the ID of the macro which determines the module which is to be used as a startup module for the user in the Users module in the MOD (startup macro) field. If the user starts the program or if he/she clicks on the Extras → Home menu item, the module defined here is immediately opened automatically.

  • The macros listed here contain the default startup modules defined by PLANTA.

  • To define a different module as startup module, a new startup macro must be created and assigned to the user. This applies to the storage of both PLANTA standard modules and customer-specific modules. 

Define Individual Startup


  • The following example explains how to set up an individual startup macro.

    • The My Planning Objects module is defined as standard startup module for the  Project management role in PLANTA.

    • For a user with project management role, a new macro is to be created which is not to start the My Planning Objects module as startup module but the Check Reported Hours module which is also included in the project management role.

      •  To be able to customize a new macro, the executing user needs access to both the Users, roles, resources administration panel and customizing modules and rights.

 Find the ID of the Check Reported Hours module which you want to define as a startup module

  • To do so, expand the 01100219 Project management role in the  Roles module.

  • Open the assigned work area by clicking on the link on said work area. Now you see all the modules assigned to the work area as well as their IDs.

  • Copy the ID of the Check Reported Hours module to the clipboard.

 Store the module in Global Settings

  • Since the Check Recorded Hours module already exists in the Globala Settings in the PLANTA standard system, there is nothing left to do. For individual modules, please refer to the manual for storing a module ID in the Global Settings. 

   Create a new startup macro

  • In the user menu, expand the Module Customizer entry.

  • Click on the Modules link; the module of the same name opens.

  • Create a new macro module:

    • For this purpose, enter a name in the Module field (e. g. Call up Reported Hours).

    • Select 6 Macro module from the listbox under Class.

    • Save.

  • Switch to the Python Macros module by clicking on the ButtonPythonMakroBearbeiten.png Edit Python macro button.

  • Insert a Python macro with the Python ID which has been stored for the Check Recorded Hours module.

from ppms import ppms_cu
  • Save, then copy the ID of the newly created macro module (in this case, 100000) to the clipboard.

Assign the new startup module to the user

  • Go back to PM Administration → Master Data → Users, Roles, Resources → Users.

  • Enter the number of the newly created  Open time control macro in the  MOD (Startup macro) field in the required user record.

  • Save.

  • Result: When Ralf Schulze logs in again, the Check Reported Hours module is opened automatically.

Startup with Modification Option for the User


  • Step 1:

    • Select the startup modules for the roles of the required user from the listbox in the MOD (Role Startup MOD) field in the Roles module.

    • Save.

  • Step 2:

    • Select the 009A1W Startup of all role modules macro in the MOD (startup macro) field on the record of the required user in the Users module.

    • Activate the Load startup module checkbox for the roles assigned to the user the startup modules of which are to be loaded automatically upon program start.

    • Save.


  • If the user starts the program or clicks on the Extras → Home menu items, all modules defined by the administrator as startup modules and activated via the Load startup module checkbox are opened automatically.

  • The user can change the default settings made by the administrator.

    • Via the Extras → Change startup modules menu item, the user can open the Load Startup Module module and define him/herself whether all role startup modules activated by the administrator are loaded or not by activating/deactivating the Load startup module checkbox. However, without administrator rights, the user cannot change the startup modules assigned to each role by the administrator.

Set/Change the PLANTA User Language


  • In the PLANTA software, the user interface language can be set individually for each user.

  • Which languages are available to your users depends on the languages you have licensed. For further information, please click here.

  • Some texts (e.g. some dialog messages) are not displayed in the PLANTA user's language but in the Windows user's language, These are messages which are stored in the client. They include, e.g., the Export to Excel and Change password dialogs or the connection settings.

  • As long as an I-text has not yet been translated into the required language, the surface remains empty for this language at the respective position.


  • Select the required language for the respective user in the Language field in the Users module.

  • Save.

    • After you have logged in again, the I-text data (modules, data fields etc.) will be displayed in the corresponding language.


  • In PLANTA Standard, "German" is preset for all users by default.


  • It is possible to overwrite the PLANTA user language with the data field language for individual data fields. Therefore, enter the required language in the Language parameter for the required data field in the customizer.

See alsoInformation on Language for Customizers, Information on Language for Users

Control Creation/Editing/Deletion of Module Variants per User


  • In this module, users with customizer rights have the option to enable or disable the creation, editing, and deletion of user-specific module variants for each user via the MV creation User parameter.

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