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DT527 Stakeholder

DI026560 Stakeholder ID

Code (ID) of the stakeholder.

DI034521 Stakeholder

Name of the stakeholder In input mode, a listbox for selection of a stakeholder is displayed on the respective field. If the requested person is not offered for selection in the listbox, a stakeholder assignment is to be inserted for that person in the Persons module.


DI026572 Role

Role of the stakeholder in the project team



  • The listbox values are created and edited in the Listbox Values customizing module.

DI026614 Note

Text field for a note/remark on the stakeholder

DI026615 Modification access

By activating/deactivating the Modification access checkbox, the project manager can allow a project team member to edit the data of a planning object (project / program / proposal) (e.g. as an absence rule).


  • - Team member is allowed to edit project data.

  • - Team member is not allowed to edit project data


  • Learn more about controlling access rights for projects here.


DI026618 Person

ID of the person of the stakeholder. For further information, see the Persons module.

DI026625 E-mail

E-mail address of the stakeholder.. The e-mail address of the stakeholder is stored in the Internal e-mail field in the Persons module and is automatically copied to DI026625 E-mail.

DI026709 Watcher

Parameter that indicates whether the stakeholder is a watcher of a selected project (or in other words, whether the stakeholder concerned has added the project to his/her watchlist).

DI026724 Left on

Date from which the stakeholder is no longer available as a resource for projects and can therefore not be recorded as a stakeholder for projects. The date is automatically copied from the Left on parameter of the respective resource.

DI040611 Left on

Date up to which the respective person was a member (stakeholder) of a project team.

DI066461 Receive resource request journal e-mail

Checkbox which determines whether the user receives e-mails on Resource Planning with Requests/Approvals.


The parameter can be edited in the following modules by users with modification rights:


  • To use e-mail dispatch directly in PLANTA, you have to make sure that
    • the e-mail addresses of all PLANTA persons concerned (sender and recipient) are specified in the E-mail field in the Persons module.
    • the specified e-mail address is correct. E-mail addresses are not validated in PLANTA project, so in case you enter a wrong address, the recipient will not receive the e-mail.
    • the global parameters required for e-mail dispatch are set in the Global Settings module.

DI057611 Category name

Name of the category into which stakeholders can be categorized. In input mode, a listbox for the selection of a category is displayed on the respective field.


  • Core team

  • Supplier

  • Steering board

DI057789 Function

Function of the stakeholder in the company

DI026626 Phone 1

The phone number of the person of the stakeholder. It is automatically copied from person data. You can create and edit phone numbers of the respective persons in the Persons module.


  • The respective data field is hidden by default but the user can unhide it if required.

DI026627 Phone 2

The second (alternative) phone number of the person of the stakeholder. It is automatically copied from person data. You can create and edit phone numbers of the respective persons in the Persons module.


  • The respective data field is hidden by default but the user can unhide it if required.

DI026628 Phone 3

The third (alternative) phone number of the person of the stakeholder. For description, see Phone 2.

DI024647 Full name

Display of the full name (first name and last name) of the stakeholder

DI057789 Function

Field which contains the information from the field of the same name of the stakeholder user.

 DI065506 Scheduled

The parameter shows whether the selected stakeholder is already scheduled as a resource in the project schedule. The checkbox is automatically activated after the corresponding resource has been scheduled and the schedule has been calculated.

DI026562 Created on

Upon creation of a record, the time of creation is automatically entered here.

DI026563 Changed on

When a record is modified, the modification date is automatically entered here.

DI026565 Created by

When a record is created, the ID (code) of the logged-on user is automatically entered in this field. The creating user is also the owner of a record.

DI026566 Changed by

When a record is modified, the ID (code) of the logged-on user is automatically entered in this field.

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