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Check Impact on Department Utilization


  • Simulations enable you to simulate and compare different planning scenarios with respect to dates and resource utilization in the portfolio. In each simulation you can check the impact simulated changes todates, utilization, or capacities would have on the department utilization.

Wo prüft man die Auswirkungen einer Portfoliosimulation?

In the Simulation module of the required portfolio.

Open the portfolio by clicking on the Multi-Portfolio Board link in the user menu of the Portfolio manager role and clicking on the link on the ID of the portfolio in the Portfolios module which will be opened. Subsequently, click on the Simulations module tab and open the required simulation by clicking on its ID.

Wer darf die Portfoliosimulation einsehen?

All users who have access to the Simulations module and have modification rights for portfolios. In PLANTA standard these are managers of the respective portfolio and multi-portfolio managers. For information on user rights, please click here.


  • Check the traffic light fields of the required department in the Department area in the Simulation module.
    • If the traffic light is red, there is an overload in the corresponding department.
    • If the traffic light is green, there is no overload.
  • Click on the Show utilization diagram button in the line of the required department.
    • The Simulation: Utilization module will be opened.
    • By looking at the chart you will be able to tell in which month there will be an overload in the department and which planning objects cause overload. An overload exists if the histogram bars surpass the capacity profile.

Detailed information on utilization in simulation

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