Budget, Costs, and Revenues MOD0099GE
- Multi-Project Management → Reports → Cost Overviews panel → Budget, Costs, and Revenues
- In this module, cost and budget data
- from the current planning (DT461: Cost budget, Total costs, and Total revenues)
- and from the status reports (DT823: Budget, Costs, and Revenues), if they exist, grouped by a particular criterion.
Module Header
The projects displayed in this module are grouped by code. However, it is possible to change the grouping or to have the projects displayed ungrouped.
- In the Group by field you can either change the grouping criterion by making a selection from the listbox, or delete it. After you have clicked on the Use changes button, the projects are either displayed grouped by the selected criterion or they are displayed ungrouped.
- If you change the grouping criterion in another module of the panel which also contains grouping criteria, it automatically takes effect in the current module as well.
- In the Group by field you can either change the grouping criterion by making a selection from the listbox, or delete it. After you have clicked on the Use changes button, the projects are either displayed grouped by the selected criterion or they are displayed ungrouped.
The projects to be displayed in this module can be filtered using object filters.
- If there already is an object filter, it can be selected from the listbox on the Filter field. After clicking on the Apply changes button, only projects which correspond to the filter are displayed.
- You area, can edit existing object filters or create new ones in the Object Filter module which is opened via the Edit filter button.
- If an object filter is selected in one of the modules which use object filters, it automatically takes effect in all other modules with object filters as well.
- Budget, cost, and revenue values of all projects are each displayed in table form at three levels.
- In the sum area (sum level), the sum values of all projects are output.
- The sum values for budget and costs of the project are additionally displayed in the form of pie charts grouped by the selected criterion.
- At group level, the values of the respective group are displayed.
- Here, budget, cost, and revenue values are additionally displayed as Gantt charts.
- At project level (displayed by expanding the hierarchic structure of the respective group), the values of the current planning (DT461) are displayed.
- Along with the project data, the status report data (DT823) (from the reports with Baseline, Active status report, and Previous status report status) of the respective project are offered for comparison.
- In the sum area (sum level), the sum values of all projects are output.
- By clicking on the ID of the required project you can switch to the corresponding Project panel in which you can review or edit the project data depending on your user rights.
By clicking on the link in the Report status field of the required status report, the respective status report will be opened
Status Reportmodule.
- For structured projects, the summarized values of the entire project structure will be displayed.