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Persons and Users


  • This page provides an overview of the recording of core data of the PLANTA software: Persons and Users For additional information on individual functions, please refer to the descriptions of the respective modules which are linked here.
  • All listed modules can be accessed via PM Administration → Master Data → Users, Roles, Resources

In order for employees of a company to be able to work with PLANTA project, they must have been created as persons in the PLANTA system. Three attributes will subsequently be recorded for each person:

  • User: is required for the login of the respective person to the PLANTA program. Furthermore, all parameters which the respective person requires for program operation are stored on the user (e.g. login data, authorizations, language, etc. as well as user-specific menus with modules and menu items).
  • Stakeholder: is required to compile project teams
  • Person resource: is required for planning the respective person as a resource in projects
  • Both persons and their three attributes user, stakeholder, and person resource are initially recorded in the Persons module.
  • In the Users module, user menus are compiled for the users created in the Persons module
    • . For this purpose, so-called roles, in which modules are compiled grouped by work areas, are assigned to the users.
      • The grouping of modules by work area and role is carried out in the Roles and Work Areas module.
    • different parameters like language, skin, etc. are defined.
    • user rights are defined.
  • If you want to plan a person as a resource in projects as well, you have to edit various resource parameters. For detailed information on this subject, please go to Resources.


  • As an alternative to the creation of all required person, user, and resource data in individual modules, PLANTA also provides the Fast Creation of Employee Data module in the Users, Roles, Resources panel in which all required parameters are pooled centrally which facilitates their editing.
  • If you want to change IDs of persons, users, or resources retroactively, you can do so in the Person ID module in which you can change already existing IDs system-wide.

Information on further master data and their creation, see here.

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