Account Settings
The settings in the Account Settings area of the User Settings apply to the account of the currently logged-in user.
Access path
Edit Profile
Menu → User → Account Settings
Here, the name, the username, the initials and the e-mail address can be edited.
The defined initials will be displayed as avatar by default, if no personal avatar has been uploaded.
Notifications are also sent to the e-mail address defined here.
Change Avatar
By uploading a profile picture, the avatar can be personalized.
Click on the Change Avatar option.
Click the Upload Avatar button.
Select a picture.
Click Upload Avatar.
If a user has not uploaded a personal picture, the initials will be shown as avatar by default.
These can be edited in the User Settings → Account Settings → Edit Profile .
Change Password
In this area, the user password can be changed.
Enter the current password.
Enter a new password.
Click Update your password.
Change Language
Menu → User → Account Settings → Change Language
- PLANTA pulse is available in German and in English.
- The language can be changed by clicking Change Language and selecting the desired language.
- Further languages can be requested at PLANTA, if needed.