Projects Tab
In the Projects tab of the Administration panel, projects can be created, managed and deleted.
Access path
Menu → Administration → Projects
Menu Item Projects
Menu → Administration → Projects → Projects
When opening the Projects tab, the Projects menu item is opened by default.
In this area, the individual projects are listed in a table. Here, existing projects can be edited and deleted and new projects can be created.
Via the button above the table, a new project can be created.
Via the checkbox in the upper left of the table, all projects can be selected and deleted, if needed.
In the table, the projects are displayed with the following information:
Project Key
Number of Boards
Number of Board Templates
Added on
Starts on
Due on
By default, the projects are sorted by their creation date, i.e. the newest projects are displayed at the top.
By clicking on the table headers, the table can be sorted by the individual criterion.
The projects can be filtered by entering search terms in the fields of the first row.
Via the buttons and on the right side of the table, projects can be edited or deleted.
When tasks are synchronized from PLANTA project to PLANTA pulse via PLANTA Hybrid, a project corresponding to the project in PLANTA project will automatically be created.
The title of the project is the ID of the project in PLANTA project.
The title of the project in PLANTA project is entered into the description of the project.
Projects can also be created and edited in the Projects panel.
Create New Project
Click the button above the table.
In the pop-up window, enter a title and a project key for the project.
- The project key pattern can be edited in the Administration panel → Projects tab → Project Key.
- If needed, enter a description.
- In the Enable Linking of Boards and Cards listbox, select whether boards and cards can be linked on other boards in this project.
- This listbox is only displayed if the parameter of the same name in the Administration panel has been activated.
- Click Save.
- In the Configure Project Members pop-up window, add the required members to the project.
- By default, the creator of a project is added as project admin.
- If needed, the project admin can be changed.
- In every project, there needs to be at least one project admin.
- After editing the project members, close the pop-up window.
The new project is inserted in the table.
Edit Project
Menu → Administration → Projects → Projects
Click for the required project.
Edit the required information (title, project key, description, dates).
If needed, edit the comment format template (only relevant for PLANTA Hybrid projects).
To do so, enter the placeholders into the text field (see explanation above the text field).
The comment format template can also be edited globally in the Settings tab → Time Recording Settings.
In the field Detailed Description, a more detailed description of the project can be entered and formatted using Markdown. It is displayed in the Projects panel.
Via the Hide Project in Time Recording Panel checkbox, the cards and hours worked of the project can be hidden in the Time Recording panel.
Recording hours worked directly on cards of the project is still possible, but these hours will not be displayed in the Time Recording panel.
The checkbox Enable Linking of Boards and Cards defines whether linking boards and cards will be allowed in the project.
This checkbox is only displayed, if the according checkbox in the Modules menu has been activated before.
The Archived checkbox can be used to archive a project.
Archived projects can be viewed in the Archive.
Click Save.
Configure Project Members
Menu → Administration → Projects → Projects
Click for the required project.
In the pop-up window, add the required members to the groups by clicking .
The project members of a project are added to every new board of the project.
There always needs to be at least one project admin in a project.
Delete Project
Menu → Administration → Projects → Projects
Click for the required project.
In the dialog box, click Delete.
The project is deleted.
All child objects, including boards and board templates of the project, are deleted as well.
When a project is deleted which was created with PLANTA Hybrid, a warning is displayed.
Delete All/Several Projects
Activate the checkbox in the upper left of the table.
All projects are selected.
If needed, individual projects can be deselected by deactivating their checkboxes.
Click Delete Selection.
In the dialog box, click Delete.
The selected projects are deleted.
All child objects, including boards of the project, are deleted as well.
If a project in PLANTA pulse is only to be hidden instead of deleted, so that the related data will be kept, it can also be archived.
Menu Item Project Key
Menu → Administration → Projects → Project Key
In this menu, the regular expression for the project key pattern can be edited.
By default, the regular expression
is defined.The project keys are created automatically when a new project is created, following the pattern
PR + number
and can then be edited within the regular expression.
In the Description of the project key pattern field, a description for the regular expression can be added.
The description is displayed as a help when creating projects.
By clicking Reset, the description for the default regular expression can be inserted again.