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Create Cards


  • There are two different options to create cards in PLANTA pulse:
  1. directly on a board
  2. by converting a note
  • Furthermore, there is the option to create a card with a link to another card or another board.

Create Card Directly on a Board


  • Open board → Select list
  • In the list, click on the in the list header.
  • Alternatively, the button Add Card appears below the last card of the list when the mouse is moved over the list.
  • Enter a card title.
  • Add or press the Enter key.
    • When pressing CTRL + Enter, the new card is saved and the detail view of the card is opened immediately.
  • The new card is now part of the list and can be edited and moved in a certain position within a list or into another list/swimlane of the current board using Drag&Drop.


Create Card by Converting a Note


  • Menu Notes
  • In the window My Notes, select a note to be converted.

    • Click .
    • In the listbox Convert Note into, select the option “Card”.
    • In the other listboxes, select in which board, swimlane (if available) and list the card should be created.
      • If no list exists on the board yet, it needs to be created first.
      • If the user only has the "Comment Only" permission on a board, the board is not included in the listbox.
    • Via the checkbox Open Board/Card after Creation, select whether the new card should be opened directly.
    • Click OK.
    • The note is created as a new card, the note itself is deleted.
    • The title of the note becomes the card title and the description of the note becomes the description of the card.

Link Cards/Boards BETA


  • On a board, cards can be created as links to boards or other cards.


  • To use the linking option, the following needs to be configured:
    • Administration panel → Settings Modules → Activate the checkbox Enable Linking of Boards and Cards
    • Administration panel → ProjectsProjects OR Projects panel → for the project of the board on which you want to link: EditEnable Linking of Boards and CardsYes

Link Card

Procedure 1

  • Open board → Select list
  • Click on the in the list header or on Add Card in the lower area of the list.
  • Click Link.
  • Select the board, (if needed) the swimlane and the list as well as the card and click on Link in the lower left corner.
  • A new card with link to the source card is created.

Procedure 2 (Link card from the Recently Viewed area)

  • Open Board
  • Click on the menu item to open the recently viewed cards.
  • Drag the card onto the open board using Drag & Drop.
  • In the pop-up window, select where to link the card on the board.
  • Click Link to link the card.


  • Cards with links to other cards can be distinguished from normal cards via the {"status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","message":null,"timeStamp":"Thu Mar 13 10:15:59 UTC 2025","trace":null} symbol.
    • Via the symbol, the source card can be opened.
    • On cards with links to other cards, the path of the source card is displayed below the card title in the detail view of the card.
  • In the detail view of a card with link to another card, all data and information of the linked card is displayed.
    • Labels and the card key are exceptions.
    • If a member is assigned to a card with link who was not a member of the board of the source card before, the user will also be added as a member to the source board.

Linked card

{"status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","message":null,"timeStamp":"Thu Mar 13 10:15:59 UTC 2025","trace":null} Note

  • If the source card is archived, the {"status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","message":null,"timeStamp":"Thu Mar 13 10:15:59 UTC 2025","trace":null} symbol and the note This card has been archived. appear in the detail view of the card with link.
  • In order to remove the link, the card with link to another card can be deleted.

Link Board


  • Open board → Select list
  • Click on the in the list header or on Add Card in the lower area of the list.
  • Click Link.
  • Select the board in the listbox and click on Link to the right of the listbox.
  • A new card with link to the source board is created.

{"status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","message":null,"timeStamp":"Thu Mar 13 10:15:59 UTC 2025","trace":null} Details

  • Cards with links to boards can be distinguished from normal cards via the symbol.
    • Via the symbol, the source board can be opened.
    • On cards with links to boards, the symbol {"status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","message":null,"timeStamp":"Thu Mar 13 10:16:00 UTC 2025","trace":null} 2/5 indicates how many cards of the board have already been completed.
    • On cards with links to boards, the board background is also displayed as background of the card.
  • In the detail view of a card with link to a board, the board members and a link to the source board are displayed.
    • Activities which can only be performed by the board admin on the source board (e.g. changing the board date or description) can also only be performed by the board admin on the card with link.
    • Users who are no board admins on the source board can only create/edit checklists and write comments.
    • In the tab area of the card, the information of the card with link is displayed.
  • On the source board, the symbol with the number of links is displayed in the board bar.
    • When clicking on the symbol, information on where the board is linked is displayed.

{"status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","message":null,"timeStamp":"Thu Mar 13 10:15:59 UTC 2025","trace":null} Linked board

{"status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","message":null,"timeStamp":"Thu Mar 13 10:16:00 UTC 2025","trace":null} Note

  • If the source board is archived, the symbol and the note This board been archived. appear in the detail view of the card with link.
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