Functions in the Board Bar
In the upper area of a board, the board bar can be found within the home bar.

Project Title
Via the link on the project title in the board bar, the project can be opened in the Projects panel.
Board Title
By clicking on the board title, the title and the description of a board can be edited.
Furthermore, start and due dates can be added to the board and, if available, the custom fields of the board can be filled.
Open board → Board bar
Click on the board title.
In the dialog box, edit/add the title and/or description of the board.
If needed, select start and due dates in the calendar and click Save.
If needed, edit the custom fields.
Click OK.
The description of a board is displayed on the board card in the Boards panel.
The custom fields of a board are displayed in the board bar once a value is added.
The settings described above can only be configured by board admins.
Favorites Star
A board can be added to the favorites.
- In the board bar, click on or click on the star on a board card in the Boards panel or in the Projects panel.
- When a board has been added to the favorites, the favorites star changes to: .
Favorite boards are displayed in the menu on the left.
In the Boards tab of the Projects panel, they are always displayed at the top in a separate Favorites area.
The number next to the star in the board bar (e.g. 2) indicates how many users have added the board to their favorites.
By clicking on the favorites star again, the board is removed from the favorites.
Visibility Mode
Boards can be defined as Private or Public.
Edit visibility mode
Open board → Board bar
Click Private or Public and select a mode.
A private board is only visible and editable for assigned members.
A public board is visible for every logged-in user in the area Public Boards.
It can only be edited by board members.
Users can join public boards themselves, if needed.
The visibility of boards can only be changed by board admins.
By default, new boards are created as Private boards.
If the option is activated in the board menu, the button Chat is displayed in the board bar.
Board members can then access the board chat via the button.
More information on the board chat
Start and Due Date
By clicking on the board title, start and due dates can be added for the board.
Open board → Board bar
Click on the board title.
In the dialog box, select start and due dates in the calendar and click Save.
Click OK.
The start and due dates of the board are displayed in the board bar.
Custom Fields
Further custom fields can be created for a board.
The fields are created in the Projects panel → Settings tab or in the board menu.
The fields can be edited by clicking the board title.
Once values are entered, the fields are displayed in the board bar.