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Boards Panel


  • In the Boards panel, all Boards of which the currently logged-in user is a member and all public boards are displayed as board cards and sorted by projects.
  • Furthermore, new boards can be created.

Access path


  • When leaving the panel, the scroll position is saved so that next time the panel will reopen in the same position.


My Boards Area


  • In the My Boards area of the Boards panel, all boards ( private and public ) of which the currently logged-in user is a member are displayed.
  • They are displayed grouped into projects .
  • The project titles are displayed on the left and the boards on the right.


  • Boards are displayed board cards in the Boards panel:


  • When a user is invited to a board, a board card with the notification You have been invited to this board. is shown, which can be confirmed with Accept/Decline.

Public Boards Area


  • In this area of the Boards panel, public boards , which the user has not joined yet, are displayed.
  • The boards in this area are not grouped by projects.
    • When a user joins a board, it will then be displayed in the My Boards area with the corresponding project.


Menu Boards → If needed, expand sidebar via


  • In the Boards panel, the sidebar contains the newest activities on all boards of which the user is a member.
    • It contains information on who added
      • new members and
      • new cards or comments.
    • By clicking the card title in an activity, the card can be opened.
    • By default, the sidebar is collapsed. It can be expanded/collapsed by clicking or .
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