Custom Fields
What Are Custom Fields?
Custom fields are fields which can be used to extend PLANTA pulse and adapt it to your own needs.
They can be used to collect further information on projects, boards or cards.
The fields can be created globally, i.e. for the entire system, or for individual projects or individual boards.
Which Custom Fields Are There?
In PLANTA pulse, there are different custom field types available:
Card Color
User Picker
Booking Object from PLANTA project
Field Type | Available on | Details |
Text | Project Boards Cards | Adds a text field. |
Number | Project Boards Cards | Adds a listbox for picking a number. |
Checkbox | Project Boards Cards | Adds a checkbox. |
Date | Project Boards Cards | Adds a calendar listbox. |
Listbox | Project Boards Cards | Adds a listbox with listbox values.
Link | Project Boards Cards | Adds a field for saving a link.
Card Color | Cards | Adds a listbox with color values.
Coloring a card
Coloring a swimlane
Votings | Project Boards Cards | Adds a vote. The members of the object can vote with Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down .
User Picker | Project Boards Cards | Adds a field for selecting a user.
Booking Object from PLANTA project | Cards | Adds a field in which a booking object (task) from PLANTA project can be selected for time recording.
This feature requires at least version 39.5.23 of PLANTA project. |
Where Can I Use Custom Fields?
In PLANTA pulse, we differentiate between two levels when talking about custom fields:
Definition level: Where are the fields defined?
Custom fields can be defined globally, per project or per board.
Usage level: On which objects can the fields be used?
Custom fields can be used on projects, boards and cards.
A field can not be used on several object types at the same time.
In the following sections, the individual levels are described in more detail.
How can I use custom fields for projects? |
How can I create custom fields for projects? | Global:
How can I use custom fields for boards? |
How can I create custom fields for boards? | Global:
How can I use custom fields for cards? |
How can I create custom fields for cards? | Global:
Use Cases
Custom fields can be used for various purposes:
User Picker field for entering the manager of a project
Link field on a board for linking to the external repository
User Picker field on cards for defining different roles, e.g. the developer/tester of a card
Number field on cards for entering the effort or priority of the card
Voting field on cards to vote on dates or to collect feedback on an idea
Text field on a project or board to enter the customer
Card Color field for swimlanes with different priorities, in which the cards are colored green, orange or red
Number field on cards to enter the related issue number
Date field on a project to announce the next meeting
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Create custom fields on projects
Click the at the required position (depending on the required availability).
Enter a title for the new field.
Select the Project option from the Available on listbox.
In the Type listbox, select the desired field type.
Click Save.
Create custom fields on boards
Click the at the required position (depending on the required availability).
Enter a title for the new field.
Select the Board option from the Available on listbox.
In the Type listbox, select the desired field type.
If needed, change the visibility settings.
Display Field in Preview: Defines whether the field is to be displayed on the board card once a value has been entered.
Click Save.
Create custom fields on cards
Click the at the required position (depending on the required availability).
Enter a title for the new field.
Select the Card option from the Available on listbox.
In the Type listbox, select the desired field type.
If needed, change the visibility settings.
Display Field: Defines whether the field is displayed in the detail view of all cards by default.
When deactivated, the field first needs to be added to the card via the card menu.
Display Field in Preview: Defines whether the field is to be displayed on the card preview once a value has been entered.
Click Save.
Custom fields which are created globally are listed in the Administration panel → Settings → Custom Fields.
A field can be edited by clicking on it.
The type of a field cannot be changed after the field has been created.
The fields can be deactivated by clicking the sliders.
Deactivated fields are not available for usage anymore.
Values already filled in are being kept, but not displayed anymore.
By clicking , fields can be deleted.
Deleted fields and all values entered are deleted from all elements.
In the Project
In the Projects panel → Settings → Custom Fields area, all fields available in the project are listed.
Globally defined custom fields are listed in a separate area.
They cannot be edited, but only (de-)activated.
Deactivated fields are not available for usage anymore.
Values already filled in are being kept, but not displayed anymore.
Custom fields which have been created in the project are displayed in the In this Project area.
A field can be edited by clicking on it.
The type of a field cannot be changed after the field has been created.
The fields can be deactivated by clicking the sliders.
Deactivated fields are not available for usage anymore.
Values already filled in are being kept, but not displayed anymore.
By clicking , fields can be deleted.
Deleted fields and all values entered are deleted from all elements.
On the Board
In the board menu → Custom Fields, all fields available on the board are listed.
Global custom fields and fields which were defined in the project are listed together in a separate area.
They cannot be edited, but only (de-)activated.
Deactivated fields are not available for usage anymore.
Values already filled in are being kept, but not displayed anymore.
Custom fields which have been created on the board are displayed in the On this Board area.
A field can be edited by clicking on it.
The type of a field cannot be changed after the field has been created.
The fields can be deactivated by clicking the sliders.
Deactivated fields are not available for usage anymore.
Values already filled in are being kept, but not displayed anymore.
By clicking , fields can be deleted.
Deleted fields and all values entered are deleted from all elements.