Functions in the Board Sidebar
- The sidebar is displayed at the right side of the board and contains:
- Options for filtering/multi-selection of cards and settings for the board view
- The board menu, which can be opened via the ... More menu item and which also opens within the sidebar
- Information on the members, labels and activities of the board
- By default, the sidebar is collapsed. It can be expanded/collapsed by clicking or .
- Via the User Settings → Board Settings , users can configure whether the sidebar should be open or hidden by default.
- The cards of a board can be filtered by the following criteria:
- Search terms
- Labels
- Members
- Status
- Dates
- Open board → Sidebar (if needed, expand via )
- In the sidebar, click Filter Cards.
- Search on Cards
- In the Search on Cards field, enter a search term.
- You can also search for a card key.
- If several terms are entered, cards are displayed which contain all terms in the provided order.
- The following fields are searched:
- Card key
- Title
- Description
- Comments
- Checklists
- File names of attachments
- Custom fields (Text, display text of links)
- The cards which contain the search term (or the card key) are displayed.
- In the Search on Cards field, enter a search term.
- Labels
- Click on the label(s) by which you want to filter.
- Cards to which the selected labels have been assigned are displayed.
- To filter for cards without labels, click Without Label.
- Members
- Without Member
- Cards no members have been assigned to are displayed.
- Me
- Cards the currently logged-in user has been assigned to are displayed.
- You can also filter for own cards by pressing the Q key.
- Assigned to
- By clicking on a member, you can filter for cards to which this member has been assigned.
- Without Member
- Created by
- By clicking on a member, you can filter for cards which have been created by this member.
- Status
- Cards on which the checkbox Completed has not been ("Open") or has already been activated ("Completed") are displayed.
- Due
- Cards with a due date that fits the selection are displayed.
- Start
- Cards with a start date that fits the selection are displayed.
- Updated
- Cards which have been updated in the selected time span are displayed.
- Added on
- Cards which have been added in the selected time span are displayed.
- Filter criteria can be combined.
- When several criteria out of different sections are selected, the cards need to match all criteria.
- When the filter is active, the Clear Filter button is displayed at the bottom of the sidebar, which can be used to clear the current filter criteria.
- Via the Select All Displayed Cards button, the multi-selection can be opened to edit the filtered cards together.
- Via the in the upper left of the sidebar, the standard view of the sidebar can be accessed.
- Filters can be cleared by clicking the X in Filter is on or by pressing the X key.
- Alternatively, a filter can be removed by clicking on the filter itself again.
- Linked boards and cards are not filtered.
Calendar View/Board View
Via Open Board→ Sidebar→ Calendar View, the cards of a board can be displayed in a calendar.
All cards of the board with a start and/or due date are displayed in a monthly view.
In the Calendar View, the current month is displayed by default.
Via the arrows in the upper right, the month or the year can be switched.
When clicking on Today, the current month is displayed again.
When clicking on a card in the calendar, the detail view of the card opens on the left.
Via Board View, the standard board view can be opened again.
More information on the board view
Via the multi-selection, several cards on a board can be edited at once.
It can be used to edit the labels and members of several cards at once.
The selected cards can also be copied, moved, archived or deleted together.
Open board → Sidebar (if needed, expand via )
In the sidebar, click Activate Multi-Selection.
Checkboxes are displayed to the left of the individual cards. Activate those to select the cards.
In the upper area of the sidebar, the labels are displayed. By clicking on the labels, they can be assigned to the selected cards.
If the labels are already assigned to some of the selected cards, a prompt appears to select whether the labels should be assigned to or removed from the cards.
In the middle area, the board members are displayed, which can be assigned to the selected cards by clicking on them.
If the members are already assigned to some of the selected cards, a prompt appears to select whether the members should be assigned to or removed from the cards.
In the lower area of the sidebar, four buttons (Copy/Move/Archive/Delete Selection) are displayed.
Copy/Move Selection
Via the listboxes, select the board, swimlane and list to which the selected cards should be copied or moved.
By default, cards are copied to the current board. When the cards should be copied to another board, select the board in the listbox.
Archive Selection
The selected cards are moved to the archive and can be accessed and restored, if needed, via the board menu → Board Archive.
Delete Selection
When clicking Delete Selection, a dialog box appears informing the user that deleted cards cannot be restored anymore and related data will be deleted as well.
If the selected cards are to be deleted, click Delete.
Via the in the upper left of the sidebar, the standard view of the sidebar can be accessed.
The multi-selection can be deactivated by clicking the X in Multi-Selection is active.
The multi-selection can also be activated by clicking the Select All Cards in List option in the list menu. All cards of the list will already be selected and can be edited using the multi-selection.
Change View
Via the Change View menu item, the User Settings → Board Settings can be opened.
Here, users can, for example, select whether they want to use the compact or the relaxed card view.
Board Menu
Via the menu item ... More in the sidebar, the board menu with further options can be opened.
Here, you can find more information on the functions in the board menu.
In the Members area, all members of the board are displayed with their avatar.
Members with “admin” permission can add members to the board, to which tasks represented by cards can be assigned.
Users can join public boards themselves, if needed.
Members with “admin” permission can remove members from the board.
Members can be assigned to cards from the sidebar via Drag&Drop. More information
When a board was created within a project, the members of the project are added to the board automatically. More information
When a member is added to the board later, they will, however, not automatically become a member of a project permission group.
Furthermore, new members of the project which are added to the project after a board has already been created will not be added to the board automatically, but will have to be added manually, if needed.
Joining a public board
In the Boards panel, in the Public Boards area, click on the board.
If needed, open the sidebar to the right and click Join.
Add Members
Open board → Sidebar (if needed, expand via )
In the sidebar, click on and in the field, enter the name of a user and select it.
The user is added as a member to the board (with avatar) and is notified about the invitation.
The user is notified about the board invitation via the channels they defined in the User Settings → Notification Settings and in both the Boards and the Projects panel in the Pending Board Invitations area (via an “invitation card”).
If the user does not exist in PLANTA pulse yet, enter the e-mail address and click Invite via E-Mail.
The person receives a board invitation via e-mail.
Once the person has registered as a user in PLANTA pulse, he/she can join the board.
Remove Member
Open board → Sidebar (if needed, expand via )
In the sidebar, click on the avatar of the member.
Click Remove from Board.
If the member is really to be removed, click Remove Member in the dialog box.
The member is removed from the board, the avatar of the user is not displayed in the Members area anymore.
The member is also removed from all cards he/she was assigned to on the board.
Leave Board
Open board → Sidebar (if needed, expand via )
In the sidebar, click on the own avatar.
Click Leave Board.
The member is removed from the board, the avatar of the user is not displayed in the Members area anymore.
The member is also removed from all cards he/she was assigned to on the board.
The following options are available when clicking on a member avatar:
Filter Cards
All cards to which the member is assigned are displayed.
Change Permissions
Members with “admin” permission can configure the reading and writing permissions (Admin, Normal, Comment Only) of board members.
Leave Board or Remove from Board
Members can leave a board or members with “admin” permission can remove other members from the board.
The color indicators (green, yellow, grey, red) on the user avatars display the following:
Green: The user is online in PLANTA pulse and active on the board.
Yellow: The user is online in PLANTA pulse but not active on the board.
Grey: The user is offline.
Red: The user has been invited to the board but has not accepted the invitation yet.
The board permissions are displayed with letters at the avatars.
If new members have been added to a board in PLANTA pulse which is synchronized with PLANTA project, they are automatically copied to PLANTA project as well and are automatically assigned to the respective task as resource assignments, provided that
a user exists in PLANTA project which has the same e-mail address as the new board member in PLANTA pulse and
this user exists in PLANTA project as a resource the ID of which equates to that of the user.
In this area, labels are displayed as colored squares and can be assigned to a card via Drag&Drop from the sidebar. More information
Labels can be used to categorize the cards on a board.
By default, six different color labels are displayed.
New labels can be added to the existing six.
You can either add a new color label only, or a color label with text.
Only board admins can create new labels.
You can also add a description to labels which will then be displayed as a tooltip at the label.
That way, the labels of a board can be individualized.
Create new label
Open board → Sidebar (if needed, expand via )
In the sidebar, in the Labels area click on .
To add another color label
Select a color.
The selected color is ticked.
Click Create.
To add a label with text
Add the text in the title field.
If needed, add a description in the corresponding field.
If a description is added, it is displayed as a tooltip at the label.
Select a color.
Click Create.
The new label is added to the Labels area.
Edit an existing label
Open board → Sidebar (if needed, expand via )
In the sidebar, in the Labels area, click on a label.
Select a title, description and/or color.
Click Save.
Delete label
Open board → Sidebar (if needed, expand via )
In the sidebar, in the Labels area, click on a label.
Click Delete.
The label is now not available on the board anymore and is removed from all cards.
The colors which are available for labels can be edited by global admins in the Administration panel.
If the option Allow Custom Board Labels has been activated in the Administration panel, users can create labels with individual colors directly on the boards.
Create new color
Open board → Sidebar (if needed, expand via )
In the Labels area click on .
Click New Color.
Enter a title and a hexcode for the color.
Click Create.
The new label color is created only on the current board.
More information on custom colors
Open board → Sidebar (if needed, expand via )
Board members are informed about all activities on a board, e.g. when
Cards are added, moved, completed or deleted.
Members join or leave.
Comments and hours worked are added to cards.
Via the option Hide System Messages in the User Settings → Board Settings , the user can define which activities should be displayed in the sidebar.