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Board Permissions


  • There are three different board permissions: Admin, Normal and Comment-Only.
Label on the avatar
Members with this permission are called board admins. They can view and edit cards, manage members, change their permissions and change board settings.
Members with this permission can view and edit cards, but they cannot change board settings.
Comment OnlyC
Members with this permission can view cards and write comments.
Show overview of the individual board rights
Comment Only
Change and save board viewX--
Change board designX--
Create custom fieldsX--
Add custom fields to cardsX--
Create iCalendar FeedX--
Copy boardXX-
Export boardX--
Archive boardX--
Delete boardX--
Access board archive and restore elementsXX-
Configure chat channelX--
Hide/Display card keysX--
Manage membersX--
Add members to cardsXX-
Edit labelsX--
Add labels to cardsXX-
Add listsXX-
Copy listXX-
Move lists on boardXX-
Move lists off boardX--
Archive listXX-
Delete listXX-
Edit WIP limitX--
Create cardsXX-
Edit card contentsXX-
Write commentsXXX
Copy cardXX-
Move card on boardXX-
Move card off boardX--
Archive cardXX-
Delete cardXX-


  • The creator of the board receives the "admin" permission for the board automatically.
  • There always needs to be at least one board admin per board. For this reason, the last board admin cannot leave the board without giving the “admin” permission to another board member first.


Change board permission

  • Open board → If needed, expand sidebar via
  • In the sidebar, click on the avatar of the member.
  • Click on the option Change Permission.
  • Select the permission by clicking on the entry in the dialog box.
  • The selected permission is ticked.

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