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Project Permissions


  • There are three different project permissions: Admin, Normal and Comment-Only.
AdminMembers with this permission are called project admins. They can manage the settings of the project, edit project permission groups and create new boards within the project.
NormalMembers with this permission can view the project in their project list, but they cannot perform any changes within the project or create boards.
Comment OnlyMembers with this permission can view the project in their project list, but they cannot perform any changes within the project or create boards.


  • The members of a project and their permissions can be edited in the Members tab of the Projects panel.
  • The permissions of a project member can be edited by adding the member to a project permission group with the according permission.
  • The members of the project will receive the same Board Permissions on the boards.

Project Permission Groups


  • The permissions of the members of a project can be edited by sorting them into project permission groups.
  • By default, three empty project permission groups with the permissions “Admin”, “Normal” and “Comment Only” are displayed when a project is created.
    • If needed, the titles of the groups can be changed by clicking on the title.

Assign members to a project permission group

  • Menu Projects → Select project → Members tab
  • Click on the in the area of a project permission group.
  • Enter the name of a user and click on the avatar of a user.
    • A user can only be assigned to one project permission group within a project.
    • If the user was previously a member of another project permission group, he/she will be removed from it automatically.

Edit permission of a project member

  • Menu Projects → Select project → Members tab
  • Click on the avatar of a member.
  • Select a project permission group to assign the member to another group.

Remove members from a project permission group

  • Menu Projects → Select project → Members tab
  • Click on the avatar of a member.
  • Click Remove Member to remove the member from the project permission group and at the same time from the project.
  • If a member is removed from the project, he/she will not automatically be removed from all the current boards of the project. When new boards are created within the project, the user will, however, not become a member of these boards anymore.

Edit project permission group

  • Menu Projects → Select project → Members tab
  • Click on the title of a project permission group.
  • Edit the title.
  • Click Save.
  • Or click Delete to delete the project permission group.


  • When a new board is now created within the project, the members of the project permission group will automatically be added as board members.
    • The members of the project will receive the same board permissions on the boards.
    • When a user is added to a board within the project later, he/she will, however, not automatically become a member of a project permission group.
    • Furthermore, new members of the project which are added to a project permission group after a board has already been created will not be added to the board automatically, but will have to be added manually, if needed.


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