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Highlight Recently Modified Cards


  • With the option Highlight Recently Modified Cards, a user can receive notifications directly within the system about changes on cards since he/she last visited a board.
  • When the option is activated and another user performs changes on a card, the board and the card as well as the activities in the sidebar will be highlighted.
    • They will also be highlighted if a user performs changes on a board while the currently logged-in user is also on this board.
    • Changes will only be highlighted on boards of which the user is a member.


  • For this option, the time of the last board visit is saved and new changes are collected from this moment on.
  • The user can open the board and look at the changes. When leaving the board, all highlightings will be deleted and new activities will be collected again from this moment on.
  • When the option is activated, the additional option Show Number of Recently Modified Cards appears.
  • Furthermore, the button Mark all elements as read appears.
    • When clicking the button, the time stamps of the last visits will be reset and all highlightings will be removed. New changes will be collected again from this moment on.


  • Georg Hart has activated the option Highlight Recently Modified Cards.
  • Kate Simpson now creates a new card on a board of which Georg Hart is also a member.
  • In the Boards panel and the Projects panel, Georg Hart now sees a red highlight on the board:

  • When Georg Hart opens the board, he can see a highlight on the new card:

  • When Georg Hart opens the card, the highlight on the card is removed.
  • In the sidebar, new activities are displayed in a separate section:

  • When Georg Hart leaves the board, all highlights are removed.


  • Open the Board Settings via menu User or User MenuUser Settings.
  • Activate the option Highlight Recently Modified Cards.
    • If needed, activate the option Show Number of Recently Modified Cards as well.
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