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FAQ Technology

How to find out which release is used?

Check the server, client and database version. To do so,

  • start the client and log-on.
  • CTRL + B. The System Information module will be opened.
  • The Database version field shows the release specification for your database. In the Client and Server fields, the 5-digit changeset numbers are specified. To find out to which version these changesets belong, consult the Release Notes table.

What to do when a new Java version is installed on the server on which the PLANTA Server runs?

From version PLANTA Server 39.5.19, no further action is required here since the PLANTA Server runs on its own Zulu-Java version, regardless of the version installed on the server.

In older PLANTA Servers, the PLANTA service must be uninstalled once and then be reinstalled. To do so, please stop the service first via scripts in the <server directory>/yajsw/bat directory (Caution: This will terminate ALL existing sessions!), then uninstall, reinstall, and subsequently restart the server.
In 39.5.18 releases, you should only adjust the JAVA_VERSION variable in the <PLANTA Server directory>/launch.bat file accordingly if you want to switch to a new Java release (e.g. from Java 1.7 to 1.8).

What do these ... no version information available (required by ./planta_server) messages mean that are displayed when PLANTA project is started?

If you receive the following or a similar message when starting PLANTA, this indicates that you are using the SAP libs delivered by PLANTA. In case you do not use SAP-RFC interfaces, inoperable surrogate libraries that mask possibly installed original libraries are included in the current server packet. If you do not use an RFC interface (BAPI), this message is not relevant.

./planta_server: ./ no version information available (required by ./planta_server)

./planta_server: ./ no version information available (required by ./planta_server)

When you use the RFC-functionality (BAPI), please read the following notes:

Upon starting, the error message Internal error: The handshake failed due to an unexpected packet format. is displayed. What does this mean?

If this error message is displayed when starting the client, encryption is activated for the client (encrypted = yes), while the server is not.


When starting the service or program, the The service "XXX" on "YYY" could not be started. error message is displayed. …

On Windows servers, a current version of the x86 Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 runtime environment is required. If it is not installed, the following error message is displayed:

Upon starting, the Fatal Error: The type initializer... What does this mean?

If you see the below error message when starting the client, the correct .Net version is not installed. It is one of the requirements for the operation of PLANTA project. Further Requirements


When trying to export to Excel, the Public member 'ListObjects' on type 'Worksheet' not found. error message is displayed. Why is that?

If you see the below error message when trying to export to Excel, this means that the installed Office version is not supported. System requirements for PLANTA project can be found here.


How can I generate an unencrypted password from an encrypted hash-password?

For information on this subject please refer to the description of the Users administration module here...

What's the best way to import or export a database?

For further information, see Database Export/Import

Why is the login of a user rejected?

There are two possible reasons for this: You have either exceeded the absolute or the user-specific login limit of a system.


  • Absolute limit: Only a limited number of sessions can connect to the server at the same time. The maximum number can be set via the parallel_sessions parameter in the globals.conf. If you exceed this number and try to start a new client, the following message is displayed and the client is closed again: The new session is denied since the maximum number of simultaneously opened sessions has been reached. For further information on this, see:
  • User-specific limit: Via the Parallel sessions parameter in the Users module you can set the number of clients to which each user can connect simultaneously. If you exceed this number and try to start a new client, the following message is displayed and the client is closed again: The maximum number of opened sessions has already been reached. Before logging in again, the available clients of this user must be closed. For further information on this, see:

What does the java.lang:OutOfMemoryError: … message mean?

There is not enough storage available for the PLANTA software. You can check and adjust the amount of storage available to the PLANTA software:

  • in the /yajsw/conf/common.conf configuration file in the following parameters:
    • = yy
    • = xx
  • in the /config/globals.conf file in the following parameters (they define the storage available as long as they are not commented out):
#memory limits - activate by uncommenting "memory_limit.max_size"; all sizes are in MiB
#mem_limit.max_size = 8192
#mem_limit.session = 512
#mem_limit.calculation = 256
#mem_limit.module = 256
#mem_limit.recalculation = 2048

See also: Server Parameters

What do the ORA-17410: No more data to read from socket or ORA-08102: index Key not found messages mean?

These error messages indicate that the Oracle patch 20830993 specified in the System Requirements is not installed for version 12.1. If it does not work, the DT412_DATAITEM_ENABLED index can also be changed to a NON-UNIQUE index to work around this error.

What does the "WARN session=global c.m.v.a.ThreadPoolAsynchronousRunner -... message mean?$DeadlockDetector@42f4d2d8 -- APPARENT DEADLOCK!!! Creating emergency threads for unassigned pending tasks!"
This alert indicates that the establishment of a connection to the database takes too long. This can be caused on Linux systems by an empty entropy pool, which can be resolved by launching mgd or by linking /dev/random auf /dev/urandom.

What does the "Caused by: com.mchange.v2.resourcepool.TimeoutException:... message mean?

...A client timed out while waiting to acquire a resource from com.mchange.v2.resourcepool.BasicResourcePool @77e2a6e2 -- timeout at awaitAvailable()"
Reason: see the description of the previous message

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