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Installation/Update via PLANTA Installer


  • The following instruction describes the server and database installation / update via PLANTA Installer.

  • In the "Installation/Update Parameters" chapter, the information relevant for you is provided in the tab which corresponds to your target release.


  • The download files for current releases are made available on the PLANTA Transfer Server

  • In installation, please also observe the Releases and Downloads applicable to your target release from time to time.

  • For an overview of the installation process, please click here. For an overview of the update process, please click here.


  • In order to carry out the following administrative tasks, a profound knowledge of the corresponding subject areas are required.


The installer provides the following functionalities:

  • Reinstallation

    • It contains the installation of all three components: PLANTA Database (PLANTA standard) and PLANTA Server

  • Update (refresh)

    • of individual components or

    • of all three components at once

    • The database or server update by installer is only a part of the respective update process. For a description of the complete update process of the respective component, see the following topics:

  • Installation/update on a Windows or Linux system

  • Installation/update either graphically or via console

  • During installation/update, a service which equates to the server process is installed. The name of the service can be specified in the name of the PLANTA Server service parameter during installation/update. Further information on the PLANTA Server service.

  • Furthermore, the monitoring component can be installed, enabling the monitoring and analysis of the running server.


  • If the installation/update by installer is not finished correctly, this may result in incorrect or invalid data.


The following requirements must be met:

  • All requirements described in the System Requirements topic must be met, including the PLANTA project user rights for Oracle databases described in there.

  • On Linux systems, rsync must be available.

  • An Oracle or MSSQL database must be available.

  • The executing user must have a profound knowledge of the required fields and be logged on to the server as administrator (Windows) or root (Linux). On Windows, the installation can also be started by using the Run as administrator context menu.


  • The components licensed by the customer and their volumes must be specified in the license.conf configuration file and stored on the server. This step is mandatory from Server 39.5.29.

  • If a customer-specific license file is stored, the server accesses the file stored by default by PLANTA with standard values which probably fall far below the volume licensed by the customer.

  • For more information, please contact your PLANTA consultant.

Procedure for Installation/Update

There are two installation modes: graphical GUI installation and automated console installation. Both options are available for both Windows and Linux.

Installation/Update via Graphical GUI Surface


  • Run the install_planta.bat script (on Windows systems) or script (on Linux systems).

  • First choose the installation type (first installation or update).

    • First installation of Release 39.5

    • Update of an existing system

  • Select the components you wish to install (database and/or server).

  • Then, select the respective parameters for the database and/or server installation. Further information on the parameters can be found in the Installation/Update Parameters section.

  • Subsequently, the installer will copy the files to your system and run several scripts in order to configure your system.

    • Please be patient. This step may take some time depending on your system performance.

  • Afterwards, the components you have selected will be ready for use.

  • The path specification is OS specific (Windows/Linux).

Installation/Update via Console

Installation / update via console allows for an installation / update without graphical surface.


  • For console installation / update, the /install/ file (for Windows systems) or /install/ file (for Linux systems) which contains the installation parameters is required.

  • This file is located in the default directory of the installer.

    • In the templates directory, there are also various property files for different, typical installation types (e.g. reinstallation including the creation of a new database user, reinstallation on an existing database user, migration from an existing Venus-on-Earth system to Venus, installation of a new hotfix in an existing Venus system, etc.). The suitable properties file can now be copied to the main directory of the installer (i.e. overwriting the existing file), depending on the desired installation type.

  • Edit this file now to set the parameters for your installation/update. For further information on the parameters, please refer to the Installation/Update Parameters section.

  • An update can take some time (especially in the [ Processing package: (x/y) ] step). Please do not cancel the process at this point!

  • In order to define whether a particular component is to be installed/updated in the first place, please set the db.install, server.install, monitoring.install and regtests.install parameters to "yes" or "no".

  • Please note that under Windows, paths are not separated by a simple but by a double backslash.

    • E.g. C:\\planta\\server instead of C:\planta\server

  • Run the install_planta_with_template.bat (on Windows systems) or (on Linux systems).

  • Please wait now, while the installer automatically copies files to your system and runs scripts.

    • Please be patient. This step may take some time depending on your system performance.

  • Afterwards, the components you have selected will be ready for use.


  • In console installation, only the /install/ and /install/ files may be configured.

  • All files under /scripts, especially scripts/ and scripts/ must NOT be changed.

Installation/Update Parameters


Parameters from Release 39.5.32


Name in properties files

Used for component

Possible values


Installation type


Server, Database

"new", "update"

Specifies whether a reinstallation or an update of an existing system is to be carried out.

  • Reinstallation implies an installation of 39.5 (database and/or server).

Update type


Server, Database

"venus" (Update from 39.5.x to 39.5.y)

In update, it specifies the type of the system to be updated.

  • From Server version 39.5.30, only updates from Venus to Venus are supported.

DB log directory


Server, Database

A directory in which log files with information on installation and update are saved.

  • You must have write authorization on this directory.

  • Please make sure that you do not use any single backslashes in the path names in installation/update via console under Windows.

Start server after installation?


Server, Database

"yes", "no"

Specifies whether the server is to be restarted automatically after successful installation.

  • It may take several minutes until the server has been restarted completely and accepts the client connection.|

How to install a database?



"existing" (using an existing database user), "new" (creating a new database user)

Specifies whether a new user is to be created for the database or whether an already existing one is to be used.

  • This parameter is relevant if a new database is to be installed. It is ignored when updating an existing database.

Database type


database, server

"Oracle", "MSSQL"

Database type

Database license


server, monitoring, database

e.g. "200"

Your license number allocated by PLANTA.

License file



Complete path to a license file (license.config)

License file created by PLANTA which contains information on the number of records you are allowed to create per licensed table.

  • If this parameter remains empty, the installer will try to use an available license file from the existing server version (only in update installations).

  • Without license file you can only create a very limited number of projects, tasks, etc. (as in demo systems).

  • Do not make any changes to the license file! The file is signed, which means that the server will reject this file if any changes have been made to it and will start as if there was no license file at all. In such a case, please contact PLANTA to get a new version.

  • The file can be exchanged manually by copying it to the config directory and restarting the server.

Database server


server, monitoring, database

e.g. "srvPLANTA", ""

Name or IP address of the server on which the database is running.

Database port


server, monitoring, database

e.g. "1521" (Oracle), "1433" (MSSQL)

Port to the database.
The Oracle port is 1521 and the MSSQL port is 1433 by default |

  • If you use an MSSQL database with named instance, this instance comes with its own port number by default, which has to be specified here.

Database name

server, monitoring, database

The SID in Oracle, the database name in MSSQL.

  • Upon reinstalling with a new user in MSSQL, this is the name of the new database. When using an existing user, it is the name of an already existing database.
    In Oracle, on the other hand, there is always an existing database specified, for which a new user is only created if necessary.

Oracle Tablespace



Specifies to which oracle table space a new database user is to be assigned.

  • This parameter is only relevant for reinstallations on an Oracle database during which a new user is to be created. For all other installation scenarios (update installation / reinstallation with MSSQL database / reinstallation with an already existing user), the parameter can be ignored.

MSSQL server uses named instance


server, monitoring, database

"yes", "no"

Specifies for MSSQL databases whether to connect to a named instance or to the default instance.

  • This parameter is only relevant for MSSQL databases. Can be ignored for Oracle databases.

Database instance


server, monitoring, database

Name of the MSSQL instance to which to connect.

  • This parameter is only relevant for MSSQL databases that use named instances. Can be ignored in Oracle databases, as well as MSSQL databases using default instances.

Database user


server, monitoring, database

User for which the schema is to be installed.

  • When reinstalling with a new user, it is the name of the newly created user. Otherwise, it is the name of an already existing user.

  • At the time of installation, there must be no synonyms for the database user (whether public or private). At runtime it is permitted. However, if data is to be imported at a later point in time (e.g. in the course of a DB update), the synonyms must be deactivated.

Database password


server, monitoring, database

The password of the user.

Database admin user name



Name of the user with the right to create a new user.

  • This parameter is only relevant if a new user is to be created, and can be ignored otherwise.

Database admin password



The password of the new user.

  • This parameter is only relevant if a new user is to be created, and can be ignored otherwise.

Run migration?



"auto", "yes" and "no"

Specifies whether a database-specific migration to the new database version is to be carried out and whether the migration packets with Upon system start = , which are included in the PLANTA delivery, are to be executed automatically or not. The migration process determines the migration packets to be run for the respective update based on your existing system.

  • The decision whether a migration is to be carried out or not is usually determined by the combination of the Installation type and Update type parameters and preset accordingly. The =Carry out migration?= parameter should therefore not be changed.

  • Note for installation/update via console: If the _auto_ value is selected, the installer decides whether a migration is carried out depending on the selected installation type. "yes" and "no" overwrites this decision. After the migration packets have been executed, the PLANTA Server service that was started to execute the migration packets is shut down again.
    The migration packets with the Upon system start = can also be executed manually by running the planta_migration.bat or script.

Create/adjust database schema?



"yes", "no"

Specifies for database reinstallations whether the new schema is to be installed with the PLANTA tables and whether (for updates) some newly loaded PLANTA files are adjusted (e.g. the license).

  • This parameter is only relevant for Venus installations and can be ignored otherwise.

  • It is highly recommended that you activate this checkbox or leave the console parameter at "yes" since otherwise a database must be created in a new way, which is not trivial.

Load data?



"yes", "no"

Specifies for database installations whether the data is to be imported to the database by PLANTA. In reinstallation this concerns all data tables, in update installation (DB) it only concerns the standard customizing data; for 'no', only the Python status (customizing) will then be updated and a migration is possibly carried out

  • This parameter is only relevant for Venus installations and can be ignored otherwise.

  • It is highly recommended that you activate this checkbox or leave the console parameter at "yes", since otherwise the data must be imported in another way, which is not trivial.

Activate DB synonyms?



"yes", "no"

Specifies whether hibernate database synonyms are to be used or not.

  • It is recommended to switch off synonyms since this improves performance.

Server IP address



e.g. ""

IP address of the PLANTA Server

  • Note for installation/update via console: This parameter is missing in the properties files since the installer automatically uses the IP address of the server on which the installation is performed. Add this parameter to a properties file if the IP address of the current computer is not the PLANTA Server address.




e.g. "12345"

Port number through which the server communicates with the clients. This number should be a five-digit number smaller than 30000 which is not used by any other process.

Name of the PLANTA Server service


Name of the service which is assigned to the PLANTA Server.

  • This name must be unique for each PLANTA system. This means that if you, e.g., install a test and a productive system on the same server, they must have different service names.

New server directory



The directory in which the PLANTA project server is to be installed.

  • You must have write authorization on this directory. Please make sure that you do not use any single backslashes in the path names in installation/update via console under Windows.

Existing server directory



The directory in which the former PLANTA project server is located.

  • This parameter is only relevant if an update is to be carried out and can be ignored otherwise.

  • In updates, some Python files are copied from this path to the newly installed server. This path must not be identical with the new server.path server path. Please make sure that you do not use any single backslashes in the path names in installation/update via console under Windows.

Python version



3.4.3, 3.8.5

Python version which is installed along with (or directly in) the PLANTA Server.

  • It does NOT correspond to a Python version which is possibly already installed on the system. The Python version in question here is that which is only installed compellingly for the PLANTA Server and has no influence on other programs.

  • In the server, version 3.8.5 is preset. This version, however, necessarily requires DB version 39.5.17 or later. For this database version we explicitly recommend that you use the preset Python version 3.8.5. If the installation is, however, carried out with a DB version < DB 39.5.13, the former Python version 3.4.3 will automatically be used by the installer.

Java version



Graal or Zulu

The Java version which is included in the PLANTA delivery and which is used to start the server.

  • This does not have an influence on possibly existing Java installations. Other applications are not affected by this.

  • If something other than Graal or Zulu is specified in the console installation, Java Graal will be installed by default.

Adjust database schema to server hotfix?



"yes", "no"

Specifies whether the schema of the server is adjusted in order to secure the server start.

  • This parameter is ignored in Venus reinstallation since here a new database with the current status from time to time is created.

  • It is highly recommended that you activate this checkbox or leave the console parameter at "yes" since otherwise the respective scripts must be run manually, which is not trivial.

Run migration?



"auto", "yes" and "no"

Specifies whether a database specific migration to the new server version is to be carried out during the installation.

  • This parameter should generally be activated or be left at the 'yes' default value (both for reinstallation as well as for update installation), since the migration framework itself decides when which migration packets are to be run.

  • Note for installation/update via console: The former "auto" default value is obsolete and is now interpreted as "yes".

Name of the user group

Server, monitoring

e.g. "User"

Group to which the installation belongs.

  • Notes for Windows: For Windows systems this should either be the group or (in English operating systems) the group named "user".

Service user

Server, database, monitoring

The Linux user to whom the Linux installation belongs and who starts the PLANTA Server service.

  • This parameter is only relevant for installations under Linux.

  • Used in the course of user installation with sudo in order to start sub-processes (e.g. migration)

Authentication method



"interactive", "kerberos", "proxy", "any"

Defines the authentication method which is used by the client during login.

Expected utilization



"small", "medium", "large"

How high will the utilization of this system be?

  • Low test system ( up to 10 simultaneous sessions)

  • Medium regular operation ( up to 25 simultaneous sessions)

  • High many users simultaneously on the system ( up to 75 simultaneous sessions).

By definition, parameters relevant for sizing are set in the configuration files of the PLANTA Server. After installation/update, you must check whether this setting complies with the probable usage of the PLANTA system. This includes, a.o., the following parameters:

Activate web services for PLANTA pulse?


"yes", "no"

Specifies whether web services are to be activated for PLANTA pulse.

IP address of the web services for PLANTA pulse


e.g. "srvWebPLANTA", ""

The IP address of the computer on which the web services for PLANTA pulse are to run.

Port of the web services for PLANTA pulse


e.g. "23456"

The port on which the web services for PLANTA pulse are to run.

Activate web services for installation/update with PLANTA Installer?


"yes", "no"

Specifies whether web services are to be activated for PLANTA link.

IP address of the web services for PLANTA link


e.g. "srvWebPLANTA", ""

The IP address of the computer on which the web services for PLANTA link are to run.

Port of the web services for PLANTA link


e.g. "23456"

The port on which the web services for PLANTA link are to run.

Activate web service documentation?


"yes", "no"

Specifies whether the web service documentation is to be activated.

  • It is quite possible to activate the web service documentation if the web services themselves are not activated.

Host for webservice documentation


Host on which the webservice documentation is to be run.

IP address for webservice documentation


e.g. "srvWebPLANTA", ""

IP address of the computer on which the web service documentation is to run.

Port for webservice documentation


e.g. "23457"

Port on which the webservice documentation is to be run.

Host name for the generated cURL statements of the webservice documentation



e.g. "srvWebPLANTA"

curl statements of the documentation interface will be generated consistent with the server URL entered here.

Activate SSL?


"yes", "no"

If this option is selected, the web services only run on encrypted connections (https)

Keystore path for SSL



Path to the Java keystore (JKS) which required the key pairs or certificates for SSL

Password for SSL


e.g. "123456"

Password for the Java keystore

Cross-site scripting?


"yes", "no"

Is currently required to enable cross-site scripting

  • It is recommended to leave the preset selection at ‘Yes’.

ApiKey filtering on swagger-generated services?


"yes", "no"

Enables ApiKey filters on webservices which were generated by swagger

  • This parameter is deprecated, we recommend that you do not change it.

ApiKey authentication for web services?


"yes", "no"

Specifies whether ApiKey authentication is to be activated for generic web-services.

  • This parameter, a.o., is a requirement for the use of Jira

Filter SAML answers for all web-services?


"yes", "no"

Do you want to activate SAML answer filtering for pulse?

  • It is recommended to leave the preset selection at ‘No’.

Create core dumps?



"1" (create core dump), "0" (do not create core dump)

Specifies whether a core dump file with the current system status is created.

  • This is primarily a debug parameter. This core dump can possibly become quite large.

Path to core dumps



Specifies where a possibly core dump is to be created (see =Create core dumps?= parameter)

  • This is primarily a debug parameter.

  • You must have write authorization on this directory. Please make sure that you do not use any single backslashes in the path names in installation/update via console under Windows.

Monitoring activated



"true", "false"

Specifies whether web services are to be activated for the server.

  • This value is set automatically if a port of the monitoring interface is specified and can usually be ignored.

Port of the monitoring interface


Server, monitoring

e.g. "12345"

Port number via which the server communicates with the monitoring component. This number should be a five-digit number smaller than 30000 which is not used by any other process.

  • Can be ignored if you do not install the monitoring component.

Monitoring Interface IP



e.g. "localhost", ""

Specifies the IP address of the monitoring component.

  • This value is automatically set to "localhost" if a port of the monitoring interface is specified and can usually be ignored.

Port of the web interface



e.g. "12345"

Port number of the web service for the monitoring component. This number should be a five-digit number smaller than 30000 which is not used by any other process.

  • This parameter differs from planta.monitoring.port.

Monitoring directory



Directory in which the monitoring component is to be installed.

  • You must have write authorization on this directory. Please make sure that you do not use any single backslashes in the path names in installation/update via console under Windows.

Name of the monitoring service



Name of the service which is assigned to the monitoring component.

  • This name must be unique for each monitoring component. This means that if you, e.g., install monitoring components on the same server, they must have different service names.

The following parameters determine which component is to be installed/upgraded

Name in properties files

Used for component



Server installation


"yes", "no"

Specifies whether server-specific steps are to be carried out. These are e.g.

  • installation or update of the binary server files,

  • minimum adjustments of the database for securing the server start (i.e. the migration packets of the Server component), and/or

  • installation/update of server-specific Python files.

Database installation


"yes", "no"

Specifies whether database specific steps are to be carried out. These are e.g.

  • Installation of a new database,

  • Update of existing database tables (i.e. for DB with S 39.5.x the migration packets of the Customizing Hotfix component, for DB 39.5.x those of the Customizing, After DB import, and Before DB import components), and/or

  • installation/update of customizing-specific Python files.

For an update with DB39.4.4.0 and S39.5.x, the db.install parameter must be set = yes.

Monitoring installation


"yes", "no"

Specifies whether the monitoring component for monitoring the PLANTA Servers is to be installed.

Regtest installation


"yes", "no"

Specifies whether the regression tests are to be installed, with the help of which the functioning of the PLANTA Server can be checked after successful installation.

Additional parameters

  • Usually, the parameters specified above are sufficient for an installation / update. For special cases, there are, however, some additional parameters, which can be added to or (only for installation/update via console).

Name in properties files

Used for component



Manual connect string


database, server

Connect string to a particular database

Provides the option to manually specify the connection string to a particular database. This has an influence both on the way in which the database is accessed by the installer itself (e.g. when creating a new database user) and on the way it is accessed by the server or hibernate (in the <server>/config/hibernate.cfg.xml)

  • It is recommended that you only do that if the database connection somehow varies from the standard.

  • In the standard case, this parameter should not be set. In such a case, the connection string will be composed internally from the db.type, db.server,, db.user, db.port, as well as (only for MSSQL) db.use_named_instance & db.instance parameters.

  • An example for a connection string would be jdbc:oracle:thin:@someOracleServer:1521:someDb or jdbc:sqlserver://someMSSQLServer:1433

  • Since this is an advanced or non-recommended option, this parameter does not exist in the standard properties file and must be added manually if desired.

Manual connect string for administrator



Connect string to a particular database (for the administrator)

This manual connection string is intended for the special case in which the administrator (DB user with the help of which the PLANTA DB user is created (see the Database admin user name) requires a special login-string.

  • This string should usually be identical to the connection string of db.manual_connection_string. This string should especially be specified if db.manual_connection_string has been specified. Otherwise the installer will try to build the login string from the db.type, db.server,, db.user, db.port, and (only for MSSQL) db.use_named_instance & db.instance parameters.

  • Since this is an advanced or non-recommended option, this parameter does not exist in the standard properties file and must be added manually if desired.

Alternative sql directory


An absolute path

Allows for the use of an alternative directory for the SQL scripts which the PLANTA Installer executes during the server installation in order to ensure the launchability of the server.

  • The system expects all SQL scripts, not only those which have been changed.

  • The directory must be named sql (case sensitive under Linux), since this is where the installer will search the scripts.

  • The sub-directories and the scripts they contain will be processed in alphabetic order.

  • When you use an Oracle database, sub-directories named ms-sql (and the files they contain) will be ignored. When you use an MSSQL database, sub-directories named oracle (and the files they contain) will be ignored.

  • This parameter may only be used in consultation with PLANTA.

Alternative migration directory


An absolute path

Enables the use of an alternative directory for migration packets and the corresponding SQL files.

  • The system expects all migration packets, not only those which have been changed.

  • The directory must be named migration (case sensitive under Linux), since this is where the migration framework will search the scripts.

  • The directory structure below the specified directory must comply exactly with the directory structure found in the original directory.

  • This parameter may only be used in consultation with PLANTA.


A list of migration packets separated by blank spaces

It specifies migration packets which are not to be run during migration.

  • The migration packets are identified by their path name starting from migration up to the file name of the migrationpacket (without .py ending). They must be separated by blank spaces and be written in one line, e.g. like this:
    planta.migration_scripts_to_ignore=migration.server.S_39_5_18.wi16442_planta_de.FindCodeThatUsesPLANTADE migration.server.S_39_5_21.wi19185_dialog_module.PortNewDialogModuleParameters

  • This parameter may only be used in consultation with PLANTA.

  • This parameter does currently (server HF21) NOT work for packets in the after_db_import migration directory!

Temporary directory


Relative or absolute path

The installer copies some auxiliary files into a temporary directory (and adjusts them in line with the settings). This will be /tmp/install_planta under Linux bzw. %temp%/install_planta under Windows (if the parameter is not specified).

  • A temporary directory only has to be set if multiple installations are running simultaneously since in such a case the installers may mutually overwrite their values. Otherwise, we strongly recommend against setting the temp.path parameter manually.

  • You need modification rights for this directory.

  • The content of the temporary directory will be deleted automatically after completion of the installation. So please specify an explicit directory, which will not be used by any other user.

Server type


release or asan or testing

Specifies which server will be installed. This is the release version by default (if the parameter is not specified). The testing and asan versions can be used for debugging since at runtime some additional tests are carried out, which, however, slightly slow down the runtime.

Parameter Older Releases

S 39.5.30- 31


Name in properties files

Used for component

Possible values


Installation type


client, server, database

"new", "update"

Specifies whether a reinstallation or an update of an existing system is to be carried out.

  • Reinstallation implies an installation of 39.5 (database and/or server).

Update type


client, server, database

"venus" (Update from 39.5.x to 39.5.y)

In update, it specifies the type of the system to be updated. From Server version 39.5.30, only updates from Venus to Venus are supported.

DB log directory


client, server, database

A directory in which log files with information on installation and update are saved.

  • You must have write authorization on this directory.

  • Please make sure that you do not use any single backslashes in the path names in installation/update via console under Windows.

Start server after installation?


client, server, database

"yes", "no"

Specifies whether the server is to be restarted automatically after successful installation.

  • It may take several minutes until the server has been restarted completely and accepts the client connection.|

How to install a database?



"existing" (using an existing database user), "new" (creating a new database user)

Specifies whether a new user is to be created for the database or whether an already existing one is to be used.

  • This parameter is relevant if a new database is to be installed. It is ignored when updating an existing database.

Database type


database, server

"Oracle", "MSSQL"

Database type

Database license


server, monitoring, database

e.g. "200"

Your license number allocated by PLANTA.

License file



Complete path to a license file (license.config)

License file created by PLANTA which contains information on the number of records you are allowed to create per licensed table.

  • If this parameter remains empty, the installer will try to use an available license file from the existing server installation (only in update installations).

  • Without license file you can only create a very limited number of projects, tasks, etc. (as in demo systems).

  • Do not make any changes to the license file! The file is signed, which means that the server will reject this file if any changes have been made to it and will start as if there was no license file at all. In such a case, please contact PLANTA to get a new version.

  • The file can be exchanged manually by copying it to the config directory and restarting the server.

Database server


server, monitoring, database

e.g. "srvPLANTA", ""

Name or IP address of the server on which the database is running.

Database port


server, monitoring, database

e.g. "1521" (Oracle), "1433" (MSSQL)

Port to the database.
The Oracle port is 1521 and the MSSQL port is 1433 by default |

  • If you use an MSSQL database with named instance, this instance comes with its own port number by default, which has to be specified here.

Database name

server, monitoring, database

The SID in Oracle, the database name in MSSQL.

  • Upon reinstalling with a new user in MSSQL, this is the name of the new database. When using an existing user, it is the name of an already existing database.
    In Oracle, on the other hand, there is always an existing database specified, for which a new user is only created if necessary.

Oracle Tablespace



Specifies to which oracle table space a new database user is to be assigned.

  • This parameter is only relevant for reinstallations on an Oracle database during which a new user is to be created. For all other installation scenarios (update installation / reinstallation with MSSQL database / reinstallation with an already existing user), the parameter can be ignored.

MSSQL server uses named instance


server, monitoring, database

"yes", "no"

Specifies for MSSQL databases whether to connect to a named instance or to the default instance.

  • This parameter is only relevant for MSSQL databases. Can be ignored for Oracle databases.

Database instance


server, monitoring, database

Name of the MSSQL instance to which to connect.

  • This parameter is only relevant for MSSQL databases that use named instances. Can be ignored in Oracle databases, as well as MSSQL databases using default instances.

Database user


server, monitoring, database

User for which the schema is to be installed.

  • When reinstalling with a new user, it is the name of the newly created user. Otherwise, it is the name of an already existing user.

  • At the time of installation, there must be no synonyms for the database user (whether public or private). At runtime it is permitted. However, if data is to be imported at a later point in time (e.g. in the course of a DB update), the synonyms must be deactivated.

Database password


server, monitoring, database

The password of the user.

Database admin user name



Name of the user with the right to create a new user.

  • This parameter is only relevant if a new user is to be created, and can be ignored otherwise.

Database admin password



The password of the new user.

  • This parameter is only relevant if a new user is to be created, and can be ignored otherwise.

Run migration?



"auto", "yes" and "no"

Specifies whether a database-specific migration to the new database version is to be carried out and whether the migration packets with Upon system start = , which are included in the PLANTA delivery, are to be executed automatically or not. The migration process determines the migration packets to be run for the respective update based on your existing system.

  • The decision whether a migration is to be carried out or not is usually determined by the combination of the Installation type and Update type parameters and preset accordingly. The =Carry out migration?= parameter should therefore not be changed.

  • Note for installation/update via console: If the _auto_ value is selected, the installer decides whether a migration is carried out depending on the selected installation type. "yes" and "no" overwrites this decision. After the migration packets have been executed, the PLANTA Server service that was started to execute the migration packets is shut down again.
    The migration packets with the Upon system start = can also be executed manually by running the planta_migration.bat or script.

Create/adjust database schema?



"yes", "no"

Specifies for database reinstallations whether the new schema is to be installed with the PLANTA tables and whether (for updates) some newly loaded PLANTA files are adjusted (e.g. the license).

  • This parameter is only relevant for Venus installations and can be ignored otherwise.

  • It is highly recommended that you activate this checkbox or leave the console parameter at "yes" since otherwise a database must be created in a new way, which is not trivial.

Load data?



"yes", "no"

Specifies for database installations whether the data is to be imported to the database by PLANTA. In reinstallation this concerns all data tables, in update installation (DB) it only concerns the standard customizing data; for 'no', only the Python status (customizing) will then be updated and a migration is possibly carried out

  • This parameter is only relevant for Venus installations and can be ignored otherwise.

  • It is highly recommended that you activate this checkbox or leave the console parameter at "yes", since otherwise the data must be imported in another way, which is not trivial.

Activate DB synonyms?



"yes", "no"

Specifies whether hibernate database synonyms are to be used or not.

  • It is recommended to switch off synonyms since this improves performance.

Server IP address


Server, client

e.g. ""

IP address of the PLANTA Server

  • Is also used for the client and would have to be set to the IP address of the PLANTA Server.

  • Note for installation/update via console: This parameter is missing in the properties files since the installer automatically uses the IP address of the server on which the installation is performed. Add this parameter to a properties file if the IP address of the current computer is not the PLANTA Server address.



Server, client

e.g. "12345"

Port number through which the server communicates with the clients. This number should be a five-digit number smaller than 30000 which is not used by any other process.

Name of the PLANTA Server service


Name of the service which is assigned to the PLANTA Server.

  • This name must be unique for each PLANTA system. This means that if you, e.g., install a test and a productive system on the same server, they must have different service names.

New server directory



The directory in which the PLANTA project server is to be installed.

  • You must have write authorization on this directory. Please make sure that you do not use any single backslashes in the path names in installation/update via console under Windows.

Existing server directory



The directory in which the former PLANTA project server is located.

  • This parameter is only relevant if an update is to be carried out and can be ignored otherwise.

  • In updates, some Python files are copied from this path to the newly installed server. This path must not be identical with the new server.path server path. Please make sure that you do not use any single backslashes in the path names in installation/update via console under Windows.

Python version



3.4.3, 3.8.5

Python version which is installed along with (or directly in) the PLANTA Server.

  • It does NOT correspond to a Python version which is possibly already installed on the system. The Python version in question here is that which is only installed compellingly for the PLANTA Server and has no influence on other programs.

  • In the server, version 3.8.5 is preset. This version, however, necessarily requires DB version 39.5.17 or later. For this database version we explicitly recommend that you use the preset Python version 3.8.5. If the installation is, however, carried out with a DB version < DB 39.5.13, the former Python version 3.4.3 will automatically be used by the installer.

Java version



Zulu, Graal

The Java version which is included in the PLANTA delivery and which is used to start the server.

  • This does not have an influence on possibly existing Java installations. Other applications are not affected by this.

  • If something other than Zulu or Java is specified in console installation, Java Zulu will be installed by default.

Adjust database schema to server hotfix?



"yes", "no"

Specifies whether the schema of the server is adjusted in order to secure the server start.

  • This parameter is ignored in Venus reinstallation since here a new database with the current status from time to time is created.

  • It is highly recommended that you activate this checkbox or leave the console parameter at "yes" since otherwise the respective scripts must be run manually, which is not trivial.

Run migration?



"auto", "yes" and "no"

Specifies whether a database specific migration to the new server version is to be carried out during the installation.

  • This parameter should generally be activated or be left at the 'yes' default value (both for reinstallation as well as for update installation), since the migration framework itself decides when which migration packets are to be run.

  • Note for installation/update via console: The former "auto" default value is obsolete and is now interpreted as "yes".

Name of the user group

Server, monitoring

e.g. "User"

Group to which the installation belongs.

  • Notes for Windows: For Windows systems this should either be the group or (in English operating systems) the group named "user".

Service user

Server, database, monitoring

The Linux user to whom the Linux installation belongs and who starts the PLANTA Server service.

  • This parameter is only relevant for installations under Linux.

  • Used in the course of user installation with sudo in order to start sub-processes (e.g. migration)

Expected utilization



"small", "medium", "large"

How high will the utilization of this system be?

  • Low test system ( up to 10 simultaneous sessions)

  • Medium regular operation ( up to 25 simultaneous sessions)

  • High many users simultaneously on the system ( up to 75 simultaneous sessions).

By definition, parameters relevant for sizing are set in the configuration files of the PLANTA Server. After installation/update, you must check whether this setting complies with the probable usage of the PLANTA system. This includes, a.o., the following parameters:

Activate web services for PLANTA pulse?


"yes", "no"

Specifies whether web services are to be activated for PLANTA pulse.

IP address of the web services for PLANTA pulse


e.g. "srvWebPLANTA", ""

The IP address of the computer on which the web services for PLANTA pulse are to run.

Port of the web services for PLANTA pulse


e.g. "23456"

The port on which the web services for PLANTA pulse are to run.

Activate web services for installation/update with PLANTA Installer?


"yes", "no"

Specifies whether web services are to be activated for PLANTA link.

IP address of the web services for PLANTA link


e.g. "srvWebPLANTA", ""

The IP address of the computer on which the web services for PLANTA link are to run.

Port of the web services for PLANTA link


e.g. "23456"

The port on which the web services for PLANTA link are to run.

Activate web service documentation?


"yes", "no"

Specifies whether the web service documentation is to be activated.

  • It is quite possible to activate the web service documentation if the web services themselves are not activated.

Host for webservice documentation


Host on which the webservice documentation is to be run.

IP address for webservice documentation


e.g. "srvWebPLANTA", ""

IP address of the computer on which the web service documentation is to run.

Port for webservice documentation


e.g. "23457"

Port on which the webservice documentation is to be run.

Host name for the generated cURL statements of the webservice documentation



e.g. "srvWebPLANTA"

curl statements of the documentation interface will be generated consistent with the server URL entered here.

Activate SSL?


"yes", "no"

If this option is selected, the web services only run on encrypted connections (https)

Keystore path for SSL



Path to the Java keystore (JKS) which required the key pairs or certificates for SSL

Password for SSL


e.g. "123456"

Password for the Java keystore

Cross-site scripting?


"yes", "no"

Is currently required to enable cross-site scripting

  • It is recommended to leave the preset selection at ‘Yes’.

ApiKey filtering on swagger-generated services?


"yes", "no"

Enables ApiKey filters on webservices which were generated by swagger

  • This parameter is deprecated, we recommend that you do not change it.

ApiKey authentication for web services?


"yes", "no"

Specifies whether ApiKey authentication is to be activated for generic web-services.

  • This parameter, a.o., is a requirement for the use of Jira

Filter SAML answers for all web-services?


"yes", "no"

Do you want to activate SAML answer filtering for pulse?

  • It is recommended to leave the preset selection at ‘No’.

Create core dumps?



"1" (create core dump), "0" (do not create core dump)

Specifies whether a core dump file with the current system status is created.

  • This is primarily a debug parameter. This core dump can possibly become quite large.

Path to core dumps



Specifies where a possibly core dump is to be created (see =Create core dumps?= parameter)

  • This is primarily a debug parameter.

  • You must have write authorization on this directory. Please make sure that you do not use any single backslashes in the path names in installation/update via console under Windows.

Monitoring activated



"true", "false"

Specifies whether web services are to be activated for the server.

  • This value is set automatically if a port of the monitoring interface is specified and can usually be ignored.

Port of the monitoring interface


Server, monitoring

e.g. "12345"

Port number via which the server communicates with the monitoring component. This number should be a five-digit number smaller than 30000 which is not used by any other process.

  • Can be ignored if you do not install the monitoring component.

Monitoring Interface IP



e.g. "localhost", ""

Specifies the IP address of the monitoring component.

  • This value is automatically set to "localhost" if a port of the monitoring interface is specified and can usually be ignored.

Port of the web interface



e.g. "12345"

Port number of the web service for the monitoring component. This number should be a five-digit number smaller than 30000 which is not used by any other process.

  • This parameter differs from planta.monitoring.port.

Monitoring directory



Directory in which the monitoring component is to be installed.

  • You must have write authorization on this directory. Please make sure that you do not use any single backslashes in the path names in installation/update via console under Windows.

Name of the monitoring service



Name of the service which is assigned to the monitoring component.

  • This name must be unique for each monitoring component. This means that if you, e.g., install monitoring components on the same server, they must have different service names.

The following parameters determine which component is to be installed/upgraded

Name in properties files

Used for component



Server installation


"yes", "no"

Specifies whether server-specific steps are to be carried out. These are e.g.

  • installation or update of the binary server files,

  • minimum adjustments of the database for securing the server start (i.e. the migration packets of the Server component), and/or

  • installation/update of server-specific Python files.

Database installation


"yes", "no"

Specifies whether database specific steps are to be carried out. These are e.g.

  • Installation of a new database,

  • Update of existing database tables (i.e. for DB with S 39.5.x the migration packets of the Customizing Hotfix component, for DB 39.5.x those of the Customizing, After DB import, and Before DB import components), and/or

  • installation/update of customizing-specific Python files.

For an update with DB39.4.4.0 and S39.5.x, the db.install parameter must be set = yes.

Monitoring installation


"yes", "no"

Specifies whether the monitoring component for monitoring the PLANTA Servers is to be installed.

Regtest installation


"yes", "no"

Specifies whether the regression tests are to be installed, with the help of which the functioning of the PLANTA Server can be checked after successful installation.

Additional parameters

  • Usually, the parameters specified above are sufficient for an installation / update. For special cases, there are, however, some additional parameters, which can be added to or (only for installation/update via console).

Name in properties files

Used for component



Manual connect string


database, server

Connect string to a particular database

Provides the option to manually specify the connection string to a particular database. This has an influence both on the way in which the database is accessed by the installer itself (e.g. when creating a new database user) and on the way it is accessed by the server or hibernate (in the <server>/config/hibernate.cfg.xml)

  • It is recommended that you only do that if the database connection somehow varies from the standard.

  • In the standard case, this parameter should not be set. In such a case, the connection string will be composed internally from the db.type, db.server,, db.user, db.port, as well as (only for MSSQL) db.use_named_instance & db.instance parameters.

  • An example for a connection string would be jdbc:oracle:thin:@someOracleServer:1521:someDb or jdbc:sqlserver://someMSSQLServer:1433

  • Since this is an advanced or non-recommended option, this parameter does not exist in the standard properties file and must be added manually if desired.

Manual connect string for administrator



Connect string to a particular database (for the administrator)

This manual connection string is intended for the special case in which the administrator (DB user with the help of which the PLANTA DB user is created (see the Database admin user name) requires a special login-string.

  • This string should usually be identical to the connection string of db.manual_connection_string. This string should especially be specified if db.manual_connection_string has been specified. Otherwise the installer will try to build the login string from the db.type, db.server,, db.user, db.port, and (only for MSSQL) db.use_named_instance & db.instance parameters.

  • Since this is an advanced or non-recommended option, this parameter does not exist in the standard properties file and must be added manually if desired.

Alternative sql directory


An absolute path

Allows for the use of an alternative directory for the SQL scripts which the PLANTA Installer executes during the server installation in order to ensure the launchability of the server.

  • The system expects all SQL scripts, not only those which have been changed.

  • The directory must be named sql (case sensitive under Linux), since this is where the installer will search the scripts.

  • The sub-directories and the scripts they contain will be processed in alphabetic order.

  • When you use an Oracle database, sub-directories named ms-sql (and the files they contain) will be ignored. When you use an MSSQL database, sub-directories named oracle (and the files they contain) will be ignored.

  • This parameter may only be used in consultation with PLANTA.

Alternative migration directory


An absolute path

Enables the use of an alternative directory for migration packets and the corresponding SQL files.

  • The system expects all migration packets, not only those which have been changed.

  • The directory must be named migration (case sensitive under Linux), since this is where the migration framework will search the scripts.

  • The directory structure below the specified directory must comply exactly with the directory structure found in the original directory.

  • This parameter may only be used in consultation with PLANTA.


A list of migration packets separated by blank spaces

It specifies migration packets which are not to be run during migration.

  • The migration packets are identified by their path name starting from migration up to the file name of the migrationpacket (without .py ending). They must be separated by blank spaces and be written in one line, e.g. like this:
    planta.migration_scripts_to_ignore=migration.server.S_39_5_18.wi16442_planta_de.FindCodeThatUsesPLANTADE migration.server.S_39_5_21.wi19185_dialog_module.PortNewDialogModuleParameters

  • This parameter may only be used in consultation with PLANTA.

  • This parameter does currently (server HF21) NOT work for packets in the after_db_import migration directory!

Temporary directory


Relative or absolute path

The installer copies some auxiliary files into a temporary directory (and adjusts them in line with the settings). This will be /tmp/install_planta under Linux bzw. %temp%/install_planta under Windows (if the parameter is not specified).

  • A temporary directory only has to be set if multiple installations are running simultaneously since in such a case the installers may mutually overwrite their values. Otherwise, we strongly recommend against setting the temp.path parameter manually.

  • You need modification rights for this directory.

  • The content of the temporary directory will be deleted automatically after completion of the installation. So please specify an explicit directory, which will not be used by any other user.

Server type


release or asan or testing

Specifies which server will be installed. This is the release version by default (if the parameter is not specified). The testing and asan versions can be used for debugging since at runtime some additional tests are carried out, which, however, slightly slow down the runtime.

Note on error treatment

  • If the Unable to get information from SQL Server error occurs during database installation under MSSQL, this usually means that the SQL Server Browser service has not been started yet.

    • Run this service manually and restart the PLANTA installation (for further information on this topic, please refer to the documentation for MSSQL).

  • If the Server has no instance named SQLEXPRESS error occurs while installing the database to a named instance under MSSQL, please activate the TCP/IP option for your instance, restart the MSSQL service and then run the PLANTA installation again (for further information on this topic, please refer to the documentation for MSSQL).

  • If errors have occurred during installation, temporary files may remain on your system. In such a case, please delete the client or server installation directories (server.path parameter) and the install_planta directory in your temporary directory before carrying out a reinstallation.

  • If you cannot login (a prompt to establish the connection is displayed instead of the login dialog) despite successful installation (no error message during the installation), please check the \log directory for possible errors when starting the PLANTA Server. It may also be helpful to check via netstat whether the port specified during the installation is opened and whether the service has started according to Service Wrapper (open \yajsw\bat\queryService.bat or /yajsw/bat/

Post Installation


  • When installing a customer system, further steps must be carried out after standard installation. This includes a.o.

    • replacing the PLANTA standard database by an individual database

    • replacing the customized Python files in the server directory.

  • After installation, particular settings must be adjusted if necessary. Further information.

  • To find out which particular steps are to be carried out here, please contact your PLANTA consultant.

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