For an update to database version DB 39.5.17, it is absolutely essential that you also update the server to version S 39.5.30.
An update to these combinations is only possible from a Venus system 39.5.16 (DB 39.5.16 and S 39.5.29).
If you want to update from an older system (Earth or Venus on Earth), you first have to update to Venus version 39.5.16 (DB 39.5.16 and S 39.5.29) and subsequently to S 39.5.30 and DB 39.5.17. For an update to Venus version 39.5.16, please refer to the instructions underHelp for releases up to DB 39.5.16.
You have to adjust the counter value of DT404 immediately after installation or update to DB 39.5.17 since otherwise a Python error message is displayed during login. For further information, seeKnown Issues.
When updating to DB 39.5.17, the context sensitive help is changed to the new PLANTA Online Help. In order for the program to be able to continue to open the online help via F1/F2 from the system, the PLANTA project application server needs access to (IP address:
If you have any questions, please contact your PLANTA consultant.