Standard Interfaces for project-SAP Integration
- This interface imports data of the BAPI to the PLANTA SAP WBS Element Table. The WBS elements are imported shallowly with their names.
- This interface imports data of the BAPI to the PLANTA SAP WBS Element Table. The WBS elements are imported with structure and costs.
SAP WBS Import
- The SAP WBS Import interface serves to import an alternative WBS into PLANTA project, in this case the SAP WBS, to link it to the PLANTA structure subsequently by assigning PLANTA WBS elements (tasks) to the SAP-WBS elements.
- The WBS is imported with account assignment elements via which the effort/costs is (are) imported/exported. See the SAP Plan Costs Export and SAP Plan Costs Import interfaces.
- The import is carried out from a CSV file via the pool to PLANTA project.
SAP Planned Costs Export
- The SAP Plan Costs Export interface serves to export effort and costs planned in PLANTA project to SAP to, e.g., plan budgets in SAP on that basis.
- The export is carried out on the basis of the SAP WBS which must have been exported to PLANTA (see SAP WBS Import interface above) and linked to the PLANTA structure (by assigning SAP WBS elements to PLANTA tasks), to guarantee the summarization of costs from PLANTA tasks to SAP WBS elements.
- The export is carried out from PLANTA project via the pool to a CSV file.
- It is exported from account assignment level.
SAP Planned Costs Import
- The SAP Plan Costs Import interface serves to import costs from the SAP system to PLANTA project to compare them to PLANTA costs and to make efficient cost controlling in PLANTA project on this basis.
- Import is carried out on the basis of the SAP WBS which must have been imported to PLANTA previously (see SAP WBS Import above).
- The import is carried out from a CSV file via the pool to PLANTA project.
- It is imported to account assignment level.