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Schedule (Program) MOD009C9E

 In PLANTA project

  • Program Planning → Multi-Program BoardProgram panel → Schedule


  • In this module you can
    • create and edit program tasks (in graphically or in table form)
    • connect program tasks via links
    • see tasks and milestones of the corresponding projects
    • connect tasks of the corresponding projects in table form via links
    • connect tasks (master milestones) of the program and of the assigned projects graphically or in table form via links 


  • All newly created tasks of a program are master milestones by default.
  • Resource planning is not possible in the program schedules.


  • This module shows dates of the program and its tasks or the assigned projects and their tasks. Budget, costs, and effort of the program (as summarized sum values of the projects) or of the assigned projects can be consulted in the Budget module. For detailed information on effort or costs of individual tasks of the assigned projects, please switch to the Project panel of the corresponding project by clicking on the project ID.
  • Subprojects of the assigned projects which may exist will not be displayed in this module. By clicking on the project ID you can switch to the corresponding project and view the subproject data.

Module Variants

BaseTasks are displayed with the assigned links. New program tasks and links can be created and edited for both programs and projects.
PrintA variant of the Schedule optimized for printing is displayed.
Quality GatesDisplays the quality gates predefined by the portfolio manager and their todo items to be completed.

Show legend...
Legend: Program/Project
Requested dates
Requested start and Requested end are defined in the Key dates area in the respective core data module (Project Core Data, Idea Core Data, Proposal Core Data, Program Core Data).
Calculated dates
The color of the bar is determined by the code of the planning object.
Code A
Code B
Code C
Code D
Code E

Calc. start and Calc. end of a planning object are calculated by clicking on the calculation button

The code of the planning objects is defined and changed in the Planning Objects (in Table Form) module (the code of projects and proposals can also be defined and changed in the Project Core Data and Proposal Core Data modules.

Actual datesThe bar is hatched in white. The background color depends on the code of the planning object.

Actual start and Actual end (if available, otherwise Latest time recording date ) of a planning object. They are determined from the actual dates of the tasks (Actual start/Actual end) during calculation of the schedule of the respective planning object by clicking on the calculation button


Float available when the calculated end date (Calc. end) is earlier than the requested end date (Requested end).
A delay occurs when the calculated end date (Calc. end) is later than the requested end date (Requested end).
The delay bar immediately follows the bar for calculated dates and is customized with a color gradient so that the red color has various shades.
External links


gate without delay
gate with delay
main gate/main milestone

A gate is a master milestone of the planning objects.
Without delay means: Total float >= 0
With delay means: Total float < 0

Gates are only displayed in the Schedule module if the Schedule with gates checkbox has been activated in the Project Core Data module in the core data module of the respective planning object

Master milestones with Actual end are not displayed as gates.

Quality gate
Quality gates are the items given from the portfolio and are only displayed in planning objects if they are assigned to this planning object in the portfolio to which the planning object belongs.
Legend: Task
Task requested dates
Requested start and Requested end of a task can be defined in the corresponding data fields in the Schedule module or they can be enetered directly in the bar chart.
Calculated dates of the tasks

Calc. start and Calc. end are calculated by clicking on the

 Calculated schedule menu item button.
Uncritical means: Total float > 0
Critical means: Total float <= 0
Since in PLANTA project the definition of requested dates on tasks leads to Total float = 0, tasks which do not necessarily lie on the critical path can be critical as well.


master milestones
without delay
with delay
with actual end
Without delay means: Total float >= 0
With delay means: Total float < 0
Calculated dates of the summary tasks
A summary task is a task in the structured schedule consisting of sub-tasks which are summarized here. Information on the summary task, such as duration and dates, is determined automatically from the sub-tasks.
Actual datesThe respective bars are white hatched if the Splitting parameter is deactivated, and gray hatched if the parameter is activated.

Actual start and, if available, Actual end, otherwise Latest time recording date of a task, are calculated from the respective dates of the resources assigned to the task by clicking on the

 Calculate schedule menu item button or by setting them manually.

Latest dates

Calc. start and Calc. end of a task are calculated by clicking on the

 Calculated schedule menu item button.

Task delay
A delay exists if Calc. end of a master milestone is later than its Latest end.
Task overlapping
Overlapping = possible delay of task successor when using soft links. For further information, see here.
External links

External Tasks
Calculated dates of external tasks

Calc. start and Calc. end of external tasks are calculated by clicking on the

calculation button in the toolbar or by selecting the respective menu item.
Uncritical means: Total float > 0
Critical means: Total float <= 0
Since in PLANTA project the definition of requested dates on tasks leads to Total float = 0, tasks which do not necessarily lie on the critical path can be critical as well.

Calculated dates of external summary tasks


Milestones/master milestones of the external summary tasks

without delay
 with delay
 with Actual end

Without delay means: Total float >= 0
With delay means: Total float < 0

Requested dates of external tasks

Requested start and Requested end are defined in the Key dates area in the respective core data module (Project Core Data, Idea Core Data, Proposal Core Data, Program Core Data).

Create Schedule


  • The schedule of a program is automatically created when you create individual tasks which are milestones at the same time.


  • Insert a blank task line, e.g. by pressing F4 or by clicking on the  Insert button in the menu bar or on the same icon directly below the header bar.

    • Enter a task name in the Task name field.
    • Create further tasks in the same way.
    • Save and click on the
      Generate WBS code button. As a result, an ID will automatically be generated for the new task in the Task field. In PLANTA standard, the WBS codes are used as task IDs in schedules. 

    Tasks in PLANTA project have two IDs:

    • A technical task ID is automatically created. It is an incrmenting task number which is usually invisible in user modules in the PLANTA standard system.
    • A functional task ID is either generated automatically or allocated manually.
      • Via the global Use WBS code instead of ID parameter you can define which of these three variants will be used as functional ID. This will then apply system wide to all user modules in which tasks are displayed.

Tasks (Master Milestones)


  • All newly created tasks of a program are master milestones by default.


  • If the Schedule with gates checkbox has been activated in the Program Core Data module, master milestones will additionally be displayed in graphical view on the horizontal schedule axis in the program schedule directly below the time scale and are called gates.
  • If one of the master milestones has been defined as a main milestone in the Program Core Data as well, it is considered a reference master milestone. The time interval (in weeks) from the main milestone to the other master milestones is calculated and illustrated on the gate symbols. The master milestone has no interval indication on the gate and also differs from other gates in graphical terms, since on a gate it has a darker border.
    • If no master milestone has been defined as a master milestone, the last master milestone of the schedule is used to calculate the interval. If there is a master milestone on the calculated end date of the program, the respective gate also receives an interval indication (however, it is still not a master milestone and accordingly it has no dark border).
    • The interval calculation is carried out upon start of the client, so that a client restart becomes necessary if you want to have the intervals updated because a main milestone has been newly selected or changed, or if the calculated date of the program has changed.

Edit task


  • By entering or changing the task parameters in the required fields of the Task module which can be opened by clicking on the task ID, you can edit the individual tasks of a program schedule.

Here you will find a list and description of all task fields/parameters.

Terminate Task


  • Enter Requested start and Requested end in the respective fields or define the Remaining duration value.

    • Click on the calculation button
      in the toolbar. In doing so, calculated dates of the task (Calc. start and Calc. end) are calculated automatically.
    • If no requested dates are defined for tasks, but the durations, the requested start date of the project is used as the start date for the calculation and, if no requested dates are defined for the project either, the tasks are scheduled from today's date.

Detailed information on the calculation of schedules and on the different factors which can influence the calculation, please click here.

Change Note/Estimate Flag

The note or estimate on a program task (master milestone) can only be changed in the Task module, which can be opened by clicking on the ID of the program task.

Read Out Task Chain


  • Right-click on the required task.
  • Select the Read out task chain context menu command.
  • The What do you want to do? dialog message is displayed with selection options (via the buttons) for the display of the data in the Task Chain module.
    • Depending on the selection made in the dialog module, the direct predecessors or successors of the selected task or all predecessors or all successors of the task or all predecessors or successors of the task (i.e. the entire network) are displayed in the Task Chain

Finish Task


  • Enter the required end date in the Actual end data field in the line of the required task.
  • Save and recalculate the schedule by clicking on the calculation button
    in the toolbar.


  • Finished tasks are displayed grayed-out.


  • Links represent dependencies between tasks of a project and have an impact on the calculation of the project dates.
  • For a description of further options for mapping dependencies, please click here


  • Internal links in a program schedule are links between individual tasks (master milestones) at program level.
  • External tasks in a program schedule are links
    • from the tasks of the program to the tasks of the assigned projects and vice versa or
    • from the tasks of an assigned project to the tasks of another assigned project.

The procedure for creation of internal and external links in the program schedule is always the same.

Procedure table form

  • To do so, right-click on the required task and select the Insert → Link context menu command. A new, empty link record is created.
  • Fill the following fields in the new link record:
    • Project successor is preset by default with the project in which the link is created.
      • If an internal link is created, the preset remains.
      • If an external link is created, select the required project from the listbox.
    • Task successor
    • Link type (here, the Link type is preset by default).
    • Time interval (if required).
  • Save and recalculate the schedule by clicking on the
    calculation button in the toolbar.

Procedure graphically

  • move the mouse pointer to the bar from which a link is to be created (source bar).
    • Instead of the mouse pointer, a cross will be displayed.
      • place the cross at the beginning or at the end of the source bar depending on which link type you wish to create (e.g. for the Finish-Start relation, place the cross at the end of the source bar).
      • Click and hold the left mouse button and drag the mouse to the beginning or to the end of the target bar depending on what link type you wish to create (e.g. for a Finish-Start relation drag the mouse to the start of the target bar).
      • As a result, a connection line between the two bars will be displayed.
      • As soon as the destination bar is reached, the start position in the source bar and the destination position in the destination bar will be marked by yellow arrows.
      • Release the left mouse button.
      • The new link is created.


  • For the creation of external links you have to take into account that the target project is expanded far enough so that the target task is visible.
  • You can graphically create external links
    • from program to project, but not the other way around, or
    • from a program-project to another program-project
  • You can graphically edit all existing links.

External Tasks


  • External tasks are tasks of another project/program which can be displayed in the schedule of the selected program in order to visualize the dependencies between the program and other projects.

Show external tasks

  • Right-click on the required program task.
  • Select Insert → External Task from the context menu.
    • Select the required project/program and the required task from the respective listbox.
    • The selected external task is displayed in the schedule of your own program.


  • In the program schedule, only external tasks at program level can be displayed. If you want insert external tasks in program projects as well, you have to switch to the schedules of the respecting program projects.

Quality Gates


  • Quality gates are a type of controlling element for the portfolio manager to control the progress of the planning objects contained in the portfolio.
  • Quality gates are defined (scheduled, and divided into separate tasks) by the portfolio manager and are assigned to the individual planning objects.
  • The assigned quality gates in the Schedule in the Quality Gates module variant of the respective planning object are displayed to the project managers. They create the degree of completion of the tasks of these quality gates and their probable completion date and thus enable the portfolio manager to observe compliance with the requirements.

Edit Quality Gates

  • Enter the date estimated for the achievement of the quality gate in the Prob. compl. on field.
  • In the File field, a file relevant for the todo item can be stored.
  • Create or refresh the degree of completion of the respective todo item in the % completed field.
    • Note: the Actual end field is filled by the portfolio manager by setting the Approval in the Quality Gates module.

{"status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","message":null,"timeStamp":"Thu Mar 13 10:14:59 UTC 2025","trace":null} Caution:

  • Since from a technical point of view quality gates are tasks, the requested end dates calculated for them can influence the project dates. Since the quality gates are automatically copied when the planning object is assigned to the portfolio, please check the schedules of the planning objects or the dates of the quality gates for assignments of the planning objects to portfolios.

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