Process Status MOD0099V3
- Project panel → Process Status (floating module window at the lower panel margin)
- PLANTA project allows you to base your project management on process models.
- In the project panel of each project the Process Status module is made available, in which you can select and load a process model required for the processing of the project in question.
- The process models available for selection in the Process Status module with the associated phases and process steps are defined under Master Data in the Process Model Templates module.
Process Model
Activate Process Model
- In order to be able to work with process models, a process model must be selected and activated in the Process Status module.
- Select the required process model from the Process Model listbox in the Process Status module
- Click on the Activate model button.
- All phases of the model are loaded along with the process steps belonging to it.
- the first phase is opened under the In process category; the individual process steps are immediately visible.
- All other phases are displayed under the Future phases category, the individual process steps are invisible.
- The process bar at the bottom of the module is loaded.
- All phases of the model are loaded along with the process steps belonging to it.
- If you already work with a process model, the current phase will always be focused when the module is opened.
- If you want to switch quickly to a completed phase in order to review it, click on the phase name in the process bar. As a result, the phase is highlighted. You can switch back to the current phase in the same way.
Reset Process Model
Delete Existing Process Model
- As long as the first phase of the active process model is not specified, it is possible to delete this process model completely from the Process Status module and activate a new model.
- Right-click on the active process model and select the Delete model context menu command.
- Confirm the Do you really want to delete the active model? message with Yes.
- Result: The used process model is removed from the Process Status module.
- A new process model can now be activated.
Cancel Existing Process Model
- An existing process model can be reset in the Process Status module (the model and its process steps remain in the module but are inactive) and
- a new process model can be added additively. Compare: Delete Existing Process Model.
- Right-click on the active process model and select the Delete model context menu command.
- Confirm the Do you really want to cancel the active model? message with Yes.
- By doing so,
- all process steps of the model receive the canceled status automatically.
- the not required checkbox is activated automatically.
- all phases of the process model are automatically approved and moved to the Completed phases category and remain displayed along with the process steps in the module.
- Activate a new process model as described in the Activate Process Model chapter.
Copy and Paste New Process Model Additively
- It is possible to copy in several models additively in the Process Status module.
- The requirement for additive copying of a new model is that the existing model is completed, i.e. that all phases and all process steps are set to "completed".
- Right-click on the active process model and select the Reset current process model/Copy model additively context menu command.
- Confirm the Do you really want to reset the current model? message with No.
- Confirm the Do you want to copy a new model additively? message with Yes.
- Select the required model from the Process Model listbox and click on the Activate model button.
- All phases
- of the new model will be loaded along with the corresponding process steps.
- The first phase is opened under the In process category; the individual process steps are immediately visible.
- All other phases are displayed under the Future phases category, the individual process steps are invisible.
- The process bar is loaded at the bottom of the module.
- of the new model will be loaded along with the corresponding process steps.
- All phases
Process Bar
- The process bar at the bottom of the Process Status module displays the phases of the currently selected process model and serves to quickly identify the process status at a particular time.
- The process bar is only displayed if a model has been selected and activated.
- In the process bar, the current phase is displayed in white font, future phases are displayed in black font, and completed phases are displayed in gray font.
- Which phase a model contains is defined in the Process Model Templates module.
Process Phase Status
- It is distinguished between three process phase statuses:
- In progress
- Only one phase at a time can have the In progress status, i.e., the phase which is edited at the time of reporting and has not yet been completed.
- Future phases
- Future phases that have not yet been edited.
- Completed phases
- Phases which have been completed (i.e. which have been approved) as well as all phases of the reset process models receive this status.
- In the case of reset models, process models are displayed in the Completed phases group by default when the module is opened. The corresponding phases can be displayed by expanding the tree structure.
- Phases which have been completed (i.e. which have been approved) as well as all phases of the reset process models receive this status.
- In progress
Process Steps
- There are two types of process steps:
- Project-specific process steps: These are particular project activities.
- Submission and approval process steps: If you use these process steps, you can check and approve process steps of each phase.
Project-Specific Process Steps
Edit Project-Specific Process Steps
- Fill the Resource, Date, Comment, and File fields according to your requirements.
- If the process step has been completed, select completed from the listbox in the Status field.
- The process step status can also be changed in the Status field of the Process Step module, which can be opened by clicking on the Edit process step context menu command in the My Activities module.
- When a process step has the Completed status, it is no longer displayed in the employee board of the corresponding employee.
- Process steps are only really completed when the submission step in the Process Status module has been completed.
Insert Individual Process Step
- Project-specific process steps that were inserted manually are marked with an "I".
- Right-click on the required phase and select the Insert process step context menu command.
- A new process step line is inserted at the highest position in the phase.
- Enter the name for the new process step in the line inserted in the Process step name field.
- Save.
- Move the new process step to the required position in the phase (SHIFT + left mouse button).
- Individual process steps can only be inserted if the respective parameters have been activated in the Process Model Templates module.
Send Information
- In order to be able to send an info from a process step, a resource must be assigned to the process step.
- Right-click on the required process step and select the Send info context menu command.
- The Send Info module will be opened.
- As a recipient, the resource assigned to the process step is entered automatically.
- Select the recipient from the listbox in the Recipient field if required.
- Enter the message text.
- Click on the Send button.
- The message is automatically sent to the recipient via e-mail.
- Please take note of the requirements for e-mail dispatch in PLANTA project described in the topic of the Send Info module.
- As a recipient, the resource assigned to the process step is entered automatically.
- The Send Info module will be opened.
Focus Task
- To focus a todo item means to navigate to the module to be edited in which the field to be edited is focused, provided that the focus has been set on the process step.
- Process steps for which a focus has been set can be identified by an arrow symbol (>>) next to the process step name.
- Whether a process step is equipped with focus and which field in which module is addressed is defined in the Process Model Templates module.
- Do the following on the required process step:
- click on the arrow button next to the process step name or
- select the Focus todo item context menu command.
Execute Process Step Action
- Process actions can only be carried out for copied project-specific process steps for which a process action has been defined in the Process Action Name field in the Process Model Templates module, i.e. only for steps which are already contained in the copied process model.
- For manually inserted process steps you cannot define and execute any process action.
- Process steps for which the focus is set can be identified by an "A" next to the process step name.
- Do the following on the required process step:
- Click on the link on the "A" indicator next to the process step name or
- Right-click and select the Execute process step action command.
- The respective process action will be executed.
Delete Process Step
- Right-click on the process step to be deleted.
- Select the Delete process step context menu command.
- Default process steps can only be deleted if this is granted explicitly by activating the respective checkboxes have been activated in the Process Model Templates module.
- If process steps must not be deleted, the Due to the configuration of the process model, the marked records could not be deleted. message will be displayed.
Assign Predefined Resource
- Right-click on the required process step.
- Select the Insert predefined resource context menu command.
- The resource stored in the Place holder field in the Process Model Template will be assigned to the process step.
Deactivate Process Step
- Process steps copied from the process model template cannot be deleted. They can, however, be deactivated.
- Manually inserted process steps can also be deactivated.
- Activate the Not required checkbox in the Process Status module for the respective process step.
- The status of this process step is automatically set to completed.
- Save.
Submission Process Steps
- Submission process steps are process steps which only serve to submit the project specific steps of a phase to the person responsible for approval for check and approval.
Edit Submission Process Step
- The process step status of the Submission class cannot be changed manually. It is changed automatically when the respective process step is completed.
Send Information
The procedure is the same as for project specific steps. See here.
Submit Phase
- Once all project specific process steps of the phase have been completed, the phase can be submitted for approval.
- Click on the link on the submission process step in the Process Status module.
- The process action defined in the Process action name field in the Process Model Templates module will automatically be executed.
- A message will be displayed asking whether you want to add a comment.
- If this message is confirmed with Yes, the Comment field is focused and a comment can be entered and saved. Afterwards, the link next to the Submit process step needs to be clicked on again.
- If a comment has already been entered or if no comment is to be added, answer the messages with No.
- If not all process steps have been completed yet, the Not all process steps have been completed. message will be displayed and the submission will not be carried out. The status of the corresponding process step can be changed and returned to the person responsible for the process step.
- After submission, the Send Info module is opened and an info can be sent.
- The text of the message is already predefined but can be changed if necessary.
- The person responsible for the approval process step is automatically entered as recipient.
- Click on the Send button. The message is sent to the recipient via e-mail.
- Please take note of the requirements for e-mail dispatch in PLANTA project described in the topic of the Send Info module.
- After submission, completed process steps are listed in the Submitted phases category.
- If in your system the "Adaptive Cards" function is activated and configured, an Adaptive Card with the completed submission information is sent to the person responsible for approval via e-mail after clicking on the link on the approval process step. If you want to include a comment, you should write it before clicking on the link.
Approval Process Steps
- Approval process steps are process steps in which the project specific steps of a phase are checked and approval is given, which marks the completion of a phase and enables you to move on to the next phase.
Edit Approval Process Step
- You have the option to link the approval of milestones and tasks that follow the milestones to the approval process status.
- To do so, select the required master milestone in the Master milestone field and select the summary task the child tasks of which are to be approved for editing in the Summary task field.
- If these fields are filled, an actual date will be set when you carry out the approval process step for the respective master milestone and the child tasks of the selected summary task will be unlocked for editing (reporting).
- The process step status of the Submission class cannot be changed manually. It is changed automatically when the respective process step is completed.
- In the Resource listbox, only resources are displayed which have multi-project manager or multi-portfolio manager rights and the resource structure code of which corresponds to the resource structure code of the logged-on user.
- If there are no resources which possess the required rights under the respective resource structure code, the listbox will remain empty.
- The logged-on user may only set himself/herself as the person responsible if he/she is a multi-project manager.
Send Information
The procedure is the same as for project specific steps. See here
Create Subordinate Approval Step
- Subordinate approval steps allow you to have several persons responsible for the approval process step.
- Right-click on the approval step.
- Select the Create subordinate approval step context menu command.
- Save.
- The superordinate approval step can only be completed when the child approval steps are completed.
- Subordinate approval steps can only be set to completed manually in the Process Step module which is opened from the My Activities module via the Edit process step context menu command in the Status field .
Delete Subordinate Approval Step
- Right-click on the approval process step.
- Select the Delete process step context menu command.
- Save.
- The phase will be ready for approval as soon as it has been submitted.
- After you have clicked on the link on the approval process step, the action stored on the approval process step will be carried out automatically.
- The approval actions for approval process steps are specified in the Process action name field in the Process Model Templates module. This is only possible for the standard approval process steps contained in the template. For manually inserted subordinate approval process steps, no process action can be stored and thus no process action can be carried out.
- A dialog message will be opened and the person responsible then has four options, which are described below: Approve phase, Reject Approval, Cancel project, Cancel approval.
Approve Phase
- Click on the Approve button.
- By doing so, the process step status is automatically set to Accepted.
- The Send Info module is opened from which an approval info can be sent.
- The text of the message is inserted automatically but can be changed if necessary.
- The manager of the project is automatically entered as recipient.
- Click on the Send button. The message is sent to the recipient via e-mail.
- Please take note of the requirements for e-mail dispatch in PLANTA project described in the topic of the Send Info module.
- The completed phase including its process steps is moved to the Completed phases category.
- In the process bar, the completed phase is marked in gray font and the new phase is highlighted in white font.
- The process steps of the next phase can be seen in the In process category.
- The transition from one phase to the next is thus completed.
Reject Approval
- Click on the Return to creator button.
- The Do you want to write a comment? dialog message will be displayed.
- If this messages is confirmed with Yes the Comment field is focused and a comment can be entered and saved. Afterwards, click on the link in the approval step again and click on the Return to creator button.
- If a comment has already been entered or if you do not want to write a comment, confirm the messages with No.
- Afterwards, the status of the Submission process step is automatically set to pending, and the status of the Approval process step will automatically be set to rejected.
- After submission, the Send Info module is opened and a message can be sent. For this purpose, see the "Submit Phase" section
Cancel Project
- Click on the Project cancelation button.
- The Send Info module will be opened and a message can be sent. For this purpose, see the "Submit Phase" section
- The status of all process steps of all phases is set to canceled.
- All process steps of all phases are marked as Not required.
- All phases are moved to the Completed phases category.
Cancel Approval
- Click on the Cancel button.
Approval via Adaptive Card
- If in your system the "Adaptive Cards" function is activated and configured, an Adaptive Card with the completed submission information is sent to the person responsible for approval via e-mail when submitting a phase.
- The person responsible for approval can communicate his/her approval decision directly from Outlook by either granting approval in the Adaptive Card via the button of the same name or by rejecting the approval by clicking on the Return to creator button or by selecting Project cancellation.
- If approval is granted, all process steps of the phase are set to accepted in PLANTA project. The completed phase including its process steps is moved to the Completed phases category. In the process bar, the completed phase is marked in gray font and the new phase is highlighted in white font. The process steps of the next phase are displayed in the In process category.
- If approval is rejected, the submission step in PLANTA project is set to pending again.
- If the project is canceled, the status of all process steps of all phases is set to canceled. All process steps of all phases are marked as Not required. All phases are moved to the Completed phases category.
- In the case of approval rejection or project cancellation, you should write the comment before you click on the corresponding buttons in the Adaptive Card.
- Via the Open PLANTA project link you can directly switch to the dashboard of the project in PLANTA project.