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PLANTA customizer 39.5.22


Version 39.5.22 contains: Database 39.5.22, Server 39.5.36, Client 39.5.33

released on: 08/06/2024

  • Below, release notes on PLANTA project customizing functions are listed. For release notes for the user and interface functions, please refer to the PLANTA project/portfolio and PLANTA link help areas.

  • The functions and bugfixes listed here are mainly contained in the database software component. Functions which stem from the server or client component are explicitly indicated in the column on the right-hand side.

  • Under Releases and Downloads in the Technology/Installation help area, you are provided with a comprehensive overview of the PLANTA project releases with links to their corresponding pages as well as with information on software installation and update for the release you use.

  • Here you can find known and fixed issues.

Press CTRL+B in the program or select the ? → System Information menu item to learn which component versions you use.



DescriptionFrom Server/Client
27212Four digit data table numbers can now be entered in the PLANTA customizer.

The global settings can now be configured via the environment variables. Schema: planta__server__global_setting prefix and then the Python ID of the global setting. For further information on this, see Server Parameters.

At the moment, this cannot be used to set templates. Global settings which have been set via environment variables cannot be changed in the system. When you try to change them anyway, a respective message is displayed.

27241A context menu has been implemented on the data-driven events. It allows you to open an editing option for the respective event with which you can adjust the event if required.
27256Year specifications in the SQL statements have been changed to the 4-digit format.
27218A new module subclass Insert on call (SimpleInsertIfEmptyModule) has been implemented, which filters in a module when it is opened and inserts a new record if no records are found. The new subclass has been included in the listbox on the Python module subclass field.

New chart parameters have been implemented:

  • Axis parameters: PastDatesColor for coloring the area before the today line in the master milestone status charts.
  • Series parameters: BorderWidth for defining the frame width of the empty rhombs in master milestone status charts (scatter plots).


An auxiliary migration packet FindOldCharts has been implemented. It can be used for finding all individually created charts and to subsequently adapt them to the new technology using the PLANTA chart customizer.

26915A new time-controlled event for LDAP import was implemented. The event is deactivated by default and can be activated if necessary.
27206A new startup events event type with the eponymous module has been implemented. For further information, please see Programmable Events.
27393For data-driven events and server startup events, the option of specifying the order of execution using the Position parameter has been implemented.
27357The new without work area module variant for the Modules module provides the logged-in user with a list of all modules which have not yet been assigned to a work area.
27309Implementation of a new protocol action for switching directly from an Adaptive Card for notification on missing hour postings to the time recording.
27375For the search bar of the web client, a new module (MOD009DUH) for displaying the results has been implemented. The module for the search bar is stored in the skin in the new Search bar skin parameter. If the customer creates an individual module for the search bar, it can be stored in the new skin parameter instead of the standard module.

Bug Fixes


DescriptionFrom Server/Client
27238The cause of the Python error message in the Time-Controlled Events module when updating via F7 has been resolved.



Links to the Data Dictionary in the Modules module now work correctly again.
27202Links on the frequency of use specifications, e.g. VH DF, for the deactivated DIs in the Data Dictionary now work correctly.
27250It is now possible again to save the module variants in the Schedule module via the Save module customizing button.
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