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PLANTA project 39.5.18

Version 39.5.18 contains: Database 39.5.18, Server 39.5.31, Client 39.5.30

released on: 10/10/2022

  • Below, release notes on PLANTA project user functions are listed. For release notes on the customizing and interface functions, please refer to the PLANTA customizer and PLANTA link help areas.
  • The functions and bugfixes listed here are mainly contained in the database software component. Functions which stem from the server or client component are explicitly indicated in the column on the right-hand side.
  • The Releases and Downloads section in the Technology/Installation help area provides you with a comprehensive overview of the PLANTA project releases with links to their corresponding pages as well as with information on software installation and update for the release you use.
  • Here you can find known and fixed issues.

Press CTRL+B in the program or select the ? → System Information menu item to learn which component versions you use.


KeyDescriptionFrom Server/Client
24344Calendar weeks in date fields are now displayed in bold font.
24086For opened planning objects, the name of the planning object is now displayed in the title bar in addition to the ID.
25765An option for deleting records also via context menu has been implemented. For detailed information on deletion, please refer to the Introduction and Program Operation help section.

S 39.5.31

C 39.5.30

26144If no access to is set for the PLANTA application server (PLANTA Online Help), a message indicating this will now be displayed when attempting to open the documentation via the F1/F2 buttons from within the system and the PLANTA Online Help will be opened automatically. Your PLANTA administrator should configure the access in accordance with the system requirements.
26216The version of the desktop client used is now additionally displayed in the tooltip on the PLANTA logo (on the left-hand side of the title bar). Next to the release and hash specification, date and time are displayed as well. Double-click to copy the specifications to the clipboard.

C 39.5.30

25970If your PLANTA license has expired, is not yet activated, or if there are other license-related problems, you will now be informed about the issue by an indication in the title bar of the program and you will only be able to use the system to a limited extent. In such a case, please contact your PLANTA administrator who will then verify the validity of your license.

S 39.5.31


OS login is no longer supported by PLANTA. In order to ensure secure authentication, PLANTA offers Kerberos or PLANTA secure. If you have any questions, please contact your PLANTA consultant.

S 39.5.31


The basic variant of the modules is now displayed in the module tabs as well.

C 39.5.30

25964The cost calculation performance has been improved.
15466In listboxes for stakeholder selection or resources which contain an unstructured person list, persons are now sorted alphabetically.
25837When archiving projects, active requests are now archived as well. Requests with "created" status will be deleted.



The performance in schedule calculation of very large projects has been improved.


The name of the department is now displayed in the title bar and is thus visible in all modules of the Department Board panel.

22827If the Employee Board is opened for an employee from within the Department Board, the name of the employee is now displayed in the title bar.
25811In subprojects of structured projects, the gates of the subprojects themselves are now displayed as well. They are positioned on the respective project bar in order to separate them from the gates of the main project which are displayed directly below the scale.
25880In PLANTA project/portfolio, portfolios are now multi-client capable just like planning objects. To assure this, the Cost center parameter via which access to the portfolios can be controlled was implemented in the Portfolio Core Data. For detailed information on the controlling of access rights, see here.
25678Portfolio status reports can now be opened directly from the Check Status Report Creation and Project Applications module.
PM Administration
25723In the Check Status Report Creation and Project Applications module, the planning objects are now displayed grouped by object type.
25720The Approval required parameter is now also activated for newly created person resources by default.
25957All e-mail settings are located in one category in the Global Settings (Total) and Global Settings (Project) modules. You can test e-mail dispatch via a button.
25643In the Time-Controlled Events module you can now review time-controlled events and edit their settings.
22350In the Persons, Users, and Resources modules, the entries can now be filtered by name or code.
22679When changing the (39.5.21-en) Global Settings (Project) MOD009DJ5#prbudgetEdit project budget global setting, the user is now informed that, in accordance with the new setting, the project budget already recorded in the Budget module will possibly be overwritten. You should verify the values and possibly carry out a backup before making the change.
Hybrid pulse/Jira
25905After initial synchronization, the project manager of a project in project now has not only board administrator but also project administrator rights in pulse. After changing the project manager in project, the board administrator and the project administrator in pulse are changed as well.


You can now view the PLANTA pulse boards of a project in the pulse Boards module which is displayed as soon as a project has been synchronized with PLANTA pulse.C 39.5.30
26009The pulse data of a synchronized project task, like the number of cards (completed, pending, etc.), foreign system ID, etc., are now saved as well when you create a project status report. If required, you can have them displayed in the status reports by making an individual customizing.
25904The initial synchronization of data to PLANTA pulse or Jira has been simplified and can now be initiated directly in the Project Core Data.
26182The synchronization of data changes with PLANTA pulse or Jira can be carried out directly from the Schedule module via the respective logo buttons (below the project bar). The buttons will only be displayed when an initial synchronization has already taken place.
26010In the Task module, the PLANTA pulse cards of a task and the statistics on the degree of completion are now displayed together. In the Schedule, the ratio of pending cards/all cards is displayed.C 39.5.30
26124In the Task module, a new Jira area is now displayed for projects which are synchronized with Jira in which the respective task can be synchronized with Jira.
25997When employing the new Rest-API 2.0 for PLANTA pulse, any user who makes a change in PLANTA project is now mandatorily transmitted as an "author" to PLANTA pulse.
Management Functions in the Web

  • 25954
  • 25959
  • 25909
  • 25925

The following modules are now also available in the web view (demo web role R45):

Bug Fixes

KeyDescriptionFrom Server/Client
26142The missing shortcut specifications on some menu items in menu item menus have been reinserted.
26148The problem which provoked a Python message when selecting the Extras → Change startup module menu item, has been resolved.

Context menus for hiding/unhiding data fields no longer contain data fields with empty headings.C 39.5.30
25752Resource requests are furthermore only displayed in the Base, With Loads, and Entire Schedule module variants of the Schedule module.
25844In the Task module, the units are now displayed on the Actual load, Remaining load and Overload fields.
25872In the Budget module, the values are now calculated correctly again when adding and removing subprojects.
26112In the Budget module, layout problems which occurred when switching the module variants have been resolved. The transfer arrows for copying the budget are now available in the base variant of the module.
14508The milestone trend analysis now only shows dates from the status reports in which the milestone has not been completed at the time of the creation of the report.
25629In the Risks/Opportunity module, the project team members can now be selected as persons responsible, regardless of whether they have been defined for the resource approvals in question.
22739If a day for which planning has already been carried out (remaining loads) becomes a non-working day (due to vacation/sickness), the planned load will be deleted and planned for the next working day in the next calculation of the schedule. S 39.5.31
25524The error, which caused that no more forecasts were sent when the Receive resource request journal e-mail checkbox was activated on a stakeholder, has been fixed.
25734The correct message is now displayed when attempting to generate resource requests while there are still unsaved changes.
26022The performance in calculation/update in the Budget module has been enhanced.

The schedule calculation with "Adhering to float" setting now works correctly. If there is float, it will be used if necessary.

S 39.5.31
26116The E-mail resource requests checkbox is now no longer displayed in the Proposal Core Data.



In the listbox for year selection for the yearly tranches of the budget in the budget modules of project and portfolio, the current year and the next ten years are now displayed.


The problem, that in particular planning constellations the remaining duration of tasks with planned duration = 0 was always set to 1, has been resolved.
PM Administration
25929By clicking on the link on the User field in the Persons module, the corresponding user will now be opened in the Users module.
25866In fast creation of employee data, first and last names are now set correctly for stakeholders, person resources, and resources.
17661In the Total module variant of the Edit Planning Objects module, programs are displayed now as well.
25724The setting which defines at which level resource requests are activated globally will furthermore only be used in the creation of new projects. If the global setting is changed retroactively, existing projects will not be affected. Further information
23897In the Cost Posting module, filtering is now carried out correctly for the last 60 days and the resource type.
25930An error in the verification of reverse postings has been fixed.
Hybrid pulse/Jira
25951Time recording entries from PLANTA pulse which were made by users which have umlauts in their User ID are now processed correctly by PLANTA project.



In synchronization of projects with PLANTA pulse or Jira it is now verified whether a synchronized project manager is available. If not, the user will be informed and synchronization will not be started.

When changing the project manager in project, this change is now transmitted correctly to pulse and causes the respective changes in pulse.

25993If the pulse component is not available in a hybrid system, no more error message will be displayed when opening a schedule. Instead, the respective fields for hybrid will be empty.
26044For projects which are synchronized with Jira, the functional ID is now verified correctly.
26096The problem, that only PLANTA pulse can be selected as an external system when pulse and Jira were configured, has been resolved.
Management Functions in the Web


Projects which have spaces in their functional ID can now also be opened via the direct link.


Go to (CTRL + G) now works correctly.

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