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Record Hours Worked (Overview)


  • This topic provides an overview of all options and positions for working time recording in PLANTA project. For the exact description of the procedure, please refer to the description of the respective module.
    • There are several descriptions for the Time Recording module since the module behaves differently depending on the global settings chosen. All setting combinations are listed on the page that can be accessed using the link mentioned above. Please check the combination you are using and refer to the corresponding description.
  • If you use PLANTA project along with PLANTA pulse as a hybrid system, you have the option to carry out the entire working time recording in the PLANTA pulse web component. The recorded data is synchronized with PLANTA project. For further information on this, please click here.

Schon gewusst?

There are videos on the subject of time recording.

Record Own Working Time on Projects/Tasks for which One is Planned

Where?In the Time Recording module (009ABV) in the Time Recording up to the end of the current week areaPath to the module from the user menu:
Employee BoardTime Recording
Employee Board tab → My Activities tab → Click on the Time RecordingTime Recording context menu command on the required activity

  1. enter hours directly below the time scale (one entry can be made per day and task)
  2. or enter hours directly below the time scale and write comments (one entry can be made per day and task)
  3. or create a load record for the required task (load record) (several entries can be made per day and task).
The global Time recording variant parameter determines whether 1, 2, or 3 will be used.

Record Own Working Time on Projects/Tasks for which One is not Planned but on which One has Worked

In the Time Recording module (009ABV) in the Time recording up to the end of the current week area

The tasks for which one is not planned are not automatically displayed in the Time Recording module. Instead, they must first be fetched manually to the Time Recording module by making a selection in the Add Projects and Tasks for Time Recording module.

Path to the module from the user menu:
Employee BoardTime Recording tab → Add further projects/tasks plus button → Add Projects and Tasks for Time Recording dialog module

  1. enter hours directly below the time scale (one entry can be made per day and task)
  2. or enter hours directly below the time scale and write comments (one entry can be made per day and task)
  3. or create a load record for the required task (load record) (several entries can be made per day and task).

The global Time recording variant parameter determines whether 1, 2, or 3 will be used.

Record Vacation, Sickness, etc. (Future Hours) (Overhead Costs)

Where?In the Time Recording module (009ABV) in the Time recording in the futurePath to the module from the user menu:
Employee BoardTime Recording tab
  1. enter hours directly below the time scale (one entry can be made per day and task)
  2. or enter hours directly below the time scale and write comments (one entry can be made per day and task)
  3. or create a load record for the required task (load record) (several entries can be made per day and task).
The global Time recording variant parameter determines whether 1, 2, or 3 will be used.

Record Own Hours Worked on Projects in which One is Stakeholder

Where?Time Recording module (009CQP) which is opened from the Project Core Data of the corresponding project.

Path to the module from the user menu:
Project panel → Project Core Data tab → Time Recording context menu command on your own stakeholder in the StakeholderTime Recording area

How?Select the task in the respective fields in the dialog module and enter the number of hours.

Delete/Cancel Recorded Working Time

Where?In the Time Recording module (009ABV)

Path to the module from the user menu:
Employee BoardTime Recording tab
1) Automatic reverse posting: correct/delete the required value
2) Manual reverse posting: Create another load record with the same (but negative) actual load value for the day on which the load record to be canceled is dated.

Detailed information on reverse postings
The global Reverse posting variant parameter determines whether reverse postings will be created automatically or manually; and if they are created automatically, in which case.

Record Presence Times (Clock-in/Clock-out)

Where?In the Presence dialog module (009D2A), which is opened from the Time Recording module (009ABV).

Path to the module from the user menu:
Employee BoardTime Recording tab → Record presence time button → Presence dialog module
How?Click on the Record presence time button in the Time Recording module. The Presence module, in which the presence time, breaks, journeys, and over-night-stays can be recorded.To be able to record presence, the global Hours to be worked and presence time parameter must be set to "4".

Record Hours Worked of Other Employees


  • The procedure for the recording of external hours is the same as that for recording own hours, the only difference is the access path to the Time Recording module. The following persons are allowed to record external hours:
    • the department managers who can record hours for employees of their own department by opening the employee boards of their own employees from the Department Board.
    • project managers who can record hours for the stakeholders of their projects in the Project Core Datamodule.
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