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Presence MOD009D2A

Video Tutorial


  • The Presence module is a dialog module for the recording of presence time in the course of general time recording in the Time Recording module.


  • Hours/durations in the Presence dialog module are displayed/recorded by the day.
    • When the module is opened, the current day is always displayed by default, or, if you jump to another week, Monday is displayed.
  • The module is divided into two areas.
    • Presence times
      • Here, actual hours or a duration are recorded.
      • When the module is opened, there is an empty record in this area each for the recording of presence and break.
        • Record presence
          • To do so, enter the required time in the Start and End fields in the presence record. The duration of the presence is automatically calculated from it.
        • Record breaks
          • Option 1
            • A break can be recorded as a duration value or as a start-end time value. In the second case, the respective duration is calculated automatically.
            • The break value will automatically be subtracted from the presence value and the thus adjusted presence sum value is displayed at the top of the module.
          • Option 2
            • Multiple presence entries with start-end are recorded and time intervals are left between the entries which will be considered as breaks.
        • Further presence time and/or breaks
          • To record further presence time or breaks, click on the plus button in the Presence time area and select a time recording type in the Type field in the new record (e.g. presence, break, etc.). Subsequently, record the times as described above.
    • Fixed amounts
      • Here, e.g. travel or overnight accommodation fees are recorded.
      • Here, no empty records are contained by default when the module is opened. To create new records, click on the plus button in the Fixed amounts area.
        • Select the required fixed amount in the Type field.
        • Select project and task for which a fixed amount is to be recorded.
        • Activate the Billable checkbox if the standard value is to be invoiced to the customer.
      • To insert further records, click on the plus button in the Fixed amounts area.
    • In both areas you can write a comment for each entry.


  • The recorded time in the presence entries (records) must not overlap.
  • Records with break which were recorded with start-end must not overlap either.
  • Break records with start-end must be on the same day within the recorded absence period.
    • Example: If a presence with 09:00-12:00 has been recorded, a record with break from 11:30-12:30 is not valid.
  • In the case of time overlapping or breaks outside the presence period, respective messages are displayed.


  • The values recorded in the Presence module will subsequently be summed up as a daily value in the Time Recording module directly below the time scale and as a weekly value next to the Present heading.
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