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Todo Items MOD009ABH



  • The Todo Items module is a central module for managing all todo items of the project. Here, you can create new todo items and edit existing ones.
    • Todo items can also be recorded and edited in the Schedule and Task modules.
  • All todo items in this module are grouped by todo item category by default. If required, another grouping criterion can be selected from the listbox in the Group by field. After you have clicked on the Refresh button, all todo items are displayed grouped by this criterion.

Todo items are small tasks within the project tasks which are to be completed (to-dos) and which can be assigned to individual resources for completion.


  • If the module described here is opened and at the same time you make changes to another module of the project panel which have an influence on the data in the module described here and save them (or if another user has done so), the Refresh button is displayed at the lower left corner of this module. You have to click on this button in order to refresh the display of the data.
Module Variants

BaseAll pending todo items of the current (main) project are displayed.
Completed todo itemsAll pending todo items of the current (main) project are displayed.
Pending and completed todo itemsAll pending and completed todo items of the selected (main) project are displayed.
All pending todo items including subprojectsAll pending todo items of the main project and of all of its subprojects are displayed.
Completed todo items including subprojectsAll completed todo items of the main project and of all of its subprojects are displayed.
Pending and completed todo items including subprojectsAll pending and completed todo items of the main project and of all of its subprojects are displayed.

Create Todo Items

Create Todo Items for New Tasks


  • Click on the plus symbol in the upper area of the Todo Items module.
  • The Create todo item dialog module is opened, in which all tasks of the project are displayed.
  • Activate the Select checkbox for the tasks for which you want to create todo items.

    • You switch back to theTodo Items module in which the selected tasks are displayed with the automatically created records for todo items. In the course of this, the todo item IDs are generated automatically as well.
    • Fill the required fields of the tasks, e.g. the todo item name, the date up to which the todo item is to be completed, resource who is to complete the todo item, etc.
    • Save.

Create Further Todo Items for Displayed Tasks


  • Right-click on the required task and select the Insert → Todo item context menu command.
    • A todo item line will be inserted.
    • Enter the name of the todo item in the Todo item name field.
    • Save.
      • As a result, the ID number (Todo item field) of the todo item is generated automatically.
      • The Created on / Created by: name of the todo item are automatically filled with the current date and the current user.
      • Fill the required fields, e.g. the date up to which the todo item is to be completed (when a todo item is created, today’s date is automatically entered here), resource which is to complete the todo item, etc.
    • Save.


  • All todo items to which resources have been displayed are displayed in the My Activities module in the Employee Board panel of the respective resource.

Edit Todo Items


  • The todo items can be edited by changing the todo item parameters:
    • either directly in the corresponding record in the Todo Items module or
    • in the form of a data sheet in the Todo Item module.
      • You can open this module by clicking on the ID of the todo item or by right-clicking on the todo item and selecting the Edit Todo Item context menu command.
  • When notes and checklist items are assigned to the todo item, they can be displayed and edited by opening the tree structure.


  • After entering 100 % in the % completed field, the todo item is considered completed and is invisible by default when reopening the module. However, it can also be viewed in the With completed todo items or Completed todo items only module variants.

Create Notes/Documents


  • Right-click on the required todo item and select the Insert → Note command from the context menu.
  • A note/document record is inserted.
  • Enter your text in the Note field.
  • In the Linked file field, a link to a file can be created.

Assign Checklist Items/Checklists


  • For todo items, individual steps can be recorded in the form of checklist items. They can either be created individually or as entire checklists from checklist templates.

Assign individual checklist items

  • insert an empty checklist item record for the required todo item by right-clicking on the todo item and selecting the Insert → Checklist item command.
  • Describe the item.
  • Save.

Copy entire checklists from predefined checklist templates

  • switch to the Todo Item module (by right-clicking or by directly clicking on the ID of the required todo item).
  • In the Todo Item module, right-click on the todo item.
  • Select Copy checklist from the context menu.
  • Select a checklist in the Copy checklist from template area and click on the link on the checklist name.
  • The checklist items of the selected checklist are assigned to the todo item.
  • Save.


  • Checklists can also be copied additively.
  • Checklist templates are created and managed in the Checklists master data module.
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