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Portfolio Core Data MOD009CS4



  • In this module you can,
    • create, edit, and maintain the header data and the most important parameters of a portfolio
    • delete portfolios
    • include planning objects in the portfolio
    • remove planning objects from the portfolio

Portfolio Header Data


  • In the portfolio header, portfolio data such as the ID, Name, Portfolio Manager, etc. is displayed and can be edited.

Create Header Data of a New Portfolio


  • After you have clicked on the New portfolio button in the Portfolios module, the empty Portfolio module will be opened.
    • When the module is opened, the ID number for the new portfolio is generated automatically and is displayed immediately.
  • In the Portfolio name field (here, the Please enter name dialog is displayed by default) you can name the portfolio as desired.
  • Define the manager of the portfolio in the Portfolio manager field.
    • When the portfolio is created, the logged on user is entered as manager by default.
  • Select the required cost center in the Cost center field to enable portfolio access control (multi-client capability).
  • Save.

Change or delete portfolio image


  • The portfolio image is displayed to the right of the portfolio core data.
  • When you create a portfolio, the image which is defined as standard image for portfolios in the Global Settings is automatically inserted.

Image specifications

  • Ideal image format: 4:3
  • Ideal image size: min. 200 x 150 px
  • Supported file types: *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png, *.bmp
  • Maximum file size: 10 MB

Change image

  • Click on the image.
  • The file manager is opened. Select the required image file and click on the Open button.

Delete image

  • Hover the mouse cursor over the image and click on the X which is displayed in the upper right corner. Save.
  • Subsequently you can insert a new image (see procedure below). In order for the new image to be displayed correctly, you have to save between the deletion of the old and the insertion of the new image.

Insert a new image

  • If the image was removed, the following text will be displayed instead of an image: "Please click here to change the image or to insert a new one".
  • Click on the text.
  • Select the required image file and click on the Open button.

Delete Portfolio


  • Click on the Delete portfolio button in the portfolio header.
  • Confirm the Do you really want to delete this portfolio? message with Yes.


Mark Portfolio as a "Favorite"


  • Projects which are marked as favorites are displayed in the Benutzermenü of the logged-on user at the top of the Favorites area. This allows you to access projects more quickly from the menu without having to navigate.


  • Click on the blue star symbol directly next to the header bar. The star turns yellow and the portfolio is thus turned into a favorite.

Stakeholder Area


Add Stakeholder

  • Assign a new stakeholder to the portfolio
    • either via a dialog module
      • to do so, click on the Assign Stakeholder button.
    • or via listbox selection directly in the new record.
      • To do so, right-click on the Stakeholder area or on the record of an already assigned stakeholder.
      • Select InsertStakeholder from the context menu.
      • Select stakeholder from the listbox in the new record.
  • Define the Role of the newly assigned Stakeholder Area in the portfolio.
  • Enter a Comment if necessary.
  • Save.

Remove Stakeholder

  • Mark the record of the stakeholder in question.
  • Delete the record by clicking on the Delete button in the toolbar.

cost type groups


  • By activating/deactivating the Active in portfolio checkbox, the portfolio manager can define individually which cost type groups are relevant for his/her portfolio.
  • The selection made here influences the display of costs and effort in the Budget and Status modules.

Quality Gates


  • In the Active template listbox of the Quality Gates data area, a Quality Gate template is selected for the opened portfolio. It contains one or more defined quality gates which can be copied to the planning objects of the portfolio and then serve as a control device to the portfolio manager for the monitoring of the planning object progress.
  • The selected template will be valid for all planning objects of the portfolio to which quality gates are copied.



  • If the quality gate template has already been assigned to a planning object, it can no longer be exchanged portfolio-wide or be removed from the portfolio.
    • When trying to select a new template from the Active template listbox or delete the selected one, the following message is displayed: The selected template is used in one of the planning objects assigned to the portfolio. To select a new template, please delete the corresponding quality gates first.
  • It is not possible to assign a template to a portfolio if at least one planning object is assigned to another portfolio which uses another template. A message with a list of the projects in question is displayed.

planning Objects


  • In this area, all planning objects assigned to the portfolio are listed. The listed planning objects are displayed in groups.
  • New planning objects can be assigned to the portfolio here and existing assignments can be deleted.


  • By clicking on the link on the ID of a planning object, the Project (Idea, Proposal, Program) panel with the respective planning object will be opened.
  • The estimate for a planning object can be adjusted by the portfolio manager in the Planning Object Status and Status modules via the » button.


  • Estimates and comments of the portfolio manager are only visible in the modules of the portfolio and have no effect on the planning objects.

Assign planning objects to the portfolio


  • Click on the Assign planning object(s) button.
    • The Assign Planning Objects to the Portfolio module will be opened.
    • Activate the respective checkboxes and click on the Assign selected objects button to assign one or several planning objects from the list to the portfolio.
    • Save.


  • If a quality gate template has already been selected for the required portfolio, it is checked upon assignment of the planning objects whether at least one of the planning objects is already contained in another portfolio which uses another quality gate template. In this case, assignment is not possible. A message with a list of the planning objects and portfolios in question is displayed.

Remove Planning Object from Portfolio


  • Right-click on the required planning object.
  • Select the Delete command from the context menu.
  • Save.

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