PLANTA project 39.5.17
Released on: 03/03/2022
- Version 39.5.17 contains Database 39.5.17, Server 39.5.30, and Client 39.5.29.
- Below, release notes on PLANTA project user functions are listed. For release notes on the customizing and interface functions, please refer to the PLANTA customizer and PLANTA link help areas.
- The functions and bugfixes listed here are mainly contained in the database software component. Functions which stem from the server or client component are explicitly indicated in the column on the right-hand side.
- The Releases and Downloads section in the Technology/Installation help area provides you with a comprehensive overview of the PLANTA project releases with links to their corresponding pages as well as with information on software installation and update for the release you use.
- Here you can find known and fixed issues.
Press CTRL+B in the program or select the ? → System Information menu item to learn which component versions you use.
Key | Description | From Server/Client |
General | ||
25430 | The new PLANTA web client can now be used to retrieve particular management analyses and project information. For detailed information, please click here. | |
25432 | The PLANTA software documentation is available in a new Online Help. F1, F2, and CTRL+M will now take you to the descriptions in the new help. For instructions on the PLANTA Online Help, please click here. | |
8666 | Data in modules can now also be reset/updated by clicking on the F5 button. | |
25395 | An option for exporting own project and task dates from PLANTA project to Outlook calendar has been implemented. For this purpose, PLANTA provides a new standard interface. For information on its use, please click here. | |
25463 | Via the ? → Evaluate us! menu item you can switch directly from PLANTA project to the Trusted and Capterra assessment portals and evaluate PLANTA project. | |
25541 | Implementation of an option for simply dragging files attached to e-mails via Drag&Drop into the Linked file field in different modules of the PLANTA project application that contain such a field. | C 39.5.29 |
Time Recording | ||
25544 | In time recording modules, links for opening planning objects have been implemented on planning objects. | |
24752 | If an activity which has not yet been entirely completed (remaining effort available), is set to "completed" in the Time Recording module, a message will now indicate that the remaining effort will be deleted in the next calculation of the schedule. | |
25238 | The performance of creation and analysis of presence time (clock in/clock out) has been improved. | |
Project | ||
25164 | The Request/approval workflow for resource planning has been implemented. | |
25489 | Resource planning has been extended by an option for automatically having postings which are higher than planned transferred/distributed from child resources to the parent resources. For detailed information, please click here. | S 39.5.30 |
25763 | In the Schedule module, an additional option for inserting tasks has been implemented: via the icon directly below the project line. | |
23083 | Tasks for which the resource in question is planned and which already have an Actual end will be displayed grayed out in the Resource Load per Month module. | |
25327 | The Split parameter is now activated on tasks by default. | |
25567 | When generating a WBS code, the last changes will now be saved automatically as well. If the task ID is set to the WBS code, the latter will also be generated in the calculation of a schedule. | |
24450 | In the My Planning Objects module, information on possibly existing forecasts on increased effort is made available to the project manager for each project. For this purpose, a new Forecast column has been implemented in which the number of available forecasts per project is displayed. By clicking on the link on the number, the project manager switches to the Progress module in which he/she can see individual forecasts and adjust effort. | |
14683 | When deleting the tasks with todo items, the Delete dependent data? query will now be displayed. | |
23176 | The procedure of assigning existing projects as subprojects to another project has been changed, so that it now acts on coherence with other comparable assignment functions. | |
21762 | In multi-project management modules, e.g. Projects, the sorting order of projects within groups has been improved. | |
24972 | When copying entire projects via the Copy Entire Project Structure module an info message listing the external links which are not included in the copy procedure will now be displayed as well. | |
25329 | In the Utilization, Utilization by Skills and Utilization with Cause utilization modules, the grid of the scale has been changed to weeks, the default period has been restricted to one year and in the first two modules, a module variant has been implemented which exclusively shows resources with overload. | |
22731 | The procedure for including an existing project in the project structure has been facilitated. | |
PM Administration | ||
The PM Administration standard role has been restructured and designed more clearly. | ||
25113 | The following adjustments have been made to the Fast creation of Employee Data module:
| |
25288 | The Person ID change now also takes data table 170 User/module in account. | |
25312 | When changing the Default cost type of a resource in Master Data (in the Resource Data Sheet module), a dialog will be opened which asks whether the cost type of the resource is also to be changed on the assignments of this resource in projects. Confirming this query lets you facilitate possibly required adjustments at several points by means of automatic replacement. | |
25435 | In the Users module, the Authorizations parameter has been replaced by the Can delete actual postings (checkbox) since this parameter only controls authorizations for the deletion of actual postings. | |
24617 | In the Check Reported Hours (per Project) and Check Reported Hours (Across Projects)modules, sum values are now displayed on the project as well. | |
25338 | The resource list which is displayed for defining the hours to be worked is now restricted to person resources. | |
25584 | Some persons, users, and resource parameters which are no longer used have also been removed from import and fast creation. | |
22490 | Resources will now no longer be displayed in the Resource Data Sheet module but in the Resources and Resource Structure modules, in which the resource structure is clearly visible, showing child resources which are possibly included in the deletion. If the resources to be deleted have dependent data, e.g. child resources, planning data, queries will be displayed which must be confirmed. | |
25534 | For global settings from the PLANTA project area only, a separate Global Settings module has been implemented, which is available in the administration area, so that the extensive customizing module no longer has to be used for making changes which only concern project settings. | |
25543 | The procedure for defining the individual user startup has been facilitated insofar that you can now assign the individual startup macro directly to the user. | |
25701 | New Web client parameter for marking roles which are only to be used with the web client has been implemented. | |
25808 | When using the web client, no startup modules will be loaded. | |
Hybrid pulse/Jira | ||
23608 | When using PLANTA project and PLANTA pulse in hybrid, postings made in PLANTA pulse for which there are reverse postings in PLANTA project will now be updated as well |
Bug Fixes
Key | Description | From Server/Client |
General | ||
23637 | An error in PDF export by users with French language has been fixed. | |
25275 | In the title bar, the ID of an active proposal/idea is now displayed as well. | |
25569 | Now, only active users are counted in the "By number of named users” licenses. | |
25725 | If a project is assigned to several portfolios, the assignment will now no longer be counted multiple times in the license check. | |
Time Recording | ||
23258 | In the Add Projects and Tasks for Time Recording module, no more tasks are displayed to which the user is already assigned. Furthermore, no more projects which do not contain any tasks that the user could add to time recording are displayed. | |
23579 | When recording hours worked via the Time Recording dialog module from the Project Core Data, the recorded hours in the dialog module can now also be corrected or deleted. | |
25128 | The presence time will now only be displayed in the Time Recording module if you have at least entered the starting time in Record presence and not already when you select a day. | |
24284 | The cause of a Python error message which occurred when recording hours via time recording variant= 2 has been eliminated. | |
25265 | The cause of a Python error message which occurred when recording hours while there are multiple calendars in Master Data has been eliminated. | |
25247 | The time recording performance in large projects has been improved. | |
Project | ||
24855 | The format of the Absence+Vacation: Total field has been adjusted, so that absence data is no longer displayed truncated in the My Activities module. | |
25202 | The Task listbox in the Post revenues module now shows the correct tasks again. | |
25462 | The date display for master milestones is automatically refreshed in the Project Core Data module after the date of the corresponding master milestone has been changed. | |
22041 | A department manager can now not only see his/her subdepartments in the Absence of the Department module but also the individual resources of these subdepartments. | |
25558 | The problem, that in the Status module of a project risks of other projects were listed as well, has been resolved. | |
25458 | The problem, that in the creation of a new controlling status report the data of all previous status reports were updated as well, has been resolved. | |
25217 | Now no more buttons for releasing, updating, and deleting the status report will be displayed in a released status report. | |
25297 | The problem, that the maximum hours per day were calculated incorrectly for resources when time recording variant= 2 was used and multiple calendars had been created in the master data of the Calendar module, has been resolved. | |
25244 | The incorrect coloring of presence/vacation days (all days were colored, even those for which no vacation/absence was entered) in the Absence department board module has been corrected. | |
25063 | Load profiles of the resources will now also be adopted when copying schedules from the template project or another source project and will not be reset to the resource default value specified in the master data. | |
25597 | The cause for multiple assignments of managers as stakeholders in structured projects has been resolved. | |
25450 | In the Resource Plan module, subprojects are displayed now as well. | |
25744 | Incorrect calculation of the calculated end date of a task which contains assignments by several resources with CAP load profile if at least one resource is changed to PM profile. | S 39.5.30 |
25666 | The problem, that links to project bars were drawn in addition if the All modifiable parameter was activated for a bar in the project area in the customizing, has been resolved. | S 39.5.30 |
Portfolio | ||
25300 | Portfolio images are now written in the temporary directory of the user instead of being written in the client folder. This resolves the error message displayed when a user who possesses the portfolio role logs on. Caution: This fix will take effect if at least Client C 39.5.28 stable 2 is installed. | |
25804 | In the Portfolio Status module, several data fields like Name, Comment, etc. have now been reset to "Input", so that they can now be edited again. | |
PM Administration | ||
25019 | ||
25139 | In the creation of persons, Starting date and Leaving date are now applied correctly to user, stakeholder, and person resource. | |
25305 | The cause of the error message which was displayed after the Manual cost input parameter was activated and a schedule calculation was carried out has been eliminated. | |
6959 | It is now no longer possible to delete phases in project process model templates when the respective process model is used in yet another or multiple other projects. This is indicated by a respective message which specifies the projects in which the process model is used. | |
20650 | In the Check Status Report Creation and Project Applications module, only individual status reports can be opened via links. | |
25515 | In person ID change, the person IDs are now set correctly in all data tables in question. | |
24699 | When updating the periods in the Resource Data Sheet, empty from/to fields will no longer be accepted. The problem which occurred when deleting the start period and refreshing with empty date fields has thus been resolved. | |
22212 | The problem, that after import of resource data with periods deviating from the calendar via the Fast Creation module and in planning of such resources in projects, an error message was displayed, has been resolved. The validity of the periods will now already be checked when importing via Fast Creation. | |
Hybrid pulse/Jira | ||
25379 | When using PLANTA project in hybrid, recorded hours worked changed in external systems will now also be updated correctly in PLANTA project if PLANTA project has been set to automatic reverse postings. |