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Axes MOD009DHE



  • In this module you can edit the attributes of the axes of a chart.


  • This module can only be opened for charts with axes (e.g. not for pie charts).
  • In bar charts, the X-axis is vertical and the Y-axis is horizontal. 



  • Using the Crosshair parameter you can define whether a cross-hair pointer is to be displayed when the cursor hovers over the chart.
  • The 0.0 point of axis charts is located at the lower left and the data is added from bottom to top.

Axis type


  • You can select an axis type for each axis. By default, the following types are available:
Axis type
DoubleNumeric values

Date values

LogarithmicRepresents numbers on a logarithmic scale
CategoryText values

Axis parameters


  • Using the following parameters you can define the axes of a chart in detail.
Axis parameters
MinimumMinimum value of the axis
MaximumMaximum value of the axis
IntervalDefines the unit of the axis steps.

Defines the steps of a  DateTime axis.

Possible values: Auto, Days, Hours, Minutes, Months, Years

Can be combined with  IntervalIntervalType = Months and Interval = 2 causes, e.g., that there is a step on the axis every 2 months.


Defines how the values are to be displayed at the front and at the back.

Possible values: None, Auto, Additional, Normal, Round


Formatting of axis labels.

Allows for placeholders like, e.g., {value}€.

Here you can also use the Python-ID of a data field to have its DF heading displayed.

Format parameter for Double axes

Format parameter for DateTime axes


Defines whether the date values in DateTime axes are to be rounded down to the 1st day of the interval from IntervalType.

Possible values: true/false


Title of the axis

Here you can also use the Python-ID of a data field to have its DF heading displayed.

GridLineWidthWidth of the grid lines
AxisLineWidthWidth of the axis lines
AxisTickWidthWidth of the tick marks

Defines whether missing data points are to stuffed on this axis.

The value on this axis is determined by the defined Interval and the value on the other axis is determined by the defined DefaultValue.

Possible values: true / false


Value which is used to insert missing data points (StuffPoints)

Default values:

  • Double axis type: 0
  • DateTime axis type: today’s date

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