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Tooltip MOD009DHI



  • In this module you can configure the tooltip which will be displayed when the cursor hovers over a the data point of a chart.


  • As a subtitle you can either enter a fixed string or the Python ID of a data field from the chart area.
    • If a Python ID is entered, the data field heading of the respective data field will be displayed in the language set for the user.
  • The Tooltip field is the tooltip of the data field on which the chart was created.
    • The tooltip can thus be translated as well.


Format strings

  • Via the Format string listbox you can insert different strings in order to format the tooltip as desired.
${point.x}Represents the current X value
${point.y}Represents the current Y value
${point.text}Represents the current Text value
${point.percentage}%Represents the current percentage value
${}Represents the current Name value


Formats a text in bold font


Formats a text in italic font

<br />

Inserts a line break

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