Module Variants
Video Tutorial
- A module variant is a slightly modified base module. These modifications do not include any substantial modifications to the behavior of the base module.
- You can create n variants of each module in the PLANTA software.
- PLANTA project distinguishes between general and user-specific module variants.
- General module variants are visible to all users but they can only be created, modified, or deleted by users with customizing rights.
- User-specific module variants are only visible for and can only be modified or deleted by the user who created them.
Use of Module Variants
- In the module header there is the module variant button .
- If the focused module already has module variants, they are displayed in a listbox along with the Base variant when you click on the button.
- The order of module variants in the listbox:
- user-specific module variants, if available
- general module variants, if available
- Base
- User-specific and general module variants are in alphabetical order.
- In the module variants listbox and in the listbox field, user-specific module variants contain:
- a delete icon
- a star icon (the star of the Favorites is yellow while all others are gray)
- If a module contains variants,
- either the Base variant
- or the module variant marked as a Favorit will be loaded when the module is opened.
- If another module variant than the Base variant is used, the module variant name is displayed in the module tab below the module name, when the respective module is focused.
In order to switch to a module variant, do the following:
- Click on the button in the module tab.
- Select the required variant.
- The new variant is loaded.
Define a Module Variant as a Favorite
- The module variant marked as a favorite is loaded when the module is opened.
- Only user-specific module variants can be defined as favorites.
- For general module variants, the star symbol will not be displayed.
- Click on the button in the module tab.
- Activate the star symbol next to the required module variant by clicking on it.
- The star symbol of this module variant is now yellow and the module variant is marked as a favorite.
- The next time you open the module, the module variant marked as a favorite will be loaded.
- If you want the base module to be loaded again when the module is opened, deactivate the star icon by clicking on it.
Create, Edit, Delete Conversion Factors
- Upon creation, editing, and deletion of a module variant, different modification rights of different user groups have to be considered.
- Normal users
- have no access to the customizing mode of the module and can only modify the surface of the module. E.g.:
- modify column (field) width
- change column (field) order
- display and hide columns (fields)
- change order within columns
- change filter criteria and fulfillment if necessary
- In order to save changes made to filter criteria you have to switch to the module variant and save there.
- You can also save individual zoom settings and window size as a module variant.
- can only be saved in own module variants.
- are only permitted to delete their own module variant.
- have no access to the customizing mode of the module and can only modify the surface of the module. E.g.:
- User with customizer rights may modify the customizing settings of a module. Further information on module variant customizing
- The creation, editing, and deletion of user-specific module variants can be turned on or off by the Project administrator per user or by the Customizer per module.
Create Module Variant
- Make the required changes made in the module.
- Click on the button in the module tab.
- Click on the Create module variant and enter a name for the new variant.
- In order to avoid naming conflicts, the program compares the name which has just been entered with existing variant names. As soon as no more matches are found, the arrow icon for creating and saving the new variant will be displayed on the right-hand side of the new entry.
- Click on the arrow symbol or press the Return key.
- As soon as a variant is saved, the delete and star icons appear next to the variant name in the listbox .
Edit Module Variant
- Click on the button in the module tab and select the required module variant.
- Make the required changes in the module.
- Click on again. Now, the save symbol is displayed in the listbox next to the name of the respective variant.
- Click on the save icon.
- After the changes have been saved, the save symbol is no longer displayed next to the variant name.
Delete Module Variant
- Individual module variants can be deleted via the delete symbol , which is displayed in the module variant listbox next to the variant name.
- Click on the button in the module tab.
- Click on the delete symbol of the required user-specific module variant.