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SQL Statements MOD009610


  • Customizer → Master Data → SQL Statements


  • This module is a central administration center of the source texts, which are, e.g., used in Python value ranges, macros, etc.
  • Here, already existing statements can be viewed or edited and new statements can be created.


  • PLANTA project can work with several databases, therefore the database source texts must be outsourced to an own data table.


  • Enter a name for the new statement in the Name field.
    • As a result, the ID in the Statement field will be generated automatically.
  • Right-click on the new statement record and select Insert SQL → SQL procedure code area.
    • A record for the definition of a procedure code will be created.
    • In the DI VR field, the query string with the number of the statement is created that is subsequently entered in the required value ranges, macros, etc. and refers to the current statement.
  • Enter the source text of the procedure in the Source text field.
  • Select the database dialect in which the source text is written in the DBMS field.
  • Save.
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