- PLANTA pulse offers outgoing webhooks which users can use to register on certain objects and events in PLANTA pulse and receive updates about these activities.
- To do so, a webhook configuration can be added in PLANTA pulse which reacts when the defined events occur and sends information to the user.
- That way, users can, for example, be informed about all updates within a board or about all activities of a user.
Initial Setup
Enable webhooks
- In the Administration panel→ Settings tab → API Settings menu item, activate the Enable Webhooks checkbox.
- From now on, webhooks can be configured via the PLANTA pulse REST API.
- The Print webhook debug logs checkbox can be used to configure whether debug logs for webhooks are to be printed.
- Where the logs are printed depends on the logger configuration.
- In order to subscribe to certain events in PLANTA pulse, configurations for webhooks can be added.
- It is possible to watch one or several objects and/or their child objects (e.g. all cards within a board).
- Both all activities or only certain activities of the objects can be watched.
- Webhook configurations can be added via the PLANTA pulse REST API using
POST /api/webhooks
. - Alternatively, webhooks can also be created and edited in the Administration panel → Webhooks
Example: A webhook which watches for when a list is renamed and when new users are added to a card within the list
const webhookExample = {
"endpoint": "https://example.url", // URL
"title": "New Webhook",
"description": "Watching a list",
"language": "en",
"format": "raw",
"author": "username",
"enabled": true, // you can turn off the webhook
"objects": {
"ids": [
"jvNyPn3zThWwMBYR9", "...", // Object IDs to watch, no different types possible
"type": "lists" // Object type
"watchActivitiesEnabled": true,
"watchActivities": [ // define activities to watch, don't add this if you want to watch any update
"renameList" // only triggers when a list title is changed
"watchChildActivitiesEnabled": true, // you can also turn off the child spectator
"watchChildTypes": [
"cards" // multiple types are allowed here
"watchChildActivities": [
"joinMember", "moveCard" // special acitvities to watch
Create Webhook in the Administration Panel
- Open the Administration panel → Webhooks.
- Click .
- Enter a Title for the webhook.
- If needed, enter a Description.
- Enter the Endpoint to which the webhook is supposed to send information.
- Select a Format.
- Generic: unformatted (Default)
- MS Teams: optimized for Microsoft Teams notifications
- Select the Type of the object to be watched.
- Enter the Object Id(s) of the objects to be watched.
- If several IDs are entered, they need to be separated using commas.
- Select whether the activities of the object are to be watched.
- In the Activities to Be Watched field, enter the activities to be watched.
- If nothing is entered, all activities of the object are watched.
- Select whether child elements are to be watched.
- If needed, specify which child elements are to be watched.
- If needed, specify which activities of the child elements are to be watched.
"endpoint": "string",
"title": "string",
"description": "string",
"language": "string",
"format": "string",
"author": "string",
"enabled": true,
"objects": {
"ids": [
"type": "string"
"watchActivitiesEnabled": true,
"watchActivites": [
"watchChildTypes": [
"watchChildActivities": [
"watchChildActivitiesEnabled": false,
Parameter | Optional? | Possible Values | Description |
endpoint | Required | String | URL of the webhook endpoint |
title | Required | String | Title of the webhook configuration |
description | Optional | String | Description of the webhook configuration |
language | Optional | de, en | Language in which notifications are sent (default= en ) |
format | Optional | raw, msteams | Format in which the webhook sends notifications Details
author | Required | String | User which is used as author |
enabled | Required | Boolean | De/activates the webhook configuration |
objects | Optional | Contains objects to be watched | |
| Required | String | IDs of the objects to be watched For |
| Required | global, projects, boards, cards, lists, swimlanes, users | Object type of the objects to be watched, can only contain one type Using |
watchActivitiesEnabled | Required | Boolean | Defines whether the activities of the object are to be watched |
watchActivities | Optional | String | Activities to be watched If nothing is defined, all activities are watched |
watchChildTypes | Optional | String | Child object types to be watched If nothing is defined, all child objects are watched |
watchChildActivities | Optional | String | Activities of child objects to be watched If nothing is defined, all activities are watched |
watchChildActivitiesEnabled | Optional | Boolean | Enables watching child activities |
Object Types
Object | Child objects |
Global | Projects, Boards, Swimlanes, Lists, Cards, Checklists, Comments, Workloads, Attachments |
Projects | Boards, Swimlanes, Lists, Cards, Checklists, Comments, Workloads, Attachments |
Boards | Swimlanes, Lists, Cards, Checklists, Comments, Workloads, Attachments |
Swimlanes / Lists | Cards, Checklists, Comments, Workloads, Attachments |
Cards | Checklists, Comments, Workloads, Attachments |
Users | / |