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Tutorial: Module Customizing (Level 3)


Task 1


  • In Test Module module, a field is defined as link.
    • If you click on this link, a message will be displayed.
      • If it is answered with Yes, another module is opened in which all the marked projects are displayed.
      • If it is answered with No, the project on which the link was clicked is marked.

Step 1: Preparation


  • For this task, another module must be customized (procedure as described in Module Workflow Level 1):
    • Module title: Project Data Sheet
    • create a data area with the following data fields and settings (as described in Module Workflow: Level 1 and assign it to the module:
      • DDI: 001001 Project ID
      • DI001001 Project ID and DI000690 Project name
      • Store @L30 in Filter from on the Project ID data field.
    • Insert a macro that filters within the on_initial_focus() Python function (for procedure see here).
  • Additionally, in the Project data area of the Test Module module, remove filter criterion 4811 from the Filter from field.

Step 2: Create a macro module for module call


  • To create a macro module that opens the Project Data Sheet
  • To provide this macro module on a data field on the Test Module module.

Store the Project Data Sheet module in the Global Settings


  • Open the Global Settings module.
    • Open Customizer → Master Data → Global Settings or
    • activate the Global Settings tab (the submodule) in the Modules panel.
  • For the Project Data Sheet module, create a new global setting and store a Python ID.
    • Select Insert → Global Settings from the context menu.
    • Select the requested class, here Module ID, in the Class listbox.
    • In the Alpha (120) field, enter the module ID of the project data sheet.
    • In the Python ID field, define a Python ID, e.g. pr_datasheet.
    • Save.

Create the Macro Module


  • Create a macro module (module with class = 6).
  • Open the Python editor by clicking on the Edit python macro button. A template is copied automatically.
    • This template is planned for modules with class = 4, and can thus not be deleted.
  • Store the following macro:
    • Please note: Entry Python_ID_ProjectDataSheet needs to be replaced by the value from the Python ID field of the newly created global setting of the project data sheet.
#Um die Modul-ID aus den globalen Einstellungen auslesen zu koennen 
#muss das Python-Modul global_setting importiert werden.
from ppms.global_setting import get_global_setting_value

# Definition des Modul-Objekts
mod_obj = ppms.get_target_module()

# Definition der Modul-ID. Diese wird mit Hilfe der selbst definierten Python-ID 
# aus den globalen Einstellungen ausgelesen.
target_mod_id = get_global_setting_value("Python_ID_Projektdatenblatt", 'alpha120')

#Auslesen der Projekt-ID des Datensatzes auf dem der Link aufgerufen wird
pr_id = ppms.get_context_df().get_record().get_df("pr_id").get_raw_value()

# Variable L30 fuer das Modul, das aufgerufen wird, setzen
mod_obj.set_new_L_var(30, [pr_id])

#Modul aufrufen
  • Save.


  • Instead of
pr_id = ppms.get_context_df().get_record().get_df("pr_id").get_raw_value()
  • you can also use the following (shorter) line:
pr_id = ppms.get_context_df().get_record().pr_id.get_raw_value()
  • When the link on the data field that is to be read (in this case: when customizing the link on the Project ID field), the following line can be used for reading:
pr_id = ppms.get_context_df().get_raw_value()


  • Define the Project name DI as a link (DF behavior = e4) and store the ID of the newly created macro module in the Action ID field in the Test Module module (Project data area).
  • Save.

Test Module


  • Start the Test Module module.
  • Click on the project name of a project: The Project Data Sheet module is opened and the project on which the link was clicked is displayed.

Step 3: Add a Dialog Message


  • The following dialog message should appear before the Project Data Sheet is opened: Do you really want to edit this project?
    • If the user answers the message with Yes: the Project Core Data module is opened.
    • If the user answers the message with No: If the project record of the selected project is marked.

Create Dialog Message


  • Open Customizer → Master Data → Dialog Messages.
  • Insert a new dialog message line by right-clicking and selecting Insert → Dialog Message.
  • Enter Do you really want to edit this project? in the Dialog message field.
  • Select 1 as a value in the Output type field.
  • Select Default button = 1 and Button type = 3.
  • Save.

Store the Dialog Message ID in the Global Settings


  • Open the Global Settings module.
    • Open Customizer → Master Data → Global Settings or
    • activate the Global Settings tab (the submodule) in the Modules panel.
  • For the dialog message, create a new global setting and specify a Python ID:
    • Select Insert → Global Settings from the context menu.
    • In the Class listbox, select the requested class, here Dialog message ID.
    • Enter the dialog message ID in the Alpha (120) field.
    • In the Python ID field, define a Python ID, e.g. pr_msg_box.
    • Save.

Adapt the Macro of the Macro Module


  • Open the macro module in the Python editor and adjust it in the following way:
    • Please note:
      • The Python_ID_Projektdatenblatt entry must be replaced by the value from the Python ID field of the global setting of the project data sheet.
      • The Python_ID_Dialogmeldung entry must be replaced by the value from the Python ID field of the newly created global setting of the dialog message.
from ppms.global_setting import get_global_setting_value
mod_obj = ppms.get_target_module()

# Definition der Modul-ID und der Dialogmeldungs-ID
target_mod_id = get_global_setting_value("Python_ID_Projektdatenblatt", 'alpha120')
dialog_id = get_global_setting_value("Python_ID_Dialogmeldung", 'alpha120')
pr_id = ppms.get_context_df().get_record().get_df("pr_id").get_raw_value()

mod_obj.set_new_L_var(30, [pr_id])

# Ausgabe der Dialogmeldung

# Klickt der Anwender auf "Ja" ("if"), wird das Modul aufgerufen, 
# sonst ("else") wird der Datensatz markiert.
if ppms.msg_pop().get_reply() == 1:

Test Module


  • Start the Test Module module.
  • Click on the project name of a project
  • The Do you really want to edit the project? dialog message is displayed.
    • If you click on Yes, the project data sheet is opened and the project on which the link was clicked on is displayed.
    • If you click on No, the project on which the link was clicked is marked.

Step 4: Display all Marked Projects


  • All of the marked projects are to be displayed in the Project Data Sheet module.
  • If no project has been marked, the project on which the link was clicked is to be displayed.

Adapt the Macro of the Macro Module


  • Open the macro module in the Python editor and adjust it in the following way:
    • Please note:
      • The Python_ID_Projektdatenblatt entry must be replaced by the value from the Python ID field of the global setting of the project data sheet.
      • The Python_ID_Dialogmeldung entry must be replaced by the value from the Python ID field of the newly created global setting of the dialog message.
from ppms.global_setting import get_global_setting_value
mod_obj = ppms.get_target_module()

target_mod_id = get_global_setting_value("Python_ID_Projektdatenblatt", 'alpha120')
dialog_id = get_global_setting_value("Python_ID_Dialogmeldung", 'alpha120')

#Definition einer Liste der markierten Datensaetze im Projektdatenbereich
#Ist kein Datensatz markiert, ist diese Liste leer
marked_records = ppms.get_context_df().get_record().get_da().get_marked_records()

#Definition einer neuen leeren Liste

# Ist in der Liste "marked_records" mindestens ein Datensatz vorhanden, wird fuer jeden Datensatz in der 
# Liste "marked_records" die Projekt-ID ausgelesen und in die Liste "project_list" geschrieben. 
# Zusaetzlich wird die Projekt-ID des Datensatzes, auf dem der Link aktiviert wurde, in die 
# Liste geschrieben.
if len(marked_records) > 0:
    for record in marked_records:
        cur_pr_id = record.pr_id.get_raw_value()

# Ist die Liste "marked_records" leer, wird die Projekt-ID des Datensatzes, auf dem der Link aktiviert 
# wurde, in die Liste geschrieben.

mod_obj.set_new_L_var(30, project_list)


if ppms.msg_pop().get_reply() == 1:

Test Module


  • Start the Test Module module.
  • Mark several projects and click on the project name of a project
  • The Do you really want to edit the project? dialog message is displayed.
    • If you click on Yes, the project data sheet is opened and all marked projects and the project on which the link was clicked on are displayed.
    • If you click on No, the project on which the link was clicked is marked.

Task 2


  • Furthermore, the Task Data Sheet in which all milestones of the project on which the link was clicked are displayed are to be opened from the Test Module.
  • The module is to be opened behind the Project Data Sheet.


  • This task is based on task 1.

Step 1: Preparation


Step 2: Open the Task Data Sheet

Store the Task Data Sheet in the Global Settings


  • Open the Global Settings module.
    • Open Customizer → Master Data → Global Settings or activate the Global Settings tab (submodule) in the Modules panel.
  • For the Task Data Sheet module, create a new global setting and store a Python ID:
    • Select Insert → Global Settings from the context menu.
    • Select the requested class, here Module ID, in the Class listbox.
    • Enter the module ID of the task data sheet in the Alpha (120) field.
    • In the Python ID field, define a Python ID, e.g. task_datasheet.
    • Save.

Adapt the Macro Module


  • Open the macro module in the Python editor and adjust it the following way:
    • Please note:
      • The Python_ID_Projektdatenblatt entry must be replaced by the value from the Python ID field of the global setting of the project data sheet.
      • The Python_ID_Dialogmeldung entry must be replaced by the value from the Python ID field of the newly created global setting of the dialog message.
      • The Python_ID_Vorgangsdatenblatt entry must be replaced by the value from the Python ID field of the global setting of the task data sheet.
from ppms.global_setting import get_global_setting_value

mod_obj = ppms.get_target_module()

# Definition der Modul-IDs und der Dialogmeldungs-ID
target_mod_id = get_global_setting_value("Python_ID_Projektdatenblatt", 'alpha120')
dialog_id = get_global_setting_value("Python_ID_Dialogmeldung", 'alpha120')
target_task_mod_id = get_global_setting_value("Python_ID_Vorgangsdatenblatt", 'alpha120') 

marked_records = ppms.get_context_df().get_record().get_da().get_marked_records()

pr_id = ppms.get_context_df().get_record().pr_id.get_raw_value()

pr_list = [pr_id]

if len(marked_records) > 0:
    for record in marked_records:
        cur_pr_id = record.pr_id.get_raw_value()

mod_obj.set_new_L_var(30, pr_list)


if ppms.msg_pop().get_reply() == 1:
    pr_mod_obj = mod_obj.open_module(target_mod_id, forced_status=1)
    # Oeffnen des Vorgangsdatenblattes
    task_mod_obj = pr_mod_obj.open_module(target_task_mod_id, forced_status=2, dock_to_module = pr_mod_obj.get_uid(), foreground=0, focus=0)
    # Ausfuehren der Methode "get_tasks" mit dem Uebergabeparameter "pr_id" 
    # Diese Methode wird im naechsten Modul im Vorgangsdatenblatt definiert.

Change the Macro in the Task Data Sheet


  • The milestones of the project which is opened by clicking on the link is to be displayed.


  • A get_tasks method is defined, which writes the tasks of the project specified with Milestone = 2 to a list (task_list).
  • This list is written in the @L11 list variable.


  • Create a new record in the SQL Statements module and rename the statement. Subsequently, create an SQL procedure code with the following SQL Statement: Select DI001098 FROM DT463 WHERE DI001097='{0}' AND DI006786='{1}'
  • Change the macro in the Task Data Sheet in the following way:
    • Please note: The SQL Statement ID entry must be replaced by the value from the Statement field of the newly created statement.
# Definition der Methode get_tasks
def get_tasks(pr_id):
    sql_query_result = ppms.db_select(sql_query)
    for record in sql_query_result:

    mod_obj.set_current_L_var(11, task_list)

mod_obj = ppms.get_target_module()

def on_load():
    # Stellt die Methode "get_tasks" dem Modulobjekt zur Verfuegung
    mod_obj.get_tasks = get_tasks

def on_initial_focus():

def on_focus():

def on_reset():

def on_before_mv_switch(old_mv, new_mv):

def on_after_mv_switch(old_mv, new_mv):

Test Module


  • Start the Test Module module.
  • Mark several projects and click on the project title of a project.
  • The Do you really want to edit the project? dialog message is displayed.
    • If you click on Yes:
      • the project data sheet is opened and all marked projects and the project on which the link was clicked on are displayed.
      • Additionally, the Task Data Sheet is displayed behind the Project Data Sheet. In this module the milestones of the project on which the link was clicked on are displayed.
    • If you click on No, the project on which the link was clicked is marked.
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